Wednesday, September 12, 2007
They're Growing Like Weeds!

Kotah and Shae had their yearly physical today. They are both in tip top shape. Kotah has grown a bit in the past year. Her current stats have her at a weight of 72lbs and height of 4ft. That is 9lb gain and 1 1/2 inch growth from last year. Would you believe that she has her older brother outweighed by 6lbs?!? She is a solid kid. Wonder where that comes from? :)
Shae has grown a bit as well. She is currently at a weight of 49lbs and a height of 46 3/4 inches. That is a 5lb gain and 2 1/4 inch growth from last year. She is so tiny compared to Kotah but believe me,she holds her own. She takes after her dad when it comes to her size.
They both got chicken pox booster shots. I literally had to pull Shae out from under the table so the dr could give her the shot. She made it through it and I told her that her arm probably wouldn't fall off. Yes,I know I'm mean :) I have to keep an eye on Shae's tonsils because the dr said that they looked a little on the large side. Another tonsilectomy is just what I want to deal with again. Hopefully they won't get any bigger.
All in all it was a good visit to the dr...