Thursday, August 16, 2007
Surgery Day
Today was gram's hysterectomy. We had to be at the hospital at 5:15 am. That meant up at 4 am. I don't think I need to tell you how tired I am right now.
Her surgery went ok. She was in surgery longer than what we were told. That was due to the amount of blood loss that she had. Her time in recovery was equally as long due to the same factor. She didn't get into her room until 2:45 this afternoon. That meant I had to sit and worry and wait for 7 hours. Not fun. I spoke to her surgeon after he finished her surgery and he said it went reasonably well. Not really what I wanted to hear. Would have rather heard that it went great. He said that she was a bleeder. That worried me because of her almost bleeding to death after her last surgery a few months ago.
When they finally brought her to her room I was there waiting. I almost broke down because she looked like she was dead. She was so pale. I didn't breathe until I saw her move. She had tubes everywhere. She was on her second bag of blood. She couldn't talk too well because they had to put tubes down her throat. And she was in quite a bit of pain. It literally hurt to see her in so much pain and I couldn't do anything to help her. Her blood pressure worried me a bit. They took it 4 times while I was there and the top number was in the 101 - 115 range and the bottom number was in the 57 - 64 range. I'm guessing that's due to the amount of blood she lost.
I stayed with her for a little while but she could barely stay awake. I didn't want to leave but she told me to go home and get some sleep. Even in the condition that she's in she still worries about me. I went begrudgingly but told her I would be back first thing in the morning. I left my number at the desk and told the nurses to call if anything happened and for the dr to call me when he came to see her if I wasn't there.
I hope that all goes well and she has a quick recovery. Many prayers would be greatly appreciated. I will keep you posted.....Labels: family