Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Happy Birthday Kotah Bear!
Today my oldest daughter is 8 years old. I don't know where the time went. She is growing up so fast. She is such a smart,sweet,considerate,caring,helpful little girl. I am so proud of her.

I remember when she was born. She was so tiny. Only 6 lbs and 1 oz. She had it kinda rough as a baby as far as eating went. She was always spitting up and had an awful rash under her neck. Her dad and uncle gave her the nickname "Pukerat the Unclean" because she spit up so much. Thankfully her tummy settled down and she was able to keep things down. When she was around 2 or 3 she had to wear a brace on her leg because she had Blount's Disease which is a curvature of the bone. That didn't stop her from getting where she wanted to go. She mastered the stairs the first day she had it. The brace worked and it corrected her leg.

Well,she's definitely not my 6 lb little baby girl anymore. But that's ok. She will always be my little girl no matter how big she gets. She overcomes any obstacles put in her way she usually does it with a smile. I am so thankful that she is mine.

Happy Birthday baby girl. Mommy loves you......

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