Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Tough Guys Wear Pink

I do believe I have witnessed a miracle. Jordan's father actually bought him school clothes!!! He called me last nite to tell me he was bringing Jordan home and said that Jordan told him that I didn't get him anything for school. I told him that he had all of his school supplies but no new clothes because I didn't have the money right now. A few minutes later his wife calls back and says that Jordan will be late because they were going to JC Penney's to buy Jordan and their other son new school clothes and new sneakers. I thought I was going to faint. Lo and behold he walks in an hour later with new sneakers,4 new pairs of pants and 6 new shirts. I thanked them and thought to myself "well I guess you think that you're dad of the year now".

Anyway,Jordan picked out this one shirt that I thought was great. It's pink! I told him that he had more guts than daddy (Pat) because I tried to buy him a pink shirt one time and he told me he wouldn't wear it. Wuss. My boy has guts! You have to read what the shirt says - it's hilarious.Labels: kids