Saturday, September 15, 2007
Gram is Home!

On a surprising note my gram went home this past Wednesday nite. I was shocked but relieved to hear it. They wanted to boot her out of the hospital on Tuesday but she refused to go because she wasn't feeling well. The case worker told her that the only rehab place with a bed was Van Duyn. Un no,I don't think so. Turns out she lied. She never checked out Birchwood or Syracuse Homes because she already had the paperwork in to Van Duyn. My uncle Todd took care of her.

When the rest of the family found out about that they decided that she would be much better off at home. My aunt Debbie is taking 2 weeks off from work under the FMLA. If my gram still needs help after that then my mom will do the same thing. She has nurses coming twice a day to change her bandages and physical therapists coming in 3-5 times a week to help her move again. They are a wonderful bunch of people. They are the same ones that came the last 2 times for her. Anyway,when she found out this was going to happen she cried for almost an hour. She was going on about how she didn't deserve any of us and how she was interupting all of our lives. Totally NOT the case. After she calmed down she was smiling and excited to be going home.

I stopped in to see her the day after she got home as well as yesterday. It is so nice seeing her at home. She looks good and she looks happy. I really think that recooping at home is the best thing for her. She will get better much quicker. She is eating like she should be which is going to help strengthen her. She walks from her bed to a chair in her room. She is making bits of progress every day. I am crossing my fingers that everything is going to be fine from here on out. No more setbacks!

While I was with her last nite she said to me,"I really miss our little talks." Put me in tears why don't ya! I told her that I did too and it was so tough on me while she was in the hospital because I wasn't able to talk to her on the phone. I am used to talking to her at least once a day sometimes more. I can always count on her to be there for me and it was so hard when I couldn't talk to her. But that's all better now and I have my gram back :)

I had to put this picture with this blog. It is one of my favorites. It was taken 23 years ago. It may be a bit hard to see but I love it :)

Love you Gram!

Blogged at 7:07 AM - 1 comments

I'm Charmed
I am a proud wife and an extremely proud mother of 4 beautiful children.I spend a great deal of time with my Gram.I love playing with my kids.I love quiet nites with my husband.I love my alone time.I do not like being taken advantage of. I don't like selfish people or people that have to be dramatic 24/7......
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Previous Post
- They're Growing Like Weeds!
- Are You Ready For Some Football!!!
- Tough Guys Wear Pink
- Happy Birthday Kotah Bear!
- Please Don't Take Her
- It Just Keeps On Coming
- Hi,I'm Charmed....
- The Next Step
- Will this EVER End?!?
- Gram's Home!


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