Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Forever Charmed

I had my heart broken yesterday. I went to Barnes & Noble to get my Charmed magazine that is published bimonthly. When I got out to the car I did what I always do and I flipped to the last page to see the next publication date. I gasped as I read what I had been dreading for a while now. The issue that I was holding was to be the last.

Gram was next to me and asked what was wrong. I explained to her that not only had my show been taken away and my book series ended but now my magazine was done,too. I sat there rambling and I think she was amused by it! I was a wreck! They may as well have ripped out my heart,thrown it on the ground and stomped on it!

Maybe I'm being a bit dramatic but I LOVE everything Charmed. Anybody that knows me knows that. I have trading cards,stickers,coasters,clocks,jewelry,magazines,books,
playing cards,cds,scripts,autographs(thanx KK),stamps,notebooks,pillowcases,purses,
bags,curtains...the list goes on and on. I plan on getting a tattoo as well but need to do a bit of research before I go out and let someone permanently color on my skin. Yes,I know I'm obsessed and I'm proud of it :)

They couldn't just leave well enough alone and continue my show,books and magazines. What am I supposed to do now?! I used to look forward to going to the bookstore to get the latest book and/or magazine. How could they do to me?!? I think I'm going to need a support group :/Labels: misc