Tuesday, June 24, 2008
We are the CHAMPIONS!

That's right ladies and gentlemen...you are looking at the 2008 Minor Softball Little League Champions! Woo-hoo! I wish you all could have been there. I have never seen a more exciting game. It was such a tight game and the stress levels were through the roof. I think I aged about 20 years tonite!
It was a close game. The teams were neck and neck throughout the whole game and at the end of the 5th inning it was a tie game. Had it been a regular game it would have ended that way but being the championship game they had to play until someone won. The game went 7 innings and didn't end until close to 10 pm! There was no score until the bottom of the 7th inning and I am extremely proud to say that my daughter - Dakotah - scored the winning run for our team! The final score was 15-14.
Dakotah has been on Cloud 9 since the game ended. She couldn't wait to get home so that she could call her dad in Oregon and tell him what she had done. She said that he was going to be so proud of her and I know he was. She's pretty wired so I hope she'll be able to get some sleep tonite :)
It has been an awesome season for these girls. They have worked so hard and tonite it all paid off for them. Coach has done some amazing things with this team. They are a great group of girls. And this was a much deserved win.