Thursday, September 20, 2007
Sad Kotah Bear

My little Kotah Bear is down in the dumps. Her dad and stepmom left yesterday to go back home to Oregon after visiting for a week. She just about tore my heart out when we were saying goodbye to them at the airport. She was so upset. She didn't want them to leave. She just cried and cried. I know that it was just as hard for them to leave her,too. (I hope you guys are doing ok) I know in a few days or so she'll perk back up but she has been so mopey since they left.

Dean and Sara - you guys mean the world to that little girl. I know that nothing would make her happier than to have you move back here. I hope that sometime in the near future that will be possible. I know how happy she was while she was with you. She loves you so much.

Even if you can't move back this way anytime soon you'll at least have to come visit again. Sara,you and I have some hanging out to do. I had a great time shopping with you but we really didn't get to go out and just relax. So next time you come I am going to kidnap you! I also had a blast doing Kotah's party with you. We can throw one hell of a party! :) And there is still a ton of cake left!!!

Bottom line...we miss you guys already and hope to see you again very soon :)


Blogged at 11:41 AM - 3 comments

I'm Charmed
I am a proud wife and an extremely proud mother of 4 beautiful children.I spend a great deal of time with my Gram.I love playing with my kids.I love quiet nites with my husband.I love my alone time.I do not like being taken advantage of. I don't like selfish people or people that have to be dramatic 24/7......
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Previous Post
- Football Week 2
- A Fairy Good Time
- Gram is Home!
- They're Growing Like Weeds!
- Are You Ready For Some Football!!!
- Tough Guys Wear Pink
- Happy Birthday Kotah Bear!
- Please Don't Take Her
- It Just Keeps On Coming
- Hi,I'm Charmed....


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