Monday, May 5, 2008
Muck Dogs Game 2
***Jordan and Shaelyn have the same team name even though they are on different levels...and I don't know where they got the name "Muck Dogs" from***
Jordan had his second game Saturday. He has grown to like playing softball in these past few weeks. His attitude towards it has completely changed since he has had some practice. He feels like he is better at it than when he first started. I told him that it would just take a little time.

He wanted to win their game but unfortunately they lost 13-15. Jordan scored 2 of their runs. They played a good game but it came down to their pitcher walking enough of the other team to put them ahead. I was very impressed with the way Jordan reacted to their loss. I was hoping that it wouldn't get him down. He said that it was ok and that they had another game coming which meant another chance to win. That's my boy!

He actually has 3 games this week - Tuesday,Friday and Saturday. One is a make-up game from last week when they were rained out. No practices for him since they have so many games. He is going to be beat by the weekend :)Labels: kids, sports