Thursday, April 24, 2008
*@#% Update

Gram ended up going home later that afternoon. Todd kept me updated throughout the day. He was finally able to get the whole story and it seems that when gram was at the sink washing her face her nose started gushing. It was coming from both sides and then she started to feel it running down the back of her throat. She knew it wasn't going to stop so she called 911. When the EMT's got there they took her bp and it was 250/200. I have never seen her bp go that high. They took it again and it was down a bit to 200/174. By the time she got to the hospital it was 174/150 - still high but much better than the first bp they took.

The dr at the hospital gave her some pain pills and put her on some steroids. In other words - he had no idea what was wrong with her. He told her that the pain she was having was due to her arthritis and something about a pinched nerve. He told her to take the steroids for 5 days and if the pain subsided then they knew that was what the problem was. If not then it must be something else. Very reassuring :/ She called me when she got home and told me what the dr had said. He also wanted her to make an appt with her dr so she made one for the next day.

That trip to the dr was well worth it. She read the results of the MRI that gram had done last week. Her back between her L1 and L5 vertabrae is a serious mess. She has bulging discs,degenerative bone disease,severe arthritis,narrowing of her spinal column and discs pushing into her spinal column. Her dr is going to set her up with a pain clinic to see if they can do anything to help. The pain pills seem to be working well for her but the steroids were a completely different story. Gram was very dizzy and disoriented from taking them that morning. The dr took them right away from her and threw them in the garbage. With the meds that she is on the dr in the hospital never should have given them to her.

Gram has felt much better in the last few days. Her pain pills have helped her sleep better at nite which is something that she gets very little of. Hopefully the pain clinic will do some good. If not she may be a candidate for surgery. Let's just hope that it doesn't have to go in that direction. Thanx for all of your prayers and concerns.


Blogged at 2:01 PM - 2 comments

I'm Charmed
I am a proud wife and an extremely proud mother of 4 beautiful children.I spend a great deal of time with my Gram.I love playing with my kids.I love quiet nites with my husband.I love my alone time.I do not like being taken advantage of. I don't like selfish people or people that have to be dramatic 24/7......
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- *@#%
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- Got Milk?
- Happy Easter!
- America's Next Top Model


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