Monday, April 14, 2008
Play Ball!
Jordan decided that this year he wanted to play baseball. He had his first practice last Tuesday. He seemed to be enjoying it at first but by the end of practice he didn't look too impressed. I think part of it was that he didn't have his own glove yet and he had to use one of the coaches which was too big for him.

He rode home with dad and they had a little talk. Seems that Jordan felt kind of funny because some of the other kids were pretty good at baseball. Pat explained to him that they had played before and that's why they were good. Those boys were once in Jordan's position. Not only that but his sisters probably felt the same way last year because that was their first time playing,too. On top of all of that it was his first practice. He told Jordan that he would work with him and that he would be just as good if not better than the other boys soon enough. We would also go get all of the equipment he needed so he had his own stuff.

Later in the evening he came out and told me that his finger hurt. I looked at it and it was swollen and starting to turn black and blue. I had him put some ice on it and Pat taped his fingers together. The next morning it looked a bit worse and part of his hand was bothering him so I took him to the dr. I was hoping nothing was broken. The dr sent us downstairs for xrays. Turns out he had just jammed his finger pretty good so the dr said to keep it taped for a few days and take tylenol for the pain. Thankfully he wasn't going to have practice for a week so it gave him time to heal. After all of this I hope that he has learned that you are supposed to catch the ball with the glove and not your hand!Labels: kids, sports