Thursday, April 24, 2008
Pizza Hut Ban

Michelle,I have decided to join your ban on Pizza Hut. After last nite's escapade I am in full agreement with you. We ordered pizza for lunch yesterday and by 11 pm it was coming back up with a vengence. I started not feeling well around 9:30 pm and Pat said I was probably just overtired from demolishing the livingroom. I knew that it wasn't a bug because the last two times one was floating around it missed me - at least the puking part did. The only other alternative was food poisoning and I knew that it had to come from the pizza because that was all I had eaten that day.

I ended up praying to the porcelain god most of the nite. I took a bowl downstairs with me because I was getting weak and I knew that I wouldn't make it upstairs. At this point I have to say that I have the world's best husband. I ended up getting sick a few times while I was downstairs and he came right down to check on me and empty my bowl for me. He even brought me down a damp towel for my head and took my temp to make sure I wasn't running a fever. He must really love me if he'll clean up after me like that :)

I didn't sleep most of the nite. I was sick until around 4 am and I finally decided to take a Zofran. Whoever invented that was a genius. I went to bed after that but was awake quite a bit because I was so thirsty. I kept drinking water all the while praying that it would stay down. Thankfully it did. I am feeling cruddy today so the hubby told me to take it easy. I have tried to but the housework doesn't do itself. Shh!!! Don't tell! I hope that by tomorrow I will be feeling much better. I have softball practices and games to get to this weekend.

P.S. Thanx for taking such good care of me babe! I love you :)


Blogged at 3:19 PM - 8 comments

I'm Charmed
I am a proud wife and an extremely proud mother of 4 beautiful children.I spend a great deal of time with my Gram.I love playing with my kids.I love quiet nites with my husband.I love my alone time.I do not like being taken advantage of. I don't like selfish people or people that have to be dramatic 24/7......
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