Monday, October 20, 2008
A Nite with Collin

What a nite! And it was over so quickly. I love going to see Collin at the Turning Stone. It's something that I look forward to every year.
I ended up going by myself and had a blast especially because I was seated 10 feet from the stage. I ran into a couple of my son's aunts that I haven't seen in a while. I chatted with them for a bit before the show started.
Collin was phenomenal as usual. He never fails to put on a thrilling show. And as always he sounded spectacular. His shows are solid proof of the exceptional talent that he possesses. He was cracking jokes left and right tonite. He's a pretty funny guy. Lucky for him I'm married or I'd bag him and take him home - regardless of the fact that he is old enough to be my father - he is one fine man ;)
The only let down to the evening was that the use of cameras was not permitted. WTF! I finally have a camera that I can take killer pictures with and I can't capture that gorgeous man on film! Figures. Such an injustice.
On my way out I bought a picture of Collin that will be framed and then hung up on my wall - whether the husband likes it or not. Once I got on the road I called gram to let her know that I was ok. She has been fretting for weeks over the fact that I was going alone. She said there were plenty of crazies out there that could kidnap me or worse. Trust me - they'd give me back :) I told her that I was a big girl and I was more than capable of handling myself. I guess to her no matter how old I am I'll always be her little girl.
Now I must somehow make it through another year before I get to set my sights on Collin again. Why must all good things come to an end?Labels: music