Thursday, June 19, 2008
TV Star

Most of you don't know about the BS that is going on in our school district. To make it short and sweet the incompetent superintendent of the Baldwinsville school district has decided to cause an upheaval in many of our schools to fill two open principal positions. Instead of doing the smart thing and either promote from within the school or hire two new people she has decided to switch around the principals. This decision had created a lot of conflict at Reynolds. She is moving our principal to Palmer and sending the high school principal to our school. Most of the parents are furious with this because it was pretty much thrown into our laps a week or so ago. We were not told ahead of time and they don't care to listen to our objections or concerns. It has been all over the news here. And last nite I was a part of it :)

It was nothing that I did on purpose. I was going to the school to drop Dakotah back off after the MRI that didn't happen (another story altogether) and go to her class picnic. I turned onto the small street that goes to the school and had to park there because the lot and circle were full. There was an SUV parked in front of me facing my car. The woman that was standing there smiled at me and walked over to me as I got out of my car. I thought she was going to tell me to move for some reason. She introduced herself to me as Lisa Spitz from Channel 3 News. She wanted to know if I knew about the situation with our principal and if it upset me. I said I did and yes it did and she asked if she could ask me a few questions. Of course I said yes! I am willing to do anything I can to keep our principal at our school. I ended up being on the news at 5 pm. It was short and sweet but it was neat to see myself on tv. The kids thought it was cool. My little on camera appearance for 20 seconds may not prove anything but hey - you never know.

I don't want to lose Mr.Frey. He is an excellent principal. He is an outstanding person as well. He has personally helped my family out on a few different occasions. When the incident with Shaelyn happened 3 years ago he was right there to offer any help that either Shaelyn or my family needed. When I requested that Shaelyn have the teachers that my other children had because they already knew her story he was very accomodating and saw that it happened. He also made sure there was room for Skylar at the school when we brought her to New York. He knows everyone,students and parents,by first and last names. He is outside to greet and say goodbye to the kids everyday - rain or shine. He reads books to them on their birthdays. He would have lunch with them when they made the Excellence Team. How many other principals do you know that would even begin to do those things? None that I can think of.

The decision is final according to the superintendent. But it's not to the parents or to the children. There is now a petition going around that is demanding for the immediate removal of the superintendent and the school board president from their positions. And if that doesn't work we'll try something else. The parents and students of Reynolds will not let Mr.Frey go without a knock down drag out fight!


Blogged at 2:29 PM - 4 comments

I'm Charmed
I am a proud wife and an extremely proud mother of 4 beautiful children.I spend a great deal of time with my Gram.I love playing with my kids.I love quiet nites with my husband.I love my alone time.I do not like being taken advantage of. I don't like selfish people or people that have to be dramatic 24/7......
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