Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Searing Heat

Another busy weekend! What's new? Things should calm down a bit after softball ends. Another 2 weeks and we should be at the playoffs point. The mighty Sunbirds rallied and were back strong as ever on Saturday. They played great - even in the scorching heat. The other team ended up forfeiting the game at the top of the 5th inning because they were dropping like flies. Their coach had to bench 2 of the girls because they were dehydrated. Uh duh! You need to keep them drinking! We were winning 11-3 and coach wanted to finish the game out. The other coach didn't and some of her parents were copping attitudes. One lady was like "They're tired! You're winning anyway so why do you care if we quit!" That's all I needed to hear to get my mouth going. I stated rather loudly that some people should lose their bad attitude because they were a bad example for the kids. And surprisingly this time I wasn't the only one with something to say. The parents on our team must have learned from the last incident. ** on a side note relating to that incident - our bookkeeper told us that the ump from that game had apologized to coach. Big deal! He should've apologized to Kiana! **

I was at the field all day Saturday. Shae played during and after the girls game and then Jordan had a game at 1 pm. His game ended early but it wasn't because the other team quit. At the bottom of the 4th his team was winning 9-0. If you get to 10 and the other team hasn't scored you win. I was glad that it ended early because I was burning up - literally. This is what I looked like later that nite....

I know the redness doesn't show up too well but believe me it's there! My back and legs look the same. I took this pic yesterday so I may have lost some of the color. I didn't feel the effects of it until later that nite. It hurt but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle.

After we got home from the game the kids wanted to swim but the pool wasn't quite ready yet. I borrowed a sprinkler from our neighbor and let them have at it. They had a good time and were able to cool themselves off a bit. I had to mow the lawn so after they were done I dragged out our piece of junk mower and tried to start it. It took me like 20 tries. I thought I was going to lose my arm! I finally got it started and got half of the yard done when it got into some wet grass near the shed and died. Usually it starts right back up after it's been running but this time was the exception. I could not get it to start again. I literally almost passed out trying. I gave up and put the mower away. The hubby was either going to have to finish the lawn or get the mower started for me. I was so hot and sweaty that I had to get a shower. I had to sit down in the shower because I thought I was going to pass out. I'm thinking I may have had a bit of heat exhaustion.

Today I need to go buy a new mower. The lawn is driving me nuts being half done. Not to mention it looks ridiculous! It's not supposed to be as hot today so hopefully I can get it finished. This heat has been unbearable! Time to get the AC going!

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I'm Charmed
I am a proud wife and an extremely proud mother of 4 beautiful children.I spend a great deal of time with my Gram.I love playing with my kids.I love quiet nites with my husband.I love my alone time.I do not like being taken advantage of. I don't like selfish people or people that have to be dramatic 24/7......
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- Happy Anniversary Todd & Cynthia
- Sleeping Beauties
- What a Nite!
- Beauty Queen
- Busy Weekend
- D.A.R.E.
- Happy Birthday Jordan!
- I've Been Replaced
- A Stompin' on the Field
- Live from Rockefeller Plaza...


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