Monday, June 16, 2008
Happy Birthday Gram!

Today my gram turns 79. If you had asked me a year or so ago I would have told you that I wasn't sure if she would make it to her next birthday. But God obviously wanted her to and she made it and she is doing well. You all know what she has gone through since last May. It was like riding one huge,sickening rollercoaster. I know that all the prayers that were made on her behalf from all of you helped tremendously and I can't thank you guys enough for that.

My gram has been such a huge part of my life ever since I can remember. She has always been there for me. She has always taken care of me. She is like my mom. My mom and I didn't get along very well when I was younger and I lived with my gram most of my childhood. If asked I would say that she was the one that raised me. She fed me and clothed me and took care of me. I shudder to think what my life would have been like without her.

I am so grateful that during her ordeal last year I was able to take over her role and care for her. I have always done everything that I could for her but that time was special. I was able to let her come live with me. I was able to be there in her time of need so that she didn't have to suffer in some nursing home. She didn't want to impose but I insisted and I know that she was glad that I did. I really miss having her here even though I see her all the time.

My gram is an extraordinary woman. Not only did she raise her own children alone (my grandfather died when my mom was 9) she also took in foster children. Most if not all of them were mentally retarded. At any time she could have had up to 16 or 17 kids in her house. She ended up adopting 2 of them. And she helped raise her grandchildren. This woman deserves to have a holiday named after her!

Happy Birthday Gram! I love you bunches and am very proud to call myself your granddaughter. I only hope that one day I can be as amazing of a woman as you are. You truly are the best. Love you!


Blogged at 9:21 AM - 4 comments

I'm Charmed
I am a proud wife and an extremely proud mother of 4 beautiful children.I spend a great deal of time with my Gram.I love playing with my kids.I love quiet nites with my husband.I love my alone time.I do not like being taken advantage of. I don't like selfish people or people that have to be dramatic 24/7......
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