Sunday, March 2, 2008
Happy Birthday Hadlei!

Today my baby girl turns 3! I can't believe she is that age already. It seems like just yesterday that she made her grand entrance into the world and made her mama the talk of the hospital. Long story short - I was induced at around 7 am and they only got me up to a 6 when she decided she was ready to come out. The nurses nonchalantly came in to check me and found that her head was basically out. They all started running around like a bunch of nuts while I continued to push her out. I didn't have time to wait for them to get their act together. I had warned them beforehand that I do this type of thing pretty quickly. Hadlei was born at 8:39 am. When my favorite dr - Dr.Ryu - came into to see me he said,"So you're the one that everyone in the hospital is talking about." I guess they had never seen an induction go so quickly. What can I say? I like to get things done!
Hadlei has blown us away with how smart she is. She crawled and sat up alone at 5 months. She walked at 9 months and started talking shortly thereafter. She is such a smart little girl. Everyone that meets her thinks that she is older than she is because she is so inteligent. I know that I'm bragging but I can't help it. She is one in a million. I can't wait for her to start preschool this year. Hopefully her teacher doesn't try to send her straight to Kindergarten :)
Happy Birthday to my very special little girl. Mommy and daddy love you so much and we are so proud of you. Enjoy your birthday my little Hadderbees! Big hugs and kisses!Labels: holiday, kids