Friday, February 8, 2008
Hadlei Has Holes in Her Head!

Yes,you heard me right...I said that Hadlei has holes in her head. Two to be exact and they're in her ears. I took Hadlei and Skylar shopping last week and Sky wanted to get her ears pierced. As Sky was having her ears done Hadlei spoke up and said that she wanted to get her ears pierced,too. I asked her a few times to make sure that she really wanted to do it. She kept telling me yes so I let her get them done.
She was a little champ. She knew what was coming because she watched Sky get it done. She was a bit skiddish so I had her sit on my lap. I tried to distract her while the two people pierced her at the same time. She cried for a minute or so and then she was fine. What a little trooper!
Hadlei has been so proud to show off her earrings to everyone. She says that she has "2 earrins - 1,2". And yes she calls them "earrins". It's the cutest thing. I hope she is satisfied with her earrings for a while and doesn't want to move on to something like a tattoo!Labels: kids