Wednesday, January 9, 2008
My Sweet Brother

My brother is the best. We were close growing up and we still are. We used to keep each other out of trouble(remember the golf club Tys?)He comes to me for advice and he even listens to it some of the time! ;) He called me yesterday and said something to me that truly touched me.

He recently got back together with his high school sweetheart,Sarah. I was very happy to hear this because I have always liked Sarah. She is a very sweet,caring,
thoughtful and kind woman. We always got along very well and I have always wanted to have a SIL like that. If things work out for them maybe I will.

Sarah has an adorable little girl named Ava who is about 7 months old. Tyson called me to find out if I would take care of Ava for them if they ever needed/wanted someone to when they went out. Before I could answer him he said that they had asked me because "I have done a good job raising my kids and I am a good mother" and that Sarah trusts me. The boy almost had me in tears! It meant so much to me to hear that from him. And it meant a lot to have Sarah's trust because I of all people know how hard it is to trust someone with my children. He made my day.

I always knew that I had a great family and when something like this happens it just reinforces that. Thanx Tyson and Sarah.....Love you both!


Blogged at 10:39 PM - 2 comments

I'm Charmed
I am a proud wife and an extremely proud mother of 4 beautiful children.I spend a great deal of time with my Gram.I love playing with my kids.I love quiet nites with my husband.I love my alone time.I do not like being taken advantage of. I don't like selfish people or people that have to be dramatic 24/7......
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