Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Frosty's Friends

It has snowed a little bit in the past few days so the girls decided to go out and make snowmen. Shaelyn went out first and started hers but then it started to rain/sleet/snow so she had to come in. It didn't last long so she went back out to finish her project. Hadlei had been watching her from the window and wanted to make a snowman like her big sister. So we suited up and went outside to make a snowman.

Hadlei had a ball carrying the snow over to her little pile that was slowly becoming her snowman. She did a really good job. She even picked out her own stones for his face. She was so proud of her snowman when she finished that she wanted me to take her picture. So of course I had to oblige her request.

Shaelyn's snowman turned out pretty good. She did it all by herself. As you can see it's as tall as she is. She attempted to make another one but she gave up on it halfway through. So I have 2 1/2 snowmen in my yard :) She was in such a hurry to get out into the yard to finish her first snowman that she put her snowpants on over her jacket instead of underneath it. I think she looks pretty silly!

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