Thursday, September 4, 2008
Happy Birthday Dakotah!

9 years ago today,at 1:38 am,my beautiful little girl made her entrance into this world. She ended up coming 9 days early. And I barely made it to the hospital. I had worked all day and was in labor for most of it. I went to stay at my gram's that nite and ended up calling my mom to come get me. She drove into Liverpool from Elbridge and I told her that she had to haul ass to the hospital. I went straight to the ER and they brought me out a wheelchair and told me to sit down. At that very moment I was having a contraction and I couldn't sit down so I snapped at the nurse. I was then wheeled into a room and given a gown to change into so that the dr could check me. As soon as I got the gown on my water broke. I got up on the bed and yelled for the dr. In he came and out came Dakotah all within a minute or so.

I didn't know what I was having so I was thrilled when I found out it was a girl. She was so tiny - 6lbs 1oz and 18 inches long. She had a rough start with feeding because most formulas made her sick. It took months before I found one that worked for her. She didn't walk as early as I thought she would and after going to see a pediatric orthopedic dr I found out that she had Blount's Disease which is a curvature of the bone. She had to be fitted for a brace and wear it until her leg straightened itself out. I was worried that she would have a hard time walking with it but she was amazing. She was going up and down our stairs the first day. Thankfully the brace worked and her leg is the way it should be.

Kotah has always been my quiet,sweet girl. I never really have had any problems with her. According to my gram she is a lot like I was as a kid. She has such a big heart and is always willing to help. She is just an all around good kid.

To my sweet girl on her birthday - I love you so much and am truly blessed to have you as my daughter. I am so proud of you and all that you have accomplished in life so far. You do extremely well in school because you are so intelligent. You try your best at all you do and don't quit. You have turned into such a lovely young lady. It has been wonderful for me to watch you grow and I look forward to continuing to do so as you grow into a young woman. Happy happy birthday my angel. I love you to pieces...


Blogged at 2:22 PM - 3 comments

I'm Charmed
I am a proud wife and an extremely proud mother of 4 beautiful children.I spend a great deal of time with my Gram.I love playing with my kids.I love quiet nites with my husband.I love my alone time.I do not like being taken advantage of. I don't like selfish people or people that have to be dramatic 24/7......
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- Collin Raye - Here I Come - Again!
- Heaven Bound
- Say a Little Prayer


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