Sunday, August 31, 2008
Gone Country

Tonite Dakotah and I will be going to the Fair to see Rascal Flatts and Taylor Swift. I'm not sure which one of us is more excited. I have never been to a show at the Grandstand and Dakotah has never been to a concert. The past few years that Kenny Chesney has performed there I had wanted to go but wasn't able to get the tickets.

Tickets were possible this year thanx to my hubby's friend,Danny. Thank you so much Dan! I love you! From what I understand the seats are up front - not front row but pretty close. And we have special parking passes as well. First class all the way baby!
I will post pix from the concert tomorrow. Have to go get ready for Kotah's "Welcome Home" party and then it's off to the show!Labels: music
Saturday, August 30, 2008
A Stroll Down Memory Lane
After all of the BS that has gone on this past week and after reading your heartfelt post about wishes,Emily,I got to thinking. Thinking about friends and life. I dug around and found a few pix from the good old days - high school. You guys are probably going to shoot me for this but I'm going to do this anyway.
Michelle,Emily and I had a good friend named Ama. She left mid way through our freshmen year (correct me if I'm wrong guys - couldn't remember if it was freshmen or sophomore - it was so long ago!) and we took some pix outside on the front steps of our school.

Check out the clothes and the hair! Definitely a product of the 90's! Were we cool or what?! :) Over the years I have often thought about Ama and have wondered where she is and what she has been up to.
It's a shame that petty fights came between us or some of us left and we lost touch. But I guess that's just part of high school. Thank God that we grew up and moved on from all that. Some people I know are still stuck there.
Don't think that I forgot about you,Kelly! Not sure what grade this was but you were working so intently on this art project.Love the smock! :)

I met some of the best people that I know throughout my years at FHS. Some of you I've known since kindergarten. Others I've known since elementary and some since high school. No matter how long we've known each other one thing has always stayed the same - you guys are the best bunch of friends that a girl could ask for.Labels: friends
Friday, August 29, 2008
My Baby's Coming Home!
My sweet baby girl will be home in less than 12 hours. I can't wait to see her! It has been such a long summer without her. Even though I have talked to her every day since she has been gone it hasn't made the time go by any faster.
So many people are looking forward to her coming whole family - especially my gram. Her grandparents who haven't seen her since they left Oregon weeks ago. Her "adoptive" grandparents who live across the street - I think Grama Earle is just as excited as I am to see her :) She's been counting down the days,too. Her best friend and her family who treat Kotah like one of their own. Their house is her home away from home. Her brother and sisters who are so excited to see her - even if they won't fully admit it. Her daddy who said that today is going to be the longest day ever. He told her last nite that it was going to be hard for him to work today because he is going to be so excited. And of course there's me. I cannot even begin to explain to you how much I have missed her this summer. I had a few breakdowns and sad days but I have made it through. Now I just have to make it until 9:30 tonite!
I think the happiest person of all is going to be Kotah. I know how much she loves her family in Oregon and I know how much she loves to see them. But I also know how much she misses home. I could hear it in her voice when we talked. I hated saying goodbye when we hung up because she sounded sad. I know how hard it was for me so I can only imagine what it was like for her. On the flip side I know what a good time she had,too. She went to the ocean,to Mt.St.Helen's,to the fair,to the market,to a beautiful waterfall and many other places. She had a birthday party at Build-A-Bear. She made some new friends,too.
Pray that she has a safe flight home. I'd appreciate it if you would also throw a prayer in there for her dad who is going to be sad to see her go. I know that saying goodbye is going to be hard for both of them. See you soon Kotah Bear!Labels: kids
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Alone Time? What's That?
Alone time for the hubby and I is an extremely rare occurence. Almost forgot what it was like. We go out and do things but we always have at least one kid in tow. Yesterday we were able to take a few hours by ourselves. Sad as it sounds we had a hard time trying to figure out what we should do. Thought about going to a movie but there wasn't one playing that we both wanted to see. I couldn't get him to agree to go see "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2". But hey - I tried :)
We did have to go to the DMV to get a replacement license for Pat since his wallet was stolen. That is a whole other story. All I will say is that I HATE the DMV. After we left there we really only had time to go eat. We had a tasty lunch at Applebee's. It was nice having a conversation without kids interupting us. I wanted to go mini golfing but we didn't have time. Maybe when the kids go back to school we'll take Hadlei and play a few rounds.
We were able to have this time because Grama Wood took all of the girls to the museum and then to McDonald's for a bite to eat. They had a really good time and Hadlei was thrilled that she was able to go. A big thank you to Grama Wood for giving the hubby and I some much needed time by ourselves. We really appreciated it :)Labels: misc
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Say What?
Let me clarify this for all of you that don't understand the English language and take everything personally especially when it had nothing whatsoever to do with you or your children...
I was speaking of MY experience with that certain program/school. I was not speaking about ALL Headstart programs or anyone that has gone to them. I was specifically talking about this ONE school and MY daughter.
If you take offense to the word "issues" then that is your problem. The context that it was used in had nothing to do with special needs. I know all about people with special needs considering the fact that I grew up with 3 uncles that are mentally retarded to different degrees. I am very involved with them - always have been and always will be. None of you are in that position or know what that is/was like.
Obviously I didn't clarify what "issues" meant either. I was being asked questions about domestic abuse and child abuse and other things of that nature. Questions basically asking if we had a place to live. Apparently I didn't go into enough detail for some of you.
I didn't know what Headstart was all about and that is why I looked into it. Their criteria is not the same as WICs. You make it sound like an embarrassing thing to have help like that and you so quickly forget that you had the same kind of help. I will be the first to admit that we aren't well off but I am certainly not ashamed to get help for my children. My husband busts his ass at work everyday and I choose to stay home and raise my children because I will not have someone else doing my job.
I guess the point to all of this is that first if you don't know me then you need to keep your mouth shut. The second-hand information you receive is wrong. Secondly last time I checked this was MY blog and I have the right to my own opinions. If you want to make up your own conclusions from what you read and they happen to be wrong then again - your problem. Muust be my mistake for not making what I was saying abundantly clear. Guess I'm not as perfect as you think you are.Labels: opinion
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Busy Busy Busy
I have had a busy weekend! That's typical for me though. Never enough hours in the day. I decided to have another yard sale this weekend making it the third one of the summer. One more is planned for next month and then I quit until next year. I spent most of Wednesday setting it up. You don't realize how much work goes into one of these things!
The sale ran Thursday thru today. And of course I had other things going on at the same time. Thursday I had an appointment to go look at a preschool for Hadlei. It was a program run by Headstart. I wasn't impressed. I was asked a whole bunch of odd questions and I got the feeling that it was for kids/families that had certain issues. Needless to say we certainly didn't meet their criteria and my baby will not be going there. I decided that I will work with her at home. She is so smart that I should probably send her to kindergarten this year :)
Friday I had to take Jordan over to tour his new middle school. Ray looks like a nice school. You can just tell when you walk thru the doors that you aren't in elementary school anymore. This year he will have a locker complete with combination. He attempted to open it but had a hard time with it. I couldn't even get the dumb thing open! Maybe it was because I was in shock that my son is in middle school. Yeah,that's it :)
After the sale ended today I had to pack up all the stuff I was keeping. Then I had to take down the tables and the tents. After that I sorted the money. I made out pretty good this time around - close to $200. An odd thing happened and I am still trying to figure out how... the money was over by $46. Being over by a few bucks is no big deal but I have never had that much extra money. I added everything up multiple times and my math was correct. I just can't explain it. Oh well - I am certainly not going worry about it. I figure it's God's way of replacing money that was stolen from my hubby's car a week ago.
The weekend turned out pretty well. Thankfully the weather cooperated with me. Tomorrow I should mow the lawn but I may just wait until the hubby's day off :) Besides,I earned a little break!Labels: misc
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Collin Raye - Here I Come - Again!
My prayers have been answered! Collin Raye will be performing at The Turning Stone Casino this year. Ever since I missed the concert last year - thanx to my lovely children for passing their stomach bug on to me - I have been checking his tour dates to see if he was coming back. Up until last week he wasn't. Then I got the notification that he was going to be there!
Tickets went on sale at 10 am this morning and I was ready. I had the worst time with Ticketmaster - couldn't order tickets online and when I tried via telephone they said they were sold out. I will never use them again. I ended up calling the casino and I was able to nail down an awesome seat. And to top that off it cost me less to go through the casino - no surcharges or delivery fees.
I could have had a stage seat but it was an end table and there was a speaker in front of it - no thank you. I ended up with an orchestra table just to the right of center stage. Works for me! I can't wait to get pix on my digital camera. They are going to be awesome. And I plan on getting another autograph,too ;)
I've decided to quarantine myself 1 week before the concert so that there is no chance of me catching a bug. Even if I do get sick (which would be a cruel joke) I will take a bucket with me. I am NOT missing this concert - NO MATTER WHAT!
Watch out Collin cuz here I come!Labels: music, personal
Monday, August 11, 2008
Heaven Bound
I just found out this evening that Pat's Oma has passed away. From what I could gather she died Saturday morning at home. The hospital would only keep her a certain number of days and then she had to either go home or go to nursing home. Her family opted to bring her home.
I called Dad to see how he was doing. He said he was ok. Dad isn't too emotional so I kinda expected that answer. He was more concerned with how his grandchildren were doing. He was probably trying to keep his mind off of things. So I told him all about what the kids had been up to. I had him laughing so I hope it helped.
As far as services go the family isn't sure what they are going to do. She is being cremated but they aren't sure about much after that. I hope that they are able to make the decisions that they need to.
I haven't told Pat yet because he's working and I don't want to lay this on him while he's at work. He won't be home until after 10 so it will just have to wait until then.
Thank you to everyone for your prayers. Keep them coming because the family will need them. And thank you,Dean,for calling and giving me the heads up. I appreciate it.Labels: family
Friday, August 8, 2008
Say a Little Prayer
Got a call the other nite from Pat's dad and he let us know that Pat's grama (who we call Oma) is in the hospital. She has been there since Monday and she is in a coma. He thinks the coma is a result of renal failure. He wasn't able to give us much else other than that because the connection he had with his sister wasn't very good. He lives in Virginia and his mom is in Florida. Dad is waiting to hear back from his sister so that we can find out a little more.
I knew that Oma hadn't been feeling very well. We write back and forth to each other and she has told me that she hasn't been feeling well. She's 95 so her being this sick is a little scary. On top of her illness, Opa is in the beginning stages of Alzheimer's. So we aren't really sure what he remembers and what he doesn't.
I could tell how upset Dad was. I could hear it in his voice. He said that his boss told him to go to Florida but he doesn't feel like there is anything he can do. Besides,his sister is there. I'm sure that if something happens she will let him know right away.
Now we are just waiting to hear back from him. So if you guys would please keep all of them in your prayers we would really appreciate it. Keep you posted.Labels: family
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Preseason Football
The first preseason NFL game has been played. Football season is just around the corner. Woo hoo! Can't wait! The hubby and I have already started brawling. It's mostly been over his whining. He reads all sorts of sports articles and anything that has to do with the Giants usually says something about how lucky they were to get as far as they did last season. He disagrees with that,of course. I obviously agree with it. He can't just shut up and enjoy his "win".
My Boys are walking away Superbowl champs this year. We were so close last year. They are a talented team. Hell,they're America's team! I think Romo will be much more comfortable this season. I'm ready for some football!
BTW - would someone please tell Brett Favre that retiring means that his career is OVER! He is done playing football. He chose to retire. I am so sick of seeing and hearing about it. Brett - you're too old to play football! You're done! Take your millions and go home!
That's all.... :)Labels: sports