Sunday, January 25, 2009
No More Buick
We recently lost a member of our car! And before I go any further I want to clear something up for those of you who automatically thought that it was my fault. It wasn't! My hubby did it!!! Give me the benefit of the doubt please!

My hub had been driving my car for a while because his was shall we say illegal. The inspection ran out on it in October and we figured he could drive it until the beginning of the year when the sticker color changed. It didn't make it that long. The whole muffler system fell apart one day and that was the end of it. Let me back up and say that we didn't get it inspected because it needed an expensive brake booster put on and we were going to trade it in when we got our taxes and put it towards our new van. Therefore I didn't want to spend the money on it.

On January 4th he was on his way home form work. We had had an ice storm and the roads were literally sheets of ice. He was 2 streets away from home when it happened. He was coming down a small hill and the car started to slide. There was someone coming from the opposite direction and they were sliding around trying to get uo the hill. He couldn't get the car to turn and they hit - head on. The two driver's sides collided.

The other vehicle was a Ford F-150 and needless to say it won the showdown. Neither of them were hurt. Ironically the driver of the truck was a friend of his. Go figure right? He called me and I went over to check things out. I knew as soon as I saw my car that there was no hope for it. The truck only had a flat tire and minimal bumper damage.

We had it towed down the road to a garage to the tune of $145. Talk about a rip off! But at least I got the insurance to pay for it. And that's about all that they did. When I called them the next morning all they wanted to tell me was what they couldn't do for me. We didn't have collision on it because the car wasn't worth it so we were screwed there. I ended up giving it to the garage for scrap metal.

Now comes the fun with my insurance company. I turned my plates in and the same day went to them to have the car removed from my policy. I went in and told them why I was there. The agent was a total bitch. She took the paper from me and asked if I was going to add another car within the next 30 days. Uh not unless you want to give me one! So she set the paper on a stack of other papers and said she would take care of it and walked away. Strike 1. Like two days later I get a letter from them asking me if I was going to surrender the plates and remove the car from the policy or if was going to get it fixed. Seriously?! I was just there two days before to remove it! Strike 2. I had a bill that was due and I wasn't going to pay for a car that wasn't insured anymore so I called to find out how much I had to pay. She didn't know and said she would find out and DEFINITELY call me later that day. 5 days later I was still waiting. And while I was waiting I received the renewal policy for that car! Strikes 3 and 4. You are so out!
I had State Farm for over 10 years and never had any problems until now. But they really pissed me off so I went looking for a new company. I went with Allstate. The agent is an awesome guy. He spent an hour and a half talking with me and explaining things to me - something State Farm never did. I have to pay $5 more a month with them - due to the accident and my hubby's tickets - but I am willing to do it. The service is so much better. And his wife works with my kids at their school!
I guess when all is said a done it ended up being a bad situation turned good - for lack of a better word. Although his car is still here and it looks like it's staying. I have always hated his car and was so looking forward to seeing it go. It has become the bane of my exsistence!Labels: misc