Saturday, May 31, 2008
Happy Birthday Jordan!

Yesterday was Jordan's 11th birthday. I cannot believe that he is this old already. He'll be a teenager before I know it! Do I feel old! He'll be going into middle school next year and it seems like just yesterday that he started preschool. Where does the time go?

Jordan was such a good baby. He was the cutest little kid! I never really had any problems with him. He learned to do walk and talk very early. Smart like his mom I guess :) He never really threw fits or cried a lot. I was very lucky to have such a good baby the first time around.

He was a pretty well behaved toddler. Not perfect but close enough for me. He gave me quite a scare when he was a few years old. He ran into a table and split his forehead open. Scared the hell out of me. He had to have 6 stitches. If that wasn't bad enough 4 hours after he had the stitches removed he was running around the backyard,fell and resplit that same spot open. Back to the hospital for more stitches. They put them both inside and out that time and I made sure that they stayed in well past the time that they could have been removed. I didn't want him to have to go through that again.

I'd say that I've lucked out with Jordan. Like most kids he can be a pain in the butt. For the most part though he is a good kid. He is very respectful,sweet,loving,caring,thoughtful,generous,kind,giving,helpful...the list goes on. I am so proud of him and all of his accomplishments. He has done very well in school. Just this past Thursday he was in the newspaper for receiving a Study Skills Award in school. He is in Boy Scouts and juggles that with being in softball. He wants to join football but I am a bit iffy about that because he has had so many concussions.

Happy Birthday Jordan! Mom is so proud of you and all that you do. I thank God every day for you. No matter how old you get you'll still be my little green bean :) I love you bunches little man!

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I'm Charmed
I am a proud wife and an extremely proud mother of 4 beautiful children.I spend a great deal of time with my Gram.I love playing with my kids.I love quiet nites with my husband.I love my alone time.I do not like being taken advantage of. I don't like selfish people or people that have to be dramatic 24/7......
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- My Little Trooper
- A Win and A Loss


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