Sunday, June 1, 2008
Busy Weekend

These last few days have been so busy around here. I decided to have a yard sale to try to get rid of quite a bit of junk that has been sitting in my garage. A lot of work goes into preparing for one of these sales. Gram and mom came over to help with it. We had it Thursday and Friday and were going to have it Saturday as well but it rained Friday nite and some things got wet so I decided to pack it up. It was also supposed to rain all day Saturday which is why I decided to pack it up but it turned out to be sunny most of the day! I could have made more money! I didn't do too bad though. Raked in just under $300. Not bad for a few days work. I'm sure I'll have a few more over the summer. We are planning to have one at my mom's at the end of this month.

While the sale was was going on Friday I had to take Jordan to the dr to get his shots that are required before he can go into 6th grade. He wasn't impressed with it. He hates shots and I thought that I was going to have to pry him out of the car. He went in willingly but was a bit hesitant when he saw the needles. He made it out in one piece although he hasn't stopped whining that his arm hurts :) Later that day I had to go to his D.A.R.E. graduation and then take him to his friend's house for a birthday party.

Yesterday all of the kids had softball games so I enlisted the help of Grama and Grampa Wood to drive them. They all won their games! Kotah and Sky had a 10-9 win,Jordan had a 17-10 win and Shae said they won,too. I hated having to miss their games but they still had a cheering section there for them. The Sunbirds had a game Thursday nite which they won 9-4. They are still undefeated with a record of 8-0! Right after they returned from their games Jordan and Kotah had to get changed so that they could go with grama and grampa to the monster truck show at the Fairgrounds. They got pit passes so that they could go down and see the trucks up close and get autographs. They wore shirts that they could have signed. They got back close to 11 pm and said that they had a great time. Their shirts were really cool! They couldn't stop talking about all that they saw and did.

I want to say a big THANK YOU to Sunny and Bob (grama and grampa) for all of their help this weekend. It was greatly appreciated. I wouldn't have been able to get everything accomplished this weekend that I needed to without their help. And I also want to thank them for coming to as many of the kids game that they have and showing their support for all of them. It really means a lot to the kids as well as to me. Thanx you guys!

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I'm Charmed
I am a proud wife and an extremely proud mother of 4 beautiful children.I spend a great deal of time with my Gram.I love playing with my kids.I love quiet nites with my husband.I love my alone time.I do not like being taken advantage of. I don't like selfish people or people that have to be dramatic 24/7......
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Previous Post
- D.A.R.E.
- Happy Birthday Jordan!
- I've Been Replaced
- A Stompin' on the Field
- Live from Rockefeller Plaza...
- Playing by the Rules
- Come On Ump!
- The Injured
- Happy Birthday Dan
- Happy Mother's Day


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