Saturday, May 24, 2008
I've Been Replaced
I'm afraid that the place my hubby had in his heart for me has been replaced. By who? It's actually a what and not a who. This is the culprit.....

A 55'' flat screen tv. Maybe I haven't really been replaced but I have to at least share that space now :) Thank God we didn't get the 65'' flat screen or I'd probably be out the door!
Pat has wanted a tv like this for some time now but I wasn't really willing to pay for it. The only reason that I finally gave in was because we got it for an awesome price. We rent to own a lot of our furniture because we certainly aren't rich enough to buy it outright. We get everything from the same place and over time we have become good friends with the owner. He gave us a kick-ass deal on this tv.
They had a 55'' and a 65'' available. I told him that he would have to settle for the smaller of the two because we had nowhere to put a 65'' tv. I don't think he cared either way as long as he got one of them. He is still smiling about it. I know he really only wanted a tv like this so that when he played his PS3 it would look phenomenal. And I must say that it does. Hey,whatever makes him happy.
Since we got this tv we rotated the rest of the tvs in the house. We put the 36'' tv from the livingroom into our bedroom. Took the 32'' from our bedroom and put it in Jordan's room and took his 20'' and put it in Hadlei's room. Yes,we own a lot of tvs :)
Moving them was a trip. I knew that I couldn't move the one from the livingroom by myself but I figured that the one that was in our room wouldn't be a problem. So being the bull that I am I carried the 32'' tv upstairs into Jordan's room all by myself. I think I paid for it yesterday. I woke up with the worst neck ache. I couldn't turn my head and if I moved just right those muscles tensed up and I was in an enormous amount of pain. Whether I slept on it wrong or I pulled something when I moved the tv I don't know. All I do know is that it is much better today. And no I didn't learn anything from it because I will still continue to be a bull :)Labels: misc