Saturday, April 26, 2008
Opening Day
Today was opening day for Little League Softball. Jordan,Dakotah and Skylar had their first game today. Shae's will be next week. Luckily we ended up with a gorgeous day. Guess the weatherman was wrong about the rain :) The kids' games overlapped but thankfully Grama Wood came so that I was able to bounce back and forth between the two without having to lug all of our paraphinalia with me.

Kotah and Skylar are Sunbirds. They look so cute in their little uniforms. Their team has been practicing very hard these last few weeks and it has paid off for them. They won their game 16 -3! Talk about a great opening game! They spanked the other team! My girls did great. The pitcher on the opposing team wasn't very good and Kotah was walked to 1st base every time she was up so she really didn't get a chance to hit the ball. She did however score 4 runs. One of those runs was a result of her stealing 3rd base and then taking it on home. Watching her in her first game I could see how much better she is already playing this year. Sky did a great job,too. She struck out twice but got a good hit in between. She scored 2 runs. One of her runs she made it home but had to go back to 3rd because it was an out. She got back there before they could get her out and then she turned around and ran back home for the score. Good hustle!

Jordan is a Muck Dog. Couldn't tell you where they got the name from :) His game started after the girls but he was finished first. They are a bit more advanced so their game goes a bit quicker. He is doing pretty good for his first season. His team won with a score of 12 - 6. He was walked a couple of times but he was also able to get a few hits in. He scored 3 runs for his team. I'm so glad that he was able to win his first game. I think it definitely gives a confidence boost. I did feel bad for him for the simple reason that his father decided that something else was more important this weekend than watching his son play his first softball game. I know that it hurt him but it didn't surprise me.

It's game on from here on out. Every Saturday through the end of June we will be at the field. And a few nites a week ranging from Monday - Thursday we'll be there,too. It's going to be very hectic but well worth it. Getting them involved in softball was a very good move. It helps them build their characters in so many ways. And it gives me one more thing to be proud of them for.....Labels: kids, sports
All I Can Say Is...
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Pizza Hut Ban
Michelle,I have decided to join your ban on Pizza Hut. After last nite's escapade I am in full agreement with you. We ordered pizza for lunch yesterday and by 11 pm it was coming back up with a vengence. I started not feeling well around 9:30 pm and Pat said I was probably just overtired from demolishing the livingroom. I knew that it wasn't a bug because the last two times one was floating around it missed me - at least the puking part did. The only other alternative was food poisoning and I knew that it had to come from the pizza because that was all I had eaten that day.
I ended up praying to the porcelain god most of the nite. I took a bowl downstairs with me because I was getting weak and I knew that I wouldn't make it upstairs. At this point I have to say that I have the world's best husband. I ended up getting sick a few times while I was downstairs and he came right down to check on me and empty my bowl for me. He even brought me down a damp towel for my head and took my temp to make sure I wasn't running a fever. He must really love me if he'll clean up after me like that :)
I didn't sleep most of the nite. I was sick until around 4 am and I finally decided to take a Zofran. Whoever invented that was a genius. I went to bed after that but was awake quite a bit because I was so thirsty. I kept drinking water all the while praying that it would stay down. Thankfully it did. I am feeling cruddy today so the hubby told me to take it easy. I have tried to but the housework doesn't do itself. Shh!!! Don't tell! I hope that by tomorrow I will be feeling much better. I have softball practices and games to get to this weekend.
P.S. Thanx for taking such good care of me babe! I love you :)Labels: opinion
Yesterday afternoon I got bored so I decided to start the remodel of the inside of my house. It is hideous looking and I simply got tired of looking at it. The mismatched wood on the walls and the awful paint color/border in the kitchen has driven me crazy since we moved in. Don't get me wrong - I am thrilled that we have a house but the interior decorating leaves a lot to be desired. So I grabbed my hammer and crowbar and went to town!

I wasn't sure of what I was going to find behind the wood so I was a bit scared. When I tore out the corner cabinet in the livingroom shortly after we moved in I found two huge holes in each wall covered by sheetrock. To this day I haven't been able to figure out why they were there. I figured that I wouldn't know what was behind the wood unless I looked so I pulled out my bookshelves and began demolition.

Thankfully I didn't find parts of the wall missing. But what I did find was as bad or worse than the wood. I found wallpaper. The walls now look like a wrapped wedding present - a badly wrapped wedding present. It is some tacky looking stuff! Next step is to steam the wallpaper off the wall,fill in a few holes,sand the walls and then paint.

The hubby and Jordan were playing video games while I tore the house apart. Jordan told me that he couldn't believe that I was doing what I was doing. I was a bit insulted because I think that he believes that girls can't do things guys can do. I set him straight pretty quick. I told him that I can do most things that even girls can't do. I don't know many girls that can do what I do - probably afraid of breaking a nail or something. More pics to come as the room progresses :)Labels: misc
*@#% Update
Gram ended up going home later that afternoon. Todd kept me updated throughout the day. He was finally able to get the whole story and it seems that when gram was at the sink washing her face her nose started gushing. It was coming from both sides and then she started to feel it running down the back of her throat. She knew it wasn't going to stop so she called 911. When the EMT's got there they took her bp and it was 250/200. I have never seen her bp go that high. They took it again and it was down a bit to 200/174. By the time she got to the hospital it was 174/150 - still high but much better than the first bp they took.
The dr at the hospital gave her some pain pills and put her on some steroids. In other words - he had no idea what was wrong with her. He told her that the pain she was having was due to her arthritis and something about a pinched nerve. He told her to take the steroids for 5 days and if the pain subsided then they knew that was what the problem was. If not then it must be something else. Very reassuring :/ She called me when she got home and told me what the dr had said. He also wanted her to make an appt with her dr so she made one for the next day.
That trip to the dr was well worth it. She read the results of the MRI that gram had done last week. Her back between her L1 and L5 vertabrae is a serious mess. She has bulging discs,degenerative bone disease,severe arthritis,narrowing of her spinal column and discs pushing into her spinal column. Her dr is going to set her up with a pain clinic to see if they can do anything to help. The pain pills seem to be working well for her but the steroids were a completely different story. Gram was very dizzy and disoriented from taking them that morning. The dr took them right away from her and threw them in the garbage. With the meds that she is on the dr in the hospital never should have given them to her.
Gram has felt much better in the last few days. Her pain pills have helped her sleep better at nite which is something that she gets very little of. Hopefully the pain clinic will do some good. If not she may be a candidate for surgery. Let's just hope that it doesn't have to go in that direction. Thanx for all of your prayers and concerns.Labels: family
Monday, April 21, 2008
Yup - that's how I feel. I got a phone call this morning at around 8:10 from my gram. She was in tears telling me that she had called an ambulance and was on her
way to the hospital because she had a nose bleed that wouldn't stop. I asked if she had called anyone else and she said no so I told her that I was going to call Todd and see if he could meet her up there. I couldn't go because apparently Baldwinsville is the only freakin district around here that has today off! I called Todd and he was at work and he was the only one there which meant that he couldn't leave yet. So we had to call Dale to see if he could be there with her. Todd had tried to talk to gram and all he could get out of her was that her nose wouldn't stop bleeding and her bp was through the roof.
Something is not right. She has had nose bleeds before and she has always been able to get them to stop. And at her recent dr appts her bp has been fine. Yesterday she told me that the area where she had her iliostomy was hurting her. She was having sharp pains and she was afraid that there was something wrong. I tried to calm her fears by telling her that we were going to see the dr that did the surgery for her this Thursday and that he would take a look at it. It was the first she had said anything about it. Now I'm thinking that I should have done something about it yesterday. What I don't know but something. She has been in a considerable amount of pain recently due to her arthritis. It has gotten pretty bad in her back,hips and legs. Over the weekend we were at my mom's and uncle's and she had to climb their stairs to get into their houses so I wonder if that has anything to do with her problems.
I hate not being with her when things like this happen and I know she feels the same way about me not being there. I'm the only one that knows all her meds and other medical info. But thanx to the Bville school district I can't be there. She will be in the ER and we all know how long you have to sit and wait. Needless to say I'm a wreck. When Hadlei came upstairs this morning she found me crying. She crawled right up in my lap and asked me what was wrong. I told her grama was in the hospital and that mommy was worried. Do you know what my darling little 3 year old said/did? She hugged me,wiped away my tears and told me not to worry and that grama would be ok. Of course that just made me cry even more. She is truly an angel.
Hopefully this won't be anything serious. You know what I'm going to ask for next...prayers. I will let you know how she is when I find out.Labels: family
Monday, April 14, 2008
Play Ball!
Jordan decided that this year he wanted to play baseball. He had his first practice last Tuesday. He seemed to be enjoying it at first but by the end of practice he didn't look too impressed. I think part of it was that he didn't have his own glove yet and he had to use one of the coaches which was too big for him.

He rode home with dad and they had a little talk. Seems that Jordan felt kind of funny because some of the other kids were pretty good at baseball. Pat explained to him that they had played before and that's why they were good. Those boys were once in Jordan's position. Not only that but his sisters probably felt the same way last year because that was their first time playing,too. On top of all of that it was his first practice. He told Jordan that he would work with him and that he would be just as good if not better than the other boys soon enough. We would also go get all of the equipment he needed so he had his own stuff.

Later in the evening he came out and told me that his finger hurt. I looked at it and it was swollen and starting to turn black and blue. I had him put some ice on it and Pat taped his fingers together. The next morning it looked a bit worse and part of his hand was bothering him so I took him to the dr. I was hoping nothing was broken. The dr sent us downstairs for xrays. Turns out he had just jammed his finger pretty good so the dr said to keep it taped for a few days and take tylenol for the pain. Thankfully he wasn't going to have practice for a week so it gave him time to heal. After all of this I hope that he has learned that you are supposed to catch the ball with the glove and not your hand!Labels: kids, sports
Brush Your Teeth! Or Nose?
Hadlei has this little obsession with brushing her teeth. Every time she goes into the bathroom she thinks she needs to brush her teeth. Obviously I am thankful that at 3 years old she wants to do this. We'll see how eager she is to do it in a few years :) Anyway she came out into the livingroom the other nite looking like this...

I asked her what she had been doing and she told me nothing. I said,"Have you been in the bathroom trying to brush your teeth again?" She said no. I asked her what she had on her nose and she told me nothing. At this point I was trying not laugh but looking at her cute little nose with blue toothpaste on it made that very hard. I had her follow me into the bathroom and I picked her up so that she could look in the mirror. I said,"What's that?" The answer she gave me accompanied by a wicked grin? "Nothing" I washed the nothing off her nose and told her that she needed to keep it in her mouth and off her nose. She is something else!Labels: kids
Monday, April 7, 2008
Out of the Mouths of Babes
Hadlei said the cutest thing last nite that kind of surprised us at first but after we thought about it for a minute realized that only she would be smart enough at 3 years old to say it...
She had her pink bunny that her Grandma and Grandpa gave to her for Easter. She was getting into bed and she said,"My grandma and grandpa love me. They love my heart." I smiled and told her that they did and she then decided that she had to show me where her heart was. So down went the zipper on her pjs and she touched the spot where her heart is and said,"It's right here."
This kid is too smart for her own good. Too bad I can't get her into school yet. Anyway after she was tucked in we said goodnite to her and told her that we loved her. Her response? "I love you,too,with my heart!" Absolutely priceless.Labels: kids
Saturday, April 5, 2008
What's in Your PJ's?
Hadlei decided that she was going to sleep in yesterday morning. Daddy didn't like that too much because he likes to see her before he leaves for work in the morning. Apparently the big baby can't make it through the day without getting a hug and kiss from his youngest every morning :)
I woke her up and she stood up in her bed. She then grabs her zipper and starts unzipping her pj's. I couldn't figure out why she was doing this. She wasn't wet. Next thing I know she reaches down into her jammies and pulls out one of Diego walkie talkies! I have no idea why she put it there or when she did it. I think that is one of the funniest things I have ever seen her do. What kids won't think of...Labels: kids
NKOTB Update
Caught the guys on the Today Show yesterday and it was amazing to see how crazy the girls still go for them. I would have been doing the same thing had I been there because they are still looking good. Unfortunately they didn't perform but they will be back on that same show on May 16th for their first performance in almost 15 years! Woo hoo! I can't wait! They did play a clip of one of their songs called "Summertime" and it sounded great. It had a hint of the NKOTB we all know and I love but it also had a new feel to it as well. I think that they're new album is going to be well worth the wait. I will be at the store waiting for it to open the day the album is released :)I didn't think I'd ever see the day that NKOTB would reunite but the impossible has happened. Thank God for small miracles!Labels: music, personal
Thursday, April 3, 2008
New Kids On The Block - Reunited!!!

It's about freakin' time! I was starting to wonder what a girl had to do to get her favorite boy band back! Go ahead laugh - I'll wait..... Done yet? I know that I am not the only NKOTB junkie. They were the bomb when I was growing up. My room was like a shrine to them. My wallpaper was NKOTB posters and pictures. Jordan was and still is my favorite. Still lookin' good after all these years ;) And yes I still listen to their music!
They are going to be on the Today Show tomorrow. They are releasing a new album and are going on tour again. If they come anywhere near me I will be there to see them. I was at the concert they put on in the Dome back in like 1990(although it could've been 1991 - it was along time ago)I remember that I was in 6th grade. It was my very first concert and I had a blast.
I am excited to see what new material they have come up with. I have already joined their fan club :) Please tell me that at least one of you guys shares in my excitement!!! Don't be afraid to admit it!
Welcome back Joey,Jon,Donnie,Jordan and Danny!Labels: music, personal