Monday, March 24, 2008
Happy Easter!
I hope everyone had a Happy Easter! Ours was a busy one as usual. I attempted to sleep in - which is something I don't get to do - and I still didn't. I guess with 5 kids that is just an impossibility. They just had to find their baskets and wouldn't let their poor mom catch a few extra winks. Fine with me but there will be payback!

The easter bunny left the kids baskets filled with candy and toys. I didn't think to tell Skylar to not pull out a basket if it wasn't hers. She found Dakotah's and yelled to her that she found it. Kotah wasn't too happy with her. I tried to explain to Kotah that Skylar probably had never looked for a basket before so she didn't know what to do. She pouted for a bit but then got over it.

We went to my uncle Todd's for dinner. The whole family was there and we all had a really good time. Todd just got a new pool table a few months ago and we spent a lot of our time down in his basement playing pool. I love his basement because he has a bar area and that particular area is decked out in Dallas Cowboys paraphinalia. The man has good taste! :) I haven't played pool in years but it all came back pretty quickly. My brother seems to be quite the pool shark. Have to watch out for that one! The hubby is pretty good,too. Jordan even got a chance to play - against me. I let him win ;)

My gram loves these get togethers because she loves seeing her family together. I know she was a bit sad because this will be the last time for a while that Kevin and Ryan will be at any of them. They are moving to Florida in about a month. She wants to see them happy but I know she will miss them like crazy. I did get a nice pic of her with Kevin. I'll miss them,too. Kevin did a lot with me when I was a kid. I remember how I used to help him build picnic tables. He used to call me "grease pit". Don't know where that name came from but he even had a hat made up for me and my brother with our nicknames on them - Grease Pit I and Grease Pit II. I hate to see him go.

All in all it was a good day - fun and good times with the family.Labels: family, holiday