Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Kidney Stone
Took gram to the dr yesterday because she has been in a great deal of pain recently. She has arthritis pretty bad but she knew that it wasn't that that was bothering her. The pain was much worse. She thought her kidneys might be acting up again and she was right to some extent. Last Friday she had to go in to the dr to get fluids because they were shutting down again! Thankfully the fluid helped and she didn't have to go to the hospital.
The dr decided to send her to get some more xrays done. She had some taken last week but didn't get enough. She wanted her whole spine and her shoulders done. So we left the dr office and went to get the xrays. We had to wait there after we were finished because the dr was going to call with the results. Around 1 pm she called and gave me the news. Her arthritis has gotten worse - which we already knew. It's basically everywhere. She has strained rotator cuffs in both of her shoulders so she doesn't want her straining herself by hiking around in her bed so she gave us a rx for a hospital bed. That will help her pull herself around because it has bars on either side. She found an old fracture in her upper back/neck area. That puzzled us because neither of us could figure out when that would have happened. She has never fallen so how did that happen? The icing on the cake was when she told me that gram had a kidney stone. That was something none of us expected to find/hear. Dr said it was about 4 mm and she should be able to pass it with lots of fluids. If her pain got worse she wanted to see gram right away because it could be causing blockage. So I guess now we know why she has been in such pain.
What's next?!? Hasn't this poor woman been through enough!?! I was hoping that this year was going to be better for her but it isn't starting out that way. I hope she makes a turn for the better and stays that way.
On a sidenote....gram told me yesterday that the visiting nurse that is in charge of her case told our favorite nurse,Sara,that she thought that my gram had mental problems and that she really didn't have much wrong with her. God help that woman when I get ahold of her because she is going to regret ever saying that! She won't have a job anymore if I have my way.Labels: family
Sunday, February 24, 2008
20 Firsts
1. Who was your first love?
My son's father...Bill
2. Who was your first kiss and when?
Bill and we were about 10 yrs old
3. Who was your first prom date?
4. Who was your first roommate?
5. What was your first job?
Hills Dept. Store...It was the best!
6. What was your first car?
I think it was a 1988 white chevy station wagon thingy :)
7.When did you go to your first funeral?
1991 - my great grandfather's funeral
9. How old were you when you first moved away from your hometown?
10. Who was your first grade teacher?
Mrs. Geotchious
11. Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane?
Went to Florida to visit my uncle when I was 12
13. Where did you go for your first date and who was it with?
Went to see Joe vs. the Volcano with Dean
14. When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was it with?
A whole bunch of people
15. Who was your first best friend and are you still friends with them?
Kim Sikora and no I lost touch with her when she moved to Germany
16. Who was the first person to send you flowers?
17. Where did you live the first time you moved out of your parents house?
In Camillus with some friends
18. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day?
My gram
19. Who's wedding were you in the first time you were a bridesmaid or a groomsmen?
Never have been
20. What is the first thing you do in the morning?
Go pee! :) I know how you feel,Sara!
via KK and SaraLabels: fun, personal
Bored Part 2
After you're done, repost and erase my answers and replace them with your own.
1. What is your best friends name?
2. What color underwear/boxers wearing now?
3. What are you listening to right now?
Rascal Flatts
4. Whats your favorite number?
5. What was the last thing you ate?
Cookie cake w/milk
6. If you were a crayon what color would you be?
Pale purple
7. How is the weather right now?
8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
My gram
9. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
10. Do you have a significant other?
Sure do!
11. Favorite TV show?
12. Siblings?
A younger brother and a younger sister
13. Height?
14. Hair color?
15. Eye Color
Lt. brown
16. Do you wear contacts?
No but I wish I did
17. Favorite Holiday?
18. Month?
19. Have you ever cried for no reason?
At least once a week :)
20. What was the last movie you watched?
Walking Tall
21. Favorite Day of the Year?
My birthday
22. Are you too shy to ask someone out?!
23. Can you do a headstand (not using the wall)?
In my dreams maybe
24. Hugs or Kisses?
A little of both
25. Chocolate or Vanilla?
26. Do you want your friends to respond to this?
Of course
27. Who is most likely to respond?
28. Who is least likely to respond?
29. What books are you reading?
None right now...Like I have the time!
30. Piercings?
8 - in my ears
31. Favorite movies?
The Marine
Walking Tall
The Rundown
Rush Hour 1-3
32. Favorite football Team?
Dallas Cowboys baby!
33. What were you doing before this?
Grocery shopping
34. Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn?
Buttered and salted
37. Dogs or cats?
38. Favorite flower?
Purple roses
39. Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do?
All the time ;)
40. Do you have a best friend of the opposite sex?
My hubby
41. Have you ever loved someone?
42. Who would you like to see right now?
Dan - my best friend that died
43. Are you still friends with people from kindergarten?
44. Have you ever fired a gun?
Nope and I don't ever want to. I hate guns!
45. Do you like to travel by plane?
46. Right-handed or Left-handed?
47. How many pillows do you sleep with?
48. Are you missing someone?
49. Do you have a Tattoo?
No but I am going to get one soon :)
50. Anybody on myspace that you'd go on a date with?,I'm married!
via KK and SaraLabels: fun, personal
Friday, February 22, 2008
Nasty Germs!
I've been pretty quiet for a week or so. Haven't heard much from me. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing :) I managed to catch a nasty little bug and it took me out of commission for a few days. I am not one that runs to the dr every time I get a sniffle. I actually haven't been to a dr since I was 18.
I finally broke down and after a weekend of not being able to do anything I had my mom take me to the dr. The dr told me I had a sinus/upper respiratory infection. Figured as much. I thought I might have had the flu at one point because I was just laying on the couch and couldn't do anything - which is so not me. She gave me a rx and said I should be feeling better in a day or two.
Even though I felt like death I stll tried to do my daily routines. I clean at least twice a day - sometimes more. I should probably go to the dr for that to get medicated for my obsessive/compulsiveness. :)I should've stopped when I almost passed out but I didn't. The house wasn't going to clean itself!
The meds seemed to work. When the hubby woke up the other morning and saw me actually moving around he said,"Am I getting my wife back?" Must've missed me. I still have a little touch of this bug but I feel much better. At my worst point I wanted to curl up and die. I would have rather been in labor than dealing with this infection! And yes, I do mean that!Labels: personal
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentine's Day to the world's best husband! Yes ladies...he's all mine! I really do have an awesome husband. And I'm a lucky girl. We have spent close to 9 years together and had to go through a rough patch to get to where we are today. Instead of tearing us apart it just made us stronger. We are more in love today than ever before.
Honey, I love you so much and am so blessed to have you in my life. You always put me first and make sure that I am happy. You are one in a million and how I ever ended up with you is a mystery. I'm usually not a lucky person but in this case I'm the luckiest. I love you more and more everyday and look forward to spending the rest of our lives together.
Happy Valentine's Day everyone. I hope that you are all as happy and in love as I am...Labels: family, holiday
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Happy Birthday Skylar!
Today Skylar turns 9 years old. It's so hard to believe how fast these kids are growing up. This is the first year that we are able to be with Skylar on her birthday. And we are extremely happy that we are able to spend it with her.
Every year we celebrate the kids' birthdays with my gram - usually at her house. This birthday will be no different. This morning I told Sky what we were going to do and she was very excited. I don't know what kind of birthdays she has had in the past but we are going to make sure that this one (and every one there after) will be one that she doesn't forget. She definitely deserves it.
I will post pics of her party either tonite or tomorrow morning. Happy Birthday sweet girl! We love you!Labels: family, holiday
Friday, February 8, 2008
Hadlei Has Holes in Her Head!

Yes,you heard me right...I said that Hadlei has holes in her head. Two to be exact and they're in her ears. I took Hadlei and Skylar shopping last week and Sky wanted to get her ears pierced. As Sky was having her ears done Hadlei spoke up and said that she wanted to get her ears pierced,too. I asked her a few times to make sure that she really wanted to do it. She kept telling me yes so I let her get them done.
She was a little champ. She knew what was coming because she watched Sky get it done. She was a bit skiddish so I had her sit on my lap. I tried to distract her while the two people pierced her at the same time. She cried for a minute or so and then she was fine. What a little trooper!
Hadlei has been so proud to show off her earrings to everyone. She says that she has "2 earrins - 1,2". And yes she calls them "earrins". It's the cutest thing. I hope she is satisfied with her earrings for a while and doesn't want to move on to something like a tattoo!Labels: kids
Meet Skylar

I couldn't get my pics to download when I posted about our trip to get Skylar. I finally got them loaded on my computer so everyone...this is Skylar!

Labels: family
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Happy Birthday!

There is a certain special little girl that wants to wish her dad a very Happy Birthday! I understand there is a little rumor going around *wink wink* that he doesn't want to acknowledge his birthday because he is getting too close to 30. Well hon,suck it up! We all get there eventually!
Dakotah doesn't care if you think you're getting old - she loves you no matter what. She wants you to have an awesome birthday. She wishes that she could be there with you to celebrate and have some cake! She misses you so much so do her a favor and enjoy your birthday....
BTW...I sympathize with's getting awful close for me,too :/
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAN!!!!!!!!!!Labels: family
Monday, February 4, 2008
Super Bowl XLII
Well,they did it. I don't know how but they did it. The Giants beat the Patriots to become Super Bowl XLII Champions. In my opinion it was a miracle. Ask them to do it again and I bet that they couldn't. Like I had said - I didn't watch the game. I caught the score when it was 3-7. When I figured the game was over I flipped to check the score and there was a minute left. The Pats were winning so I figured that was it. I sat there in amazement as the Giants pulled it off.
Fortunately I didn't have to listen to the hubby screaming and yelling because he had to work. But as soon as the Giants won I could hear all the guys at the shop screaming and cheering for their team. All but 2 or 3 guys that Pat works with are Giants fans. I called Sal and left him a message congratulating him on their win. I figured if I got to him before he got to me it would take some of the fun out of it for him. Pat called me a few minutes later and it sounded like he was losing his voice. I let him have his excitement and happiness - it was the least I could do. I could've talked smack to him all nite but I decided not to. Good thing I love him :)
It's hard to believe that football season is over. It felt like it went so fast. I am already waiting with bated breath for next season to start. With that I will leave the Giants and their fans with this...Watch out G-men because the Boys are coming for YOU! Dallas will win Super Bowl XLIII!Labels: opinion, sports
Friday, February 1, 2008
Our Big Announcement
After weeks of keeping you guessing about our important news,I am finally able to share it with you. No,I am not pregnant,even though I would love to be because I am one of those crazy women that loves being pregnant. However,we do have a new member in our family.
My husband has a daughter named Skylar and she will be turning 9 in a few weeks. She has lived in Georgia with her mother since she was a baby. It was brought to our attention by the Family Court in Georgia that she was removed from her mother's care back in November. We were supposed to appear in court in November but we didn't receive the court papers until the day before court. Pat called the next morning and explained the situation and the hearing was postponed until January 28. That was the soonest date that they could give us and it was upsetting because Skylar was going to have to stay in foster care until then.
It was very hard for Pat to have to wait that long. He didn't like the fact that she was going to have to sit in foster care for two months. I know that he had all sorts of bad thoughts running through his mind about how she was being taken care of. But it was out of our hands at that point.
We left this past Saturday nite after Pat got out of work. We had Hadlei in tow. Thankfully we were able to get the kids' grandparents to keep them while we were gone so that they could go to school. We left around 8:30pm and drove straight through to Georgia,arriving there around 11am. Hadlei slept all nite. We found a place to stay and settled in. We had some time to kill so we decided to check out Cartersville. BORING!!! They have nothing there! We ended up going to Walmart and Target. Like we had to drive to Georgia to do that! And I have never seen so many pawn shops,nail shops and salons in such a small area. Get a mall people!
Court was at 10am and we were more than ready. I had gotten all of our paperwork and pictures together. We also added some letters from family and friends. I wanted to have more than we needed instead of just enough. I waited outside the court room with Hadlei while Pat went in. When he came out he told me that the judge loved him and wanted to rule on his behalf and let Skylar leave with us that day but she couldn't because DFACS was involved in trying to reunify the family. Our only other option was to file for custody in Superior Court. Our lawyer gave us the name of a lawyer that could help us and we had to meet her back at the court house at 4pm. We had about 4 hours until our meeting so we went to find something to do. Needless to say it was the longest 4 hours of our lives.
We met with the new lawyer at 4pm. She explained what we could do and it was pretty straight forward. We could file for custody and either have Tabitha (Skylar's mom) sign off and not go to court or she could refuse and we would have to come back in a few weeks for court. Long story short - Tabitha agreed to sign off and give Pat custody. We met back at the court house the next day and the papers were signed and filed. We were now officially able to take Skylar home with us.
We started our trek home about 4:30pm on Tuesday. We planned on driving straight through again. It wasn't as easy of a trip as it was on the way down. It rained quite a bit in Tennessee and we hit a traffic jam in Knoxville. Driving through Virginia was a trip. It rained 4 out of the 5 hours hours of the drive. I think Pennsylvania was the worst. We hit fog and it was so bad that they closed down a few exits of Interstate 81. We had to take some back roads which were just as foggy. Thank God we had a GPS or we'd probably still be sitting there. On our way into New York it started to sleet and snow. We were starting to think that someone didn't want us to get home. We didn't pull into our driveway until 9am. Neither of us want to leave NY again!
After all is said and done it was well worth the trip. Skylar is elated to be living with us. I know that she has missed us just as much as we missed her. She has a huge extended family that will be there to support her. This wouldn't have been possible without the help of our friends and family. So thank you to Grandma and Grandpa Wood for keeping the kids so that they could go to school. Thank you to Sal for loaning us his GPS. It was a lifesaver! And thank you to Pat's mom for letting us use her car to make the trip. We definitely wouldn't have made it there without it.
Welcome home Skylar! We love you are a thrilled to have you here with us.
P.S. For some reason I can't load my pics. When I figure it out I will post some!Labels: family