Friday, June 29, 2007
A Little Boy Lost
I wasn't surprised to find out that Chris Benoit's son was mentally retarded. I could tell by his pictures that something wasn't right. Having grown up with three uncles that are mentally retarded I guess I have developed a sense about that type of thing. I think that it's terrible that the Benoit's were too ashamed and/or emabarrassed of their son to tell people about him. His friends and co-workers were clueless. That is where a lot of their problems began.
Some people can handle something like that and some can't. Obviously neither of them were the type that could handle it. Their life would have been much easier if they had confided in people about Daniel. There are so many services out there that could've helped with the many aspects of his care. They didn't have to take this on all by themselves.
Fragile X is a rare syndrome. One of my uncles,Edward,happens to have that. I do realize that everyone is different but Edward does many things that you and I do. He graduated from high school. He works. He has been employed at the same place for about 14 years. He cooks. He cleans. He does laundry. He leads a pretty good life.
Whether the Benoit's were afraid that he was going to be too much care or not I cannot say. All that little boy would have needed to grow was the love and support from his parents. If they would have stopped being selfish and thought about Daniel for even a second,they would've seen that it wasn't as bad as they thought.
I do understand how much care a special needs person can be. I also understand that it takes a very special human being to take on the responsibility of caring for them and making sure that they have every need of theirs met. Unfortunately it seems that the Benoit's were not those type of people. And that is very sad because the one that suffered the most from it was Daniel.Labels: opinion, personal
A New Twist to a Sad Story
This whole tragedy surrounding Chris Benoit and his family just keeps getting stranger and stranger. The latest news is that someone posted info to Wikipedia that the reason that Chris missed a show in Texas was because he was dealing with the death of his wife. This was posted 13-14 hours before the bodies were discovered. After tracing the origin site of the post it is believed that it came from Stamford,CT. That is where the WWE headquarters is located. They don't know the IP address from which this post came but a lawyer for WWE said that Chris' fellow wrestlers didn't receive the weird texts from Chris until a few hours after this post appeared. Could this possibly get any more baffling?
I am wondering what part,if any,Nancy's ex-husband Kevin Sullivan plays in this whole thing. Chris met Nancy back when he was wrestling for WCW. At the time she was with Kevin Sullivan. Long story short,Chris took Nancy away from Kevin. They even played it out on the show as one of the storylines. Kevin was furious. From what I understand it got pretty ugly between them. Kevin was someone that you didn't want to mess with. He was crazy. And that wasn't just his wrestling persona.
I find it strange that his name popped up in connection with the death of another WWE star,Sheri Martel. She was known as "Scary Sheri" back in the day. Her death on June 15,2007 is under investigation. Police are saying that it wasn't foul play but she didn't die of natural causes either. Ok,then what killed her? What part did Kevin play in all of this? Did he have any part in what happened with the Benoit's? Just something to think about.Labels: news, opinion, sports
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
I guess my theory was wrong. Chris Benoit did indeed kill his family and then himself. A news conference from this afternoon stated that sometime Friday nite he strangled his wife. Sometime Saturday he asphyxiated his son and then sometime during the late hours of Saturday and early hours Sunday he hung himself in his downstairs weightroom.
I cannot wrap my mind around why someone would do such a thing. I know that it sounds cliche but he didn't seem like the type of man that would do somethihng like that. Just last nite on the WWE tribute show his fellow wrestlers were saying what a great dad he was. He was such a family man. What could have caused him to snap?
I am very upset by the way that he chose to commit suicide. Any time I hear about someone hanging themselves it brings back awful memories for me. My best friend hung himself almost 12 years ago. It was the most horrific thing I have ever seen. I will never get that image out of my mind. I will never get over what he did. To this day a simple song or memory can make me break down and cry. I know that people say that time heals but I think it's b.s. Hasn't worked for me.
I know that his friends and co-workers are going to be angry with him for what he did. They'll wonder why he didn't come to them for help with whatever was going on. They'll be mad at him for leaving. They'll feel guilty because they will think that there must have been something that they could've done to prevent this. It's an awful burden to carry for those that he left behind. Believe me,I speak from experience.
Who knows whether we will ever know why he did this. Who knows if he knew why he did this. Sometimes things like this leave more questions than it does answers. I just want to know why...Labels: personal
Monday, June 25, 2007
A Sad Goodbye

Most of you know that I am a huge WWE fan. Have been for a very long time. Over the years many great wrestlers have lost their lives due to various circumstances. Today was no exception. WWE wrestler Chris Benoit,his wife and his son were found dead in their home today. Police gave no details as to how this happened. I'm sure there will be many theories floating around. My own personal theory would be a home invasion. I honestly cannot see this as a murder-suicide. Then again,I could be wrong.
Chris Benoit was a very experienced wrestler and very good at what he did. He knew how to entertain. He had millions of fans around the world. Not too long ago he lost his very dear friend and fellow wrestler,Eddie Guerrero. I remember watching the tribute special that the WWE put on in his honor. Now I am doing the same for Chris. It is a very sad thing.
My thoughts and prayers go out to his family. I hope that they get the answers that they are looking for. Thank you for the many wonderful performances that you gave and all the effort that you put into your work. You will be missed. May Chris,his wife and his son rest in peace.Labels: personal, sports
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Happy Birthday to Me!
Happy Birthday to me! Today I turn 28. Man,am I getting old! My husband asked me if I was going to start lying about my age and I told him that I was still in my 20's so I don't have to yet. I'm not planning on doing anything exciting today. I will probably just go over to my gram's for the day. I don't make a big fuss over my birthday. To me it's just another day. The hubby's working today (which isn't anything out of the ordinary) so we didn't plan anything. We don't get out much with having 4 kids so we just stay home and celebrate with them. They all made me the cutest birthday cards. They're so thoughtful! Well, there goes another year.......Labels: holiday, personal
Softball Champs

Shaelyn and Dakotah have finished their softball season. They both had a good time playing the game. I intend on signing them up again next year. I think Jordan wants in on the action,too. So more than likely I will have three of them playing softball which means three different practice times and three different game times. Looking forward to that :/ I am very proud of how well the girls did. Dakotah's team made it to the first round of the play-offs. Their run ended there but they did a great job. Shaelyn stuck it out by being the only girl on an all boys team and showing them that she could hang with them. They both received trophies and they are so proud of them. They show them to everyone that comes over. Congrats girls on a great season and a job well done!

Labels: kids, sports
Friday, June 22, 2007
School's Out!

Mrs.Crisafulli and Shaelyn
Yesterday was the last day of school for the kids. Most kids are excited to start summer vacation - not mine. When they came in from the bus Dakotah was crying and Jordan was teary-eyed. Shaelyn was the only one that seemed to be ok. I asked them what was wrong and Dakotah said that she was going to miss her teacher. Jordan told me that it was sad to be leaving his teacher and Shae said that she was ok because she had cried about her teacher the nite before. I told them that I was sure that they would make it through the summer. If I know them they will write to their teachers over the summer. My kids are something. I guess this is sort of a testament as to how well they are being raised. They are such loving and caring kids. They aren't afraid to show their emotions. They really do care about people. I am so proud of them for being the type of kids that they are. *little pat on the back* :) The girls both had picnics to celebrate the end of the year so I was able to get a pic of each of them with their teacher. Jordan's teacher is supposed to send me one of the two of them so I will post that when I get it.

Mrs.Ravas and DakotahLabels: kids, school
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Happy Birthday Gram!

Today we had a birthday/welcome home party for my gram. Technically her birthday was yesterday but we wanted her to have a day where she could rest before we took her out partying :) It was a beautiful day. She was so happy to be with the family. You could just tell by the look on her face. She loved watching the kids play in the pool. We had Frank and Brian home for the day and that made her happy,too.

I love to watch her open cards. She usually tears up at least once. When she opened up mine and Todd's she started to read them and then closed them and said in a choked up voice,"I'll read this when I get home." I can't help but get mushy in my cards to her. I always make her cry.

We are all so happy that she is home where she belongs. She is walking with a walker now and doing well with it. My aunt has been staying with her at nite until she feels comfortable enough to get up on her own. Thank God she was able to be home for her birthday. I got some good pics of everyone today so I'm going to post a few.

People in the pics are as follows: 1st pic is gram(left)and Aunt Gert(right)
2nd pic is my Uncle Brian 3rd pic is my cousin Ryan and Hadlei
4th pic is my Aunt Cynthia and HadleiLabels: family
Thursday, June 14, 2007
I am so ecstatic! My gram is coming home tomorrow!!! Yeah!!! After almost 6 weeks of craziness she is finally able to go home. I know that it is partly due to the fact that she was receiving actual care while at Birchwood. If she had received adequate care at Loretto she would have been home a few weeks ago.
She is extremely happy. Her birthday is Saturday and when we asked her what she wanted she said,"All I want is to go home." Well're getting your birthday wish! We are going to have a birthday party for her on Sunday at my uncle's house. She will love to get out in the fresh air and be with her entire family.
We did visit her new gyno yesterday and he said that he is going to plan on doing the hysterectomy in 3 months. The D&C will probably only work for a short time but he wanted to take the safe route and not do the hysterectomy until she was much healthier. She isn't looking forward to having surgery but it will be the best thing for her in the long run.
She is going to have PT and OT come to the house for her for a while. She is walking a little bit with a walker but she needs and wants to walk by herself. She also doesn't have all of her strength back yet. I am going to be with her through the day while Edward is at work. We don't want to leave her alone right now. She is going to have aides coming in but who knows what they will be like.
Thank you to everyone that prayed for her recovery. It has been a long and sometimes difficult road but I think we have come to the end of it with some good results. Now just pray that she recovers quickly at home so that we can get back to the way things were before all of this happened.Labels: family
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Donut Attack

Apparently my youngest daughter was attacked by a donut last nite. Not sure of the circumstances surrounding the attack but I do believe that Hadlei eventually got the upper hand and took out that donut. Guess it picked the wrong kid to mess with. I took a few pictures as evidence and she goes from a look of innocence to a look of guilt in a flash. Doesn't look like she is going to have a strong defense :)

Labels: kids
Toothless Wonder

This kid has been working on getting this tooth out for months now. She has pulled and twisted and even asked me to tie a string around it to try to get it out. She has been complaining that it hurt and I told her that it would until she could get it out. She woke up this morning to find that it was extremely loose. She came running into my office all excited that she was finally going to be able to get it out. She worked on it for about 10 minutes until it finally popped out. She came in with this huge grin on her face and said,"See!" Then she had to run downstairs and wake up her dad to show him that she had finally lost that tooth. She put it under her pillow and I'm sure that tonite she will be eager to go to bed early so that the Tooth Fairy will come. She is now off to school where I am sure that she will be grinning from ear to ear so that everyone can see that she lost her tooth.Labels: kids
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Toad-ally Unexpected

I was out in the front yard this afternoon trying to do some yard work when my little helpers came out to see what I was doing. They figured that I needed their help so I put them to work :) The front yard is very dull looking so I bought some mulch and some flowers and am working on one section at a time. I had to pull these huge logs that formed a hexagon shape out of my way so that I could lay the mulch. When I moved them the girls found two toads. They went in and got our empty fish tank and put them in there. Dakotah decided to let Shaelyn's go and just keep hers.(how thoughtful) As I was finishing up my project I look over and see Dakotah carrying the toad! I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I never figured her as one that would like that kind of stuff. Guess I was wrong. She carried that thing around for almost a 1/2 hour. She tried bringing it into the house but I wasn't about to allow that. I told her she had to let it go. She was sad but I told her I would take her picture so that she could remember him. So here are Dakotah and Diego!Labels: kids
Nice Hat!

I think Hadlei is quite the little ham. Lately she has been wearing her pull-ups around the house,which is great,but they're on the wrong end! She thinks she's hilarious. She did this the other day when we went to visit gram and the nurses were falling all over her. They were telling her how cute and adorable she was. She was eating it up! I know that the little stink pot knows that she will get tons of attention by doing this. And she's right! She is just so darn cute!!!Labels: kids
Friday, June 1, 2007
Once A Princess Always A Princess
Yes,this is me,almost. I do not spend hours on my hair and I hate hairy guys! Other than that it's a perfect description.
Your results:
You are Princess Leia
Princess Leia |
| 83% |
Obi-Wan Kenobi |
| 82% |
Padme |
| 77% |
Yoda |
| 74% |
Luke Skywalker |
| 69% |
R2-D2 |
| 63% |
Han Solo |
| 59% |
An Ewok |
| 59% |
Chewbacca |
| 55% |
C-3PO |
| 54% |
You are an excellent friend and an unselfish person, yet you like to spend a lot of time on your hair and fashion. You spend most of your time with guys that are too cocky, too hairy, or too related.
(This list displays the top 10 results out of a possible 21 characters)
Click here to take the "Which Star Wars character am I?" quiz...
Labels: personal