Thursday, June 26, 2008
We are the CHAMPIONS x 2

That's right everybody! Jordan's team has done it! They are the 2008 Double A Baseball Little League champions! My house is full of champions! This has been such an exciting year for the kids - and me,too.
Jordan's game wasn't quite as nerve racking as the girls' was but it was still a great game. They defeated the Storm 12-5. 4 of their 12 points were home run hits. They have some talent on this team. Ironically we almost didn't have a game. We were waiting for the ump to show up and found out that they said the game had been rescheduled for tomorrow nite. The parents weren't having that and long story short they were able to get an ump to come officiate the game.
I am so proud of Jordan. He started out the season not even really wanting to play because he didn't think he was good enough. He has grown so much these last few months. His coach even gave him a chance to pitch during the last game and he loved it and did a pretty good job for his first time.
I may be a bit biased but my kids are amazing and I am extremely proud of all that they have accomplished not only in their sports and schooling but in life in general. I couldn't ask for a better bunch of kids.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Graduation Day
School's out for summer! Not that I should be excited about that. Shouldn't they make kids go to school year round? Wishful thinking,huh?
Jordan had his graduation ceremony Monday. He is officially in 6th grade and is leaving the elementary school for the middle school. He has some mixed emotions about that. He asked me if he could go visit his old school during their recess time. I know he'll do well next year because he certainly did a great job this year. His report card was awesome and he even got a 4 in the "cooperative and respectful" catergory. (they grade on a scale of 1-4) The other kids did excellent,too. Shae had her usual bunch of E's and Dakotah got four 4's on her report card. Skylar did ok but she is still adjusting to the ciricculum and hopefully next year she will be in sync with it.

Jordan's ceremony was tear jerking. Not only was my baby graduating from elementary school but Mr.Frey was giving his last speech. Couldn't hold the tears back no matter how hard I tried. I was able to get pics of him with the kids so that they will always remember him.

On my 1 minute drive home from the school a song came on the radio that was very fitting for the events of the day. It was Rascal Flatt's "My Wish".
I hope that days come easy and moments pass slow,
And each road leads you where you want to go,
And if you're faced with a choice, and you have to choose,
I hope you choose the one that means the most to you.
And if one door opens to another door closed,
I hope you keep on walkin' till you find the window,
If it's cold outside, show the world the warmth of your smile,
More then anything, more then anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it,
To your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more then you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.
I hope you never look back, but ya never forget,
All the ones who love you, in the place you left,
I hope you always forgive, and you never regret,
And you help somebody every chance you get,
Oh, you find God's grace, in every mistake,
And you always give more then you take.
Oh More then anything, Yeah, and more then anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it,
To your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more then you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.
Congratulations buddy - mom is so proud of you. Good luck in middle school.Labels: kids, school
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
We are the CHAMPIONS!

That's right ladies and are looking at the 2008 Minor Softball Little League Champions! Woo-hoo! I wish you all could have been there. I have never seen a more exciting game. It was such a tight game and the stress levels were through the roof. I think I aged about 20 years tonite!
It was a close game. The teams were neck and neck throughout the whole game and at the end of the 5th inning it was a tie game. Had it been a regular game it would have ended that way but being the championship game they had to play until someone won. The game went 7 innings and didn't end until close to 10 pm! There was no score until the bottom of the 7th inning and I am extremely proud to say that my daughter - Dakotah - scored the winning run for our team! The final score was 15-14.
Dakotah has been on Cloud 9 since the game ended. She couldn't wait to get home so that she could call her dad in Oregon and tell him what she had done. She said that he was going to be so proud of her and I know he was. She's pretty wired so I hope she'll be able to get some sleep tonite :)
It has been an awesome season for these girls. They have worked so hard and tonite it all paid off for them. Coach has done some amazing things with this team. They are a great group of girls. And this was a much deserved win.
Can someone tell me how a person that takes little to no responsibility for his child can say that i'm irresponsible? Let me set the scene for you...Jordan had his playoff game rescheduled for Sunday because it was rained out on Saturday. I had to go to my mom's to set up for another yard sale and Sunday was the only day I could do it as the sale is this weekend. Surprisingly his father said that he would pick him up and take him to his game. I told Jordan to call me when he got home. He did and he asked me when I would be home. I said it would be at least 2-3 hours. I heard him tell someone that and asked who he was talking to. He said his father wanted to know and it sounded to me like he was having a fit. So I told Jordan that he could either stay home or his father could drop him off at my mom's. He did end up dropping Jordan off. I asked Jordan if he wanted to come and he said no and that his father made him. His father told him that I was irresponsible for leaving him home alone because he is too young.
Are you kidding me?!?! He is the LAST person that should ever be calling anyone - especially me - irresponsible. I am the one that makes sure that he has clothes to wear and food to eat. I am the one that makes sure that he has a roof over his head. I am the one that goes to all of his school and sporting events. I am the one that takes him to the dr when he's sick. The list goes on and on. Want to know what his father does? He picks him up most weekends and works half of that time. He doesn't buy him anything he needs. He doesn't show up at school or sporting events like he should. The support he pays shouldn't even be called that because when you get right down to it what he pays in a week doesn't even cover the cost of 3 square meals for one day! Basically he does nothing. And he is calling me irresponsible?!
Jordan is 11 yrs old. I trust him to stay home by himself for a few hours. He has done it before and he will do it again. He is a trustworthy kid and until he gives me a reason not to I will trust him to stay home when I'm not there.
Not only does what he said piss me off but he didn't even say it to me - he said it to Jordan! Grow a set and tell ME what you have to say. Don't tell Jordan in hopes that it will get back to me. Why are you even putting him in the middle of it? A little irresponsible I would say. I guess I should be used to it because he never has had the balls to say anything to my face. I hear what he says through Jordan,his mother or his wife. And of course with the big mouth I have I don't have any problem telling either his mother or his wife what I think of him or them if need be. I wonder if there will ever come a time when Bill can grow up,act his age and be a responsible parent. That's probably just wishful thinking.Labels: kids, opinion
Monday, June 23, 2008
Happy Birthday to...Me!
Not a huge deal - it's just another day. I don't make too much over my birthday. Won't be going out to celebrate because the hubby has to work - surprise surprise :) But that's ok,I don't like a huge fuss being made over me anyway. The kids said "Happy Birthday" to me about a million times before they left for school this morning. Hadlei ran up to me when she got up and wished me a happy birthday and told me I was her sweetest sweetest heart. Doesn't that make you want to melt?!
As usual the hubby spoils me even though I tell him not to. He got me a Cricut machine and the case for it. For those of you that don't know it's used for scrapbooking. (let's have a Cricut party Shelle!) I told him that was enough because that thing was not cheap but he went ahead and got me the new Brett Michaels cd and the new Rock dvd. Shae made me a macaroni necklace in school. They are all so thoughtful.
Something strange happened late last nite/early this morning. When Pat got home from work he called me outside to show me something that was on my car. There was a bird sitting there. It didn't fly away when he pulled into the driveway with his stereo thumping. It didn't fly away when he opened his door. That bird sat there all nite until it flew away sometime after 3:30 am when the thunderstorm rolled in. I went out to take some pictures of it and I was able to get within 2 feet of it and he still just sat there. I have never seen a bird do that before. Pat and I were talking about how strange it was and he said the sweetest thing to me. He said that maybe it was Dan's way of wishing me a happy birthday. Of course that brought me to tears but I do believe that is a possibility.

Thank you to Shelle and Sheri and Rose for sending me birthday wishes. I really appreciate you guys remembering. Love you all!Labels: holiday
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Yard Work
My front yard has looked horrible since the snow thawed. The previous owner decided to dump a ton of rock everywhere to cover up the ugly. It didn't work. It just made it worse. The walkway up to the house is in serious need of repair and we aren't quite sure what to do with it. We also need to repair the retaining wall as well. I know that we are going to need help with those two things so I decided that I would do what I could to perk it up a little and see if I could get my uncle to help me with the rest - he just doesn't know it yet :) I went shopping with gram yesterday and she bought me the flowers and mulch for the front yard. It was my birthday present from her. So I spent last nite and part of today working on the yard and I got it finished. I still want to edge the areas with something else but I need to shop around for that. Tell me what you think!
This is the before for the octagon thing in the front...

And here is the after...

And this is before...

And here is the after...

Labels: misc
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Playoff Bound
The Sunbirds are playoff bound! Last nite was their last game before the playoffs and they finshed with a 21-6 win. It was a sweet victory because it was against team Thunder - the only team they lost to. (remember the nasty ump?) They play Saturday morning at 8:30 am and if they win they go on to the championship game Tuesday nite. All of the girls have accomplished so much this season and have a lot to be proud of.
They usually have a pretty good cheerig section but it was kind of small for some reason last nite. I always cheer on all the girls and therefore my big mouth comes in handy :) The hubby was able to come along last nite because it was his day off but he wasn't cheering too loudly. When asked why he said I was doing a good job and didn't need the help. Translation = he thinks I have a big mouth but won't say so because he doesn't want to sleep on the couch. Smart move. Grama Wood came and she cheered right along side me. It's really nice having her and Bob there whenever they can be. I know it means a lot to the girls. I know Kotah would like some other people to be there as well but it's not possible for some of them. Hopefully my posts and pix help with that :)
Good luck Sunbirds! You can do it!Labels: kids, sports
TV Star
Most of you don't know about the BS that is going on in our school district. To make it short and sweet the incompetent superintendent of the Baldwinsville school district has decided to cause an upheaval in many of our schools to fill two open principal positions. Instead of doing the smart thing and either promote from within the school or hire two new people she has decided to switch around the principals. This decision had created a lot of conflict at Reynolds. She is moving our principal to Palmer and sending the high school principal to our school. Most of the parents are furious with this because it was pretty much thrown into our laps a week or so ago. We were not told ahead of time and they don't care to listen to our objections or concerns. It has been all over the news here. And last nite I was a part of it :)
It was nothing that I did on purpose. I was going to the school to drop Dakotah back off after the MRI that didn't happen (another story altogether) and go to her class picnic. I turned onto the small street that goes to the school and had to park there because the lot and circle were full. There was an SUV parked in front of me facing my car. The woman that was standing there smiled at me and walked over to me as I got out of my car. I thought she was going to tell me to move for some reason. She introduced herself to me as Lisa Spitz from Channel 3 News. She wanted to know if I knew about the situation with our principal and if it upset me. I said I did and yes it did and she asked if she could ask me a few questions. Of course I said yes! I am willing to do anything I can to keep our principal at our school. I ended up being on the news at 5 pm. It was short and sweet but it was neat to see myself on tv. The kids thought it was cool. My little on camera appearance for 20 seconds may not prove anything but hey - you never know.
I don't want to lose Mr.Frey. He is an excellent principal. He is an outstanding person as well. He has personally helped my family out on a few different occasions. When the incident with Shaelyn happened 3 years ago he was right there to offer any help that either Shaelyn or my family needed. When I requested that Shaelyn have the teachers that my other children had because they already knew her story he was very accomodating and saw that it happened. He also made sure there was room for Skylar at the school when we brought her to New York. He knows everyone,students and parents,by first and last names. He is outside to greet and say goodbye to the kids everyday - rain or shine. He reads books to them on their birthdays. He would have lunch with them when they made the Excellence Team. How many other principals do you know that would even begin to do those things? None that I can think of.
The decision is final according to the superintendent. But it's not to the parents or to the children. There is now a petition going around that is demanding for the immediate removal of the superintendent and the school board president from their positions. And if that doesn't work we'll try something else. The parents and students of Reynolds will not let Mr.Frey go without a knock down drag out fight!Labels: misc
Monday, June 16, 2008
Happy Birthday Gram!

Today my gram turns 79. If you had asked me a year or so ago I would have told you that I wasn't sure if she would make it to her next birthday. But God obviously wanted her to and she made it and she is doing well. You all know what she has gone through since last May. It was like riding one huge,sickening rollercoaster. I know that all the prayers that were made on her behalf from all of you helped tremendously and I can't thank you guys enough for that.
My gram has been such a huge part of my life ever since I can remember. She has always been there for me. She has always taken care of me. She is like my mom. My mom and I didn't get along very well when I was younger and I lived with my gram most of my childhood. If asked I would say that she was the one that raised me. She fed me and clothed me and took care of me. I shudder to think what my life would have been like without her.
I am so grateful that during her ordeal last year I was able to take over her role and care for her. I have always done everything that I could for her but that time was special. I was able to let her come live with me. I was able to be there in her time of need so that she didn't have to suffer in some nursing home. She didn't want to impose but I insisted and I know that she was glad that I did. I really miss having her here even though I see her all the time.
My gram is an extraordinary woman. Not only did she raise her own children alone (my grandfather died when my mom was 9) she also took in foster children. Most if not all of them were mentally retarded. At any time she could have had up to 16 or 17 kids in her house. She ended up adopting 2 of them. And she helped raise her grandchildren. This woman deserves to have a holiday named after her!
Happy Birthday Gram! I love you bunches and am very proud to call myself your granddaughter. I only hope that one day I can be as amazing of a woman as you are. You truly are the best. Love you!Labels: family
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day
I want to wish a Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there. But there are two special people that I would like to send special wishes husband and my uncle.

My hubby is an excellent father and deserves recognition for that. No one I know works harder to take care of his family. He spends a great deal of time working so that we can live in a house and have a yard for the kids do go out and play in. He does it without complaining. He works when he's sick. He works when he's tired. As long as he's breathing he will go into work. And when he's home he plays with the kids. He helps them with their homework. He makes their dinner and helps get them ready for bed. He's all around just an amazing man and an exceptional father.

My uncle Todd is an amazing man as well. He stepped in as a father for me basically from the day my father left. And he has been there for me ever since. Long story short my father left when I was around 2 yrs old. He never called and he never visited. I didn't see my father until 2 yrs ago - almost 25 years after he left. I found him because an uncle (his brother) that I had never met had passed away. I figured my father would go to the funeral so I contacted the funeral home and asked that if he showed up if they would pass along my information to him. They did and he got in touch with me. We met at a park and talked for a few hours. A week or so after that he came to our apartment and met my kids. They loved him right away. And I haven't seen or heard from him since then. It's been 2 years.
I didn't let it get to me too much. I knew what my father was like. My gram had told me many things. I know that most people will try to make the missing parent look awful but gram didn't do that. She just told it like it was. So I didn't expect too much from him when I found him. A friend of his that I spoke to said that he was great with her grandkids. I remember thinking after he disappeared again that he must be something if he could act like a grandfather to kids that weren't from his own flesh and blood and just ignore kids that were. I think I hurt more for the kids than I did for myself. I just have to tell myself that it's his loss not mine.

I used to hate Father's Day as a kid. When we made things in school I felt like the only kid that didn't have a dad. I didn't even have a grandfather because he died when my mom was 9. But I don't feel that way any more. I had and still do have Todd. He was always there. He treated me and my brother like we were his. He took us places and did things with us just like a dad would. I just didn't realize how special he really was until I grew up. And he stood out even more to me after the whole fiasco with my real father. He used to take us trick or treating and buy us christmas gifts. He took us boating and fishing and to concerts. I remember that he was one of the first people to come see me after Jordan was born. He brought presents for him. He was there - my father wasn't. And that's what is most important to me - he was and still is there.
So to both Pat and Todd - I love you both very much and wish you a Happy Father's Day from the bottom of my heart.Labels: family, holiday
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Sweet Sheriff

My family has a very dear friend named Bill. He works for the Onondaga County Sheriff's Department. We met him a little over 3 years ago after my daughter was assaulted by serial rapist Kevin Schaus. He was the detective assigned to the case. Without going into the whole story I will say that he did an outstanding job and I couldn't have asked for a better man for the job.
We have stayed in close contact and he is a very good friend of ours. He and Shae write back and forth and he stops in when he can to see her. I told him that she was playing softball this year and she would love it if he could make it to one of her games. Last nite he was able to. He was there when we got to the game. We got there a few minutes late because I had to pry the kids out of the pool and then drop the girls at practice at 6 and have Jordan and Shae to their games at 6. I saw Bill when we rounded the corner but didn't say anything to Shae. I walked up to him and he said that he was afraid that we weren't coming. I explained to him why we were late. Shae was still oblivious to the conversation so I said to her,"Shae,who is this?" She looked up and yelled "Bill!" and almost tackled him to the ground.

He brought her a t-shirt from the Sheriff's dept. She was so excited that he was there that I think she forgot she had a game to play. I ushered her off to her game and Bill and I were able to catch up. Shae played well and she kept giving Bill a thumbs up. Pat showed up a little while later and we stood around and chatted. It was so nice to have some adult time even if there were a million kids running around. I usually bring my camera to the games but I didn't last nite. I had to get a pic of Shae and Bill so I sent the hubby home to get it. He went willingly :)

After the game was over we walked Bill to his car. He was driving an undercover car and as he was pulling away from us he turned the lights on for the kids. They loved it. Shae never stopped smiling. She literally fell asleep with a smile on her face. She was muttering something about being glad that she saw her best friend. It was so precious.
I can honestly say that I have never met anyone like Bill. He goes above and beyond what he needs to. I was telling my gram about Bill showing up to the game and she said that she was amazed that someone in his position would keep in touch the way he has. I told her that he was just an extraordinary man that cared. And that's really what it comes down to. I think in some way Shae's case really touched him. He has a special connection with her and our family. He even went as far as to make sure that we were safe and we had no clue. Last nite he told me that there was an undercover cop that used to live across the street from our old apartment and he asked him to watch out for us. That just shows what a good friend and excellent cop he is.

I'm glad that something so good came out of a situation that was so bad. Bill will always be a special part of our family.Labels: kids
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Searing Heat
Another busy weekend! What's new? Things should calm down a bit after softball ends. Another 2 weeks and we should be at the playoffs point. The mighty Sunbirds rallied and were back strong as ever on Saturday. They played great - even in the scorching heat. The other team ended up forfeiting the game at the top of the 5th inning because they were dropping like flies. Their coach had to bench 2 of the girls because they were dehydrated. Uh duh! You need to keep them drinking! We were winning 11-3 and coach wanted to finish the game out. The other coach didn't and some of her parents were copping attitudes. One lady was like "They're tired! You're winning anyway so why do you care if we quit!" That's all I needed to hear to get my mouth going. I stated rather loudly that some people should lose their bad attitude because they were a bad example for the kids. And surprisingly this time I wasn't the only one with something to say. The parents on our team must have learned from the last incident. ** on a side note relating to that incident - our bookkeeper told us that the ump from that game had apologized to coach. Big deal! He should've apologized to Kiana! **
I was at the field all day Saturday. Shae played during and after the girls game and then Jordan had a game at 1 pm. His game ended early but it wasn't because the other team quit. At the bottom of the 4th his team was winning 9-0. If you get to 10 and the other team hasn't scored you win. I was glad that it ended early because I was burning up - literally. This is what I looked like later that nite....

I know the redness doesn't show up too well but believe me it's there! My back and legs look the same. I took this pic yesterday so I may have lost some of the color. I didn't feel the effects of it until later that nite. It hurt but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle.

After we got home from the game the kids wanted to swim but the pool wasn't quite ready yet. I borrowed a sprinkler from our neighbor and let them have at it. They had a good time and were able to cool themselves off a bit. I had to mow the lawn so after they were done I dragged out our piece of junk mower and tried to start it. It took me like 20 tries. I thought I was going to lose my arm! I finally got it started and got half of the yard done when it got into some wet grass near the shed and died. Usually it starts right back up after it's been running but this time was the exception. I could not get it to start again. I literally almost passed out trying. I gave up and put the mower away. The hubby was either going to have to finish the lawn or get the mower started for me. I was so hot and sweaty that I had to get a shower. I had to sit down in the shower because I thought I was going to pass out. I'm thinking I may have had a bit of heat exhaustion.
Today I need to go buy a new mower. The lawn is driving me nuts being half done. Not to mention it looks ridiculous! It's not supposed to be as hot today so hopefully I can get it finished. This heat has been unbearable! Time to get the AC going!Labels: kids, misc, sports
Friday, June 6, 2008
Happy Anniversary Todd & Cynthia

Happy 10th wedding anniversary to my favorite aunt and uncle! I love you both very much and feel so blessed to have you both in my life. You are two of the most amazing people I know. You deserve all of the happiness that there is. You guys have such a beautiful marriage and are truly an inspiration. I wish you many more years of love and happiness. Have a wonderful day today and enjoy yourselves in Wine Country!Labels: family
Sleeping Beauties
I guess I'm going to have to hide my camera. The hubby thinks he's funny when he gets pics of me sleeping. I don't think he's funny. I hate having my picture taken and he knows it. Usually the only time he can get me is when I'm sleeping. He showed me this pic when he woke me up to go downstairs to bed. I only thought it was cute because Hadlei was sitting with me and she had the cutest little look on her face. That saved him because otherwise he and the couch would have become good friends that nite.

Labels: family
Monday, June 2, 2008
What a Nite!
The Sunbirds suffered their first loss tonite and I almost got thrown from the game :) The girls put up a good fight but lost 10-14. It was a very stressful game all the way around. The first few innings they couldn't get their game going. It was like a different team had taken their place. Once they got into their groove the melee began.
The first two innings the pitcher for the other team was consistently violating some of the rules for pitching. I am not quite sure what it was because I don't know much about the rules. I did hear the coach trying to tell the ump and it had something to do with her feet/stance/pitch. I know that last time we faced this team she was doing the same thing and that ump corrected the problem. Not this ump! Coach even went as far as to tell him to go get the head ump and you could tell the guy was pissed. The head ump came over and sure enough coach was right. Nothing was done to correct the problem and I don't know what could have been done. They should have replayed the innings.
Shortly after that fiasco our pitcher,Kiana,went in to cover home and was waiting for the catcher to throw her the ball when the girl from the other team came tearing into home. Kiana put her arms in position to catch the ball and the girl got elbowed. Total accident. Kiana wasn't even watching her she was watching the catcher. Next thing you know the ump throws his mask to the ground and gets in Kiana's face with his finger and yells at her. He said,"I don't ever want to see you do that again! Do you hear me?!" Kiana had no clue what she did and neither did the rest of us. Coach ran over and the ump said that she threw an elbow on purpose. Not even the case. Kiana was sobbing back at the pitcher's mound. Some of the parents were mumbling things but they weren't being very loud about it. I decided to be loud about it. I was pissed. He had no right to treat or embarrass her like that when she did nothing wrong. I started yelling,"Unbelieveable! Are you kidding?! Don't yell at her like that! She didn't do anything wrong!" He apparently didn't like what I had to say and told me to sit down. I then told him to come sit me down. He then said that if I didn't that he was going to throw me out. Wrong thing for him to do - don't threaten me! I started to say something else but coach came over and tried to smooth things over. I couldn't believe that Kiana's dad,who is also a coach,didn't really say much other that for her to shake it off. She was a wreck! No one else would call the ump on it but me. I have a mouth and I'm certainly not afraid to use it. He's lucky that wasn't one of my girls because I would have tackled his ass. Jerk.
Kiana stuck it out and finished pitching the inning. I kept dropping comments just loud enough for the ump to hear me. I couldn't help it I was fired up. When she came into the dugout I called her over and gave her a hug. I told her not to let it get to her. She did nothing wrong and the ump was an idiot. I also told her that when she got back out there she should picture his face on the catcher's mitt and fire the ball right into the mitt. She laughed at that. I just wanted her to feel better.
I was so proud of the girls at the end of the game when they found out that they had lost. There was no whining or grumbling or even sour faces. They were smiling. They said a loss was ok. What an outstanding bunch of girls. I even heard one of the parents tell them that they didn't want to be like the Patriots - have an undefeated season and then blow it on the big one :) On the way home I told my girls that I was very proud of them for the way that they had acted when they lost. I told them you win some and you lose some. And it doesn't matter which you do as long as you do it gracefully and with class. And that is exactly how these girls do it. I was especially proud of Skylar when she said that it didn't matter if they won or not - all that mattered was that they could play the game. Well said kid!
It was quite a nite. During all of this I was going back and forth between games. All of the kids played tonite. I need to clone myself! Jordan's team got another win and Shae took out her coach. He pitched to her and she took a good swing and hit him with the ball. Poor guy - happens to him at least once a game. No more games until Saturday but I'm sure a few practices will be thrown in somewhere. What a nite!Labels: kids, sports
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Beauty Queen
I love taking pictures of the kids. I love getting their pictures taken professionally. I haven't had them done in a studio in quite some time so I decided to take Hadlei and get hers done since I hadn't since she was about 15 months. I will get to the other kids soon as well as to a group picture - which ought to be a ton of fun. She had a bunch of different poses done and I have posted some of them. She is just the cutest little thing! My gram says that she looks a lot like Dakotah did at that age and she's right. I hadn't really noticed it before but they both have that pudgy little round face. She also told me that I should try to get her into modeling for magazines or catalogs. I'm not too sure I want to get into that world. Anyway I hope you like the pix!

!Labels: kids
Busy Weekend
These last few days have been so busy around here. I decided to have a yard sale to try to get rid of quite a bit of junk that has been sitting in my garage. A lot of work goes into preparing for one of these sales. Gram and mom came over to help with it. We had it Thursday and Friday and were going to have it Saturday as well but it rained Friday nite and some things got wet so I decided to pack it up. It was also supposed to rain all day Saturday which is why I decided to pack it up but it turned out to be sunny most of the day! I could have made more money! I didn't do too bad though. Raked in just under $300. Not bad for a few days work. I'm sure I'll have a few more over the summer. We are planning to have one at my mom's at the end of this month.
While the sale was was going on Friday I had to take Jordan to the dr to get his shots that are required before he can go into 6th grade. He wasn't impressed with it. He hates shots and I thought that I was going to have to pry him out of the car. He went in willingly but was a bit hesitant when he saw the needles. He made it out in one piece although he hasn't stopped whining that his arm hurts :) Later that day I had to go to his D.A.R.E. graduation and then take him to his friend's house for a birthday party.
Yesterday all of the kids had softball games so I enlisted the help of Grama and Grampa Wood to drive them. They all won their games! Kotah and Sky had a 10-9 win,Jordan had a 17-10 win and Shae said they won,too. I hated having to miss their games but they still had a cheering section there for them. The Sunbirds had a game Thursday nite which they won 9-4. They are still undefeated with a record of 8-0! Right after they returned from their games Jordan and Kotah had to get changed so that they could go with grama and grampa to the monster truck show at the Fairgrounds. They got pit passes so that they could go down and see the trucks up close and get autographs. They wore shirts that they could have signed. They got back close to 11 pm and said that they had a great time. Their shirts were really cool! They couldn't stop talking about all that they saw and did.
I want to say a big THANK YOU to Sunny and Bob (grama and grampa) for all of their help this weekend. It was greatly appreciated. I wouldn't have been able to get everything accomplished this weekend that I needed to without their help. And I also want to thank them for coming to as many of the kids game that they have and showing their support for all of them. It really means a lot to the kids as well as to me. Thanx you guys!Labels: kids, misc, sports