Monday, January 21, 2008
It's All Over
Well football season is officially over! There is no point in watching the Superbowl because I hate both teams. Neither of them should be there. But there isn't anything that can be done about that.
My team had the chance to get that far but blew it. The interception thrown in the end zone during the final seconds of the game sealed their fate. Green Bay got their chance to play at home like Favre wanted. He didn't want to go to Dallas because he has a problem with winning there. His problem? He can't win there! I do feel better about the way my team lost because it only came down to that one play. Green Bay had multiple opportunities to win last nite and they couldn't pull it off.
Like all the teams that don't make it to the Superbowl, their fans say "there's always next year." What else can we say? Whining about it won't change anything. It makes you feel better for a bit but that's the extent of it.
I had a guy come up to me the other day and tell me that I shouldn't be wearing my Cowboys sweatshirt. They were done for the season. I told him that he was right - they were done for the season. But I am NOT a fairweather fan. I don't jump on the bandwagon of the winning team. I am a TRUE Cowboys fan - win or lose. And I represent my team - win or lose. He said he had to respect that and before he walked away he wished my team luck for next year. After that conversation I got to thinking about how many people jump on the bandwagon when a team gets to the Superbowl. It's pathetic really - especially when they're not a sports fan and don't follow the game in the first place. I see nothing wrong in rooting for another team if your own doesn't make it. After all,it's part of the fun of the sport. I can't do that this year due to the rivalry I have with my hubby. I hope they both lose! :)
As always,I'm proud of my team and all that they accomplished this season. And I'm sure that I speak for every Cowboys fan out there when I say "there's always next year!" Go Big D!!!Labels: opinion, sports
Hit the Nail on the Head
Can't say that I disagree with the analysis - except maybe for the flaky and irresponsible part. Course I guess we can all be flaky and irresponsible sometimes...
What Jessica Means |
 You are fair, honest, and logical. You are a natural leader, and people respect you. You never give up, and you will succeed... even if it takes you a hundred tries. You are rational enough to see every part of a problem. You are great at giving other people advice.
You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone. You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together. At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together.
You are the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong. You have the whole world under your spell, and you can influence almost everyone you know. You don't always resist your urges to crush the weak. Just remember, they don't have as much going for them as you do.
You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing. You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long. You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.
You are very open. You communicate well, and you connect with other people easily. You are a naturally creative person. Ideas just flow from your mind. A true chameleon, you are many things at different points in your life. You are very adaptable.
You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality. |
via SaraLabels: fun
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Bits and Pieces
Gram did well with her surgery. It only took about an hour and she did great. No complications. The nurses even had her up walking that same nite! I was surprised to hear that. I had called to check on her and the nurse said that she was walking past her right then. I was tongue tied for a second. I guess that I was so used to things going wrong that I wasn't expecting something to actually work out the way that it was supposed to. It's about time! She is due home tomorrow unless they change their minds. A huge thank you to you guys for your prayers. I know that they helped.
In other news,my son has managed to give himself another concussion! I don't know what I'm going to do with him. He did it Wednesday nite. How you ask? He fell down our stairs - 7 of them to be exact. And of course,he landed on his head. He was in a huge hurry to get downstairs so that he could eat his sister's chicken nuggets. He was wearing running pants that were a bit too long and he slipped at the top of the stairs(we have hardwood floors)and rolled head over heels to the bottom. No broken bones so I waited until the next morning to take him to the dr. I knew what was coming and I was right. Concussion. And that means that we have to go back to the concussion clinic that had just fully released him a few months earlier. Never a dull moment!!!
Lastly... About a month and a half ago I told you that Pat and I had something very important happening and that I would tell you about it. I can't quite say anything yet but I will be able to within the next week or two. The suspense is probably killing you,right? It's worth the wait. All that I will say is that I thank God for my house and it's 5 bedrooms.....Labels: family, misc
Monday, January 14, 2008
Time for Surgery
The day has finally arrived! Gram is going in for surgery tomorrow to have her ileostomy reversed. It has been a long time coming. She has finally stayed healthy long enough for things to heal. She is excited and nervous at the same time. We have to be there tomorrow morning at 5:30. Early morning for me!
If all goes well,and I pray that it does,she should only be in the hospital 5-7 days. If they have to cut her open again instead of going through the stoma it will be a longer stay/recovery. So please pray that everything goes well for her. The woman has gone through enough and it just needs to stop.
I hope that the surgery doesn't set her too far back. She has been doing so well since she got out of the hospital the last time. Her appetite has come back and she has been using her cane instead of her walker. Her kidneys have been behaving,too. The dr said that it wasn't going to be as complicated a surgery as her last one was. We'll be keeping our fingers crossed....Labels: family
Playoffs Week 2
Yes,it hurts. It was a damn close game. Romo and the boys couldn't pull it off. I think if they hadn't had as many penalties as they did it would've been a different outcome. But what's done is done. No use crying over it. There is always next year. Most people that jump on Romo forget that he is a rookie QB. This is his first full season as QB. And I think he has done a great job. I couldn't believe the reaction from T.O. at the news conference. The man was in tears!! T.O.!! I almost liked him there for a second. Thought maybe he actually had a heart. He didn't want everyone blaming Romo for their loss. "It was a team loss" were his exact words.
As for the opposite side of things - Sal tried to call but I wouldn't answer the phone. I was in a rotten mood and some nasty things probably would have come out of my mouth and my gram and the kids were there so I had to censor myself. The hubby tried to call twice and I didn't answer either. I told gram that I hoped no one was dying because I wasn't answering the phone. I must say that when he came home he didn't say a word. Just told me that he loved me. I 'm sure he was screaming inside. He knows better though. I would've knocked his teeth down his throat if he had opened his mouth :) We take football season very seriously in this house!
It's on to Green Bay next week for the Giants. I have a feeling that Green Bay will have no problem with them. So Dean and Sara - good luck!!!
P.S. On a personal note - people that have no idea how the game is played or why should keep their mouths shut :)Labels: opinion, sports
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
My Sweet Brother
My brother is the best. We were close growing up and we still are. We used to keep each other out of trouble(remember the golf club Tys?)He comes to me for advice and he even listens to it some of the time! ;) He called me yesterday and said something to me that truly touched me.
He recently got back together with his high school sweetheart,Sarah. I was very happy to hear this because I have always liked Sarah. She is a very sweet,caring,
thoughtful and kind woman. We always got along very well and I have always wanted to have a SIL like that. If things work out for them maybe I will.
Sarah has an adorable little girl named Ava who is about 7 months old. Tyson called me to find out if I would take care of Ava for them if they ever needed/wanted someone to when they went out. Before I could answer him he said that they had asked me because "I have done a good job raising my kids and I am a good mother" and that Sarah trusts me. The boy almost had me in tears! It meant so much to me to hear that from him. And it meant a lot to have Sarah's trust because I of all people know how hard it is to trust someone with my children. He made my day.
I always knew that I had a great family and when something like this happens it just reinforces that. Thanx Tyson and Sarah.....Love you both!Labels: family
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Playoffs Week 1
Dallas had a bye week this Sunday. They will return to action next week at home against the Giants. What fun that will be. We have played and beat them twice this year. Guess they want to be humiliated again. No problem - we can accomodate them. I know I'll have to listen to the hubby run his mouth all week about how fired up the Giants are and how they will beat Dallas. I'll just let him run off at the mouth and then watch him cry when his precious team gets beat for a third time! I was kind of hoping that Tampa Bay would win because Dallas hasn't had the chance to play them this year. It won't really seem like a playoff game because Dallas has played the Giants already. Oh well - what can you do?Labels: opinion, sports
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Frosty's Friends

It has snowed a little bit in the past few days so the girls decided to go out and make snowmen. Shaelyn went out first and started hers but then it started to rain/sleet/snow so she had to come in. It didn't last long so she went back out to finish her project. Hadlei had been watching her from the window and wanted to make a snowman like her big sister. So we suited up and went outside to make a snowman.

Hadlei had a ball carrying the snow over to her little pile that was slowly becoming her snowman. She did a really good job. She even picked out her own stones for his face. She was so proud of her snowman when she finished that she wanted me to take her picture. So of course I had to oblige her request.

Shaelyn's snowman turned out pretty good. She did it all by herself. As you can see it's as tall as she is. She attempted to make another one but she gave up on it halfway through. So I have 2 1/2 snowmen in my yard :) She was in such a hurry to get out into the yard to finish her first snowman that she put her snowpants on over her jacket instead of underneath it. I think she looks pretty silly!

Labels: kids