Thursday, September 27, 2007
The Zoo
Yesterday we decided that since it was such a nice day we would take Hadlei to the zoo. She hasn't been there since last summer and we figured that she would probably enjoy the animals a little more this time around. There weren't many people there which was a good thing because I hate crowds.

She loved all of the animals. When we got to the monkeys she said,"There's King Kong!" It was a furry black monkey and when he swung over to the glass right in front of her she backed up and said,"Oh gee! King Kong get me!" I couldn't stop laughing. She saw a few animals that are in her Diego and Dora movies and she had to tell us about each one. She especially loved the spectacled bears. We were at that exhibit for almost 20 minutes!

Her other favorite were the penguins. It is a really nice exhibit. They swim right in front of you and she was chasing one of them that kept swimming past her. As we neared the end it started to rain so we finished just in time. We took her into the gift shop and she picked out a fuzzy baby penguin and a baby snow leopard.

We all had a fun time. I would love to take all of the kids to a bigger zoo. This one isn't bad but it's the same thing every time and most of the animals are sleeping! Maybe next summer we'll check out the Rochester Zoo.Labels: family, fun
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Football Week 3
Did the Bears even show up for the game? That puts Dallas at 3-0!!!
Gee,the Giants got their first win - amazing! Don't know how the 'Skins lost this game. Giants have Philly next week. Good luck with that one.Labels: opinions, sports
Sunday, September 23, 2007
In Loving Memory

Daniel Jude Brown
May 11,1978 - September 23,1995
This post is dedicated to my best friend - Daniel Jude Brown - who took his own life 12 years ago today. He was a sweet,caring,funny,loving,warm guy. We always had fun when we were together. Some of my favorite times with him were spent jet skiing on Cross Lake. Or trying to ride on the spokes of his bike. We used to have so much fun playing pool,too. And we could always just sit and talk. He was such a special person and I miss him more than I can describe. My whole world was turned upside down when I found out that he was gone. It took me years to stop blaming myself for not being able to stop him. I still feel a twinge of guilt every now and then but nothing like I used to. I don't believe that time heals all wounds. I just think it makes them hurt a little less but it never heals them.
Dan,I miss you so much. I wish you were here. I can only imagine how different my life would have been if you hadn't died. But I can't dwell on that. My life is good now. I have 4 wonderfully intelligent and beautiful children and a husband that busts his butt to take care of us. You would be proud of me. I know that you check in on me from time to time and that is such a comfort. I still have my moments when I just break down and cry because I miss you so much. The only thing that I can take comfort in is knowing that I will see you again,one sweet day. Until then I have to take care of myself and my family. I love you and I miss you,Danner.
One Sweet Day
Sorry I never told you
All I wanted to say
And now it's too late to hold you
'Cause you've flown away
So far away
Never had I imagined
Living without your smile
Feeling and knowing you hear me
It keeps me alive
And I know you're shining down on me from Heaven
Like so many friends we've lost along the way
And I know eventually we'll be together
One sweet day
Darling, I never showed you
Assumed you'd always be there
I took your presence for granted
But I always cared
And I miss the love we shared
And I know you're shining down on me from Heaven
Like so many friends we've lost along the way
And I know eventually we'll be together
One sweet day
Although the sun will never shine the same
I'll always look to a brighter day
Lord I know when I lay me down to sleep
You will always listen as I pray
And I know you're shining down on me from Heaven
Like so many friends we've lost along the way
And I know eventually we'll be together
One sweet day
And I know you're shining down on me from Heaven
Like so many friends we've lost along the way
And I know eventually we'll be together
One sweet day
Sorry I never told you
All I wanted to say
~ Mariah Carey & Boyz II Men ~Labels: personal
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Sad Kotah Bear

My little Kotah Bear is down in the dumps. Her dad and stepmom left yesterday to go back home to Oregon after visiting for a week. She just about tore my heart out when we were saying goodbye to them at the airport. She was so upset. She didn't want them to leave. She just cried and cried. I know that it was just as hard for them to leave her,too. (I hope you guys are doing ok) I know in a few days or so she'll perk back up but she has been so mopey since they left.
Dean and Sara - you guys mean the world to that little girl. I know that nothing would make her happier than to have you move back here. I hope that sometime in the near future that will be possible. I know how happy she was while she was with you. She loves you so much.

Even if you can't move back this way anytime soon you'll at least have to come visit again. Sara,you and I have some hanging out to do. I had a great time shopping with you but we really didn't get to go out and just relax. So next time you come I am going to kidnap you! I also had a blast doing Kotah's party with you. We can throw one hell of a party! :) And there is still a ton of cake left!!!
Bottom line...we miss you guys already and hope to see you again very soon :)Labels: family
Monday, September 17, 2007
Football Week 2
Another win! We're at 2-0! Kick ass start to the season! Those are my 'Boys!!!
You got beat by the Packers?!? Come on! Pretty pathetic but oh so funny! :P *roflmao*Labels: opinions, sports
Sunday, September 16, 2007
A Fairy Good Time
Yesterday we had a birthday party for Dakotah. It was a great time. We were hoping for some good weather but it rained on and off all day. That meant we had 15 kids from the ages os 8 months to 12 years in the house. Suprisingly they were all well behaved.

Kotah was the center of attention and she was dressed as Tinkerbell - her favorite character. Her friends dressed in their pjs and they were the lost boys and girls from Peter Pan. We did some crafts with them and made fairy wands for the girls and pirate telescopes for the boys.

Kotah cleaned house with her birthday gifts. She got a stereo,4 cds,a gameboy and 3 games to go with it,a few Bratz dolls,a watch,a personalized necklace,a new Tink clock,Tink pjs,some littlest pets,a razor scooter,a Tink blanket,some books,a couple Tink bags and a few other things. Yes,my child is severely spoiled.

After presents it was on to the cake. I ordered a full sheet cake because we expected to have a lot more people at the party. We barely made a dent in it. Looks like we'll be eating cake for a long time. It's really good though :) After the kids finished their cake and ice cream we sent them outside to look for their goody bags. Luckily it stopped raining long enough so that they could do that.

I know that everyone had a good time,especially Kotah. I have to send a HUGE thank you to her dad and stepmom,Dean and Sara,for throwing her this party. And a special thanx to Sara for her hard work in getting everything planned and together and for helping me set up and keeping the unruly mob occupied :) You guys are the best!Labels: family, kids
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Gram is Home!
On a surprising note my gram went home this past Wednesday nite. I was shocked but relieved to hear it. They wanted to boot her out of the hospital on Tuesday but she refused to go because she wasn't feeling well. The case worker told her that the only rehab place with a bed was Van Duyn. Un no,I don't think so. Turns out she lied. She never checked out Birchwood or Syracuse Homes because she already had the paperwork in to Van Duyn. My uncle Todd took care of her.
When the rest of the family found out about that they decided that she would be much better off at home. My aunt Debbie is taking 2 weeks off from work under the FMLA. If my gram still needs help after that then my mom will do the same thing. She has nurses coming twice a day to change her bandages and physical therapists coming in 3-5 times a week to help her move again. They are a wonderful bunch of people. They are the same ones that came the last 2 times for her. Anyway,when she found out this was going to happen she cried for almost an hour. She was going on about how she didn't deserve any of us and how she was interupting all of our lives. Totally NOT the case. After she calmed down she was smiling and excited to be going home.
I stopped in to see her the day after she got home as well as yesterday. It is so nice seeing her at home. She looks good and she looks happy. I really think that recooping at home is the best thing for her. She will get better much quicker. She is eating like she should be which is going to help strengthen her. She walks from her bed to a chair in her room. She is making bits of progress every day. I am crossing my fingers that everything is going to be fine from here on out. No more setbacks!
While I was with her last nite she said to me,"I really miss our little talks." Put me in tears why don't ya! I told her that I did too and it was so tough on me while she was in the hospital because I wasn't able to talk to her on the phone. I am used to talking to her at least once a day sometimes more. I can always count on her to be there for me and it was so hard when I couldn't talk to her. But that's all better now and I have my gram back :)
I had to put this picture with this blog. It is one of my favorites. It was taken 23 years ago. It may be a bit hard to see but I love it :)

Love you Gram!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
They're Growing Like Weeds!

Kotah and Shae had their yearly physical today. They are both in tip top shape. Kotah has grown a bit in the past year. Her current stats have her at a weight of 72lbs and height of 4ft. That is 9lb gain and 1 1/2 inch growth from last year. Would you believe that she has her older brother outweighed by 6lbs?!? She is a solid kid. Wonder where that comes from? :)
Shae has grown a bit as well. She is currently at a weight of 49lbs and a height of 46 3/4 inches. That is a 5lb gain and 2 1/4 inch growth from last year. She is so tiny compared to Kotah but believe me,she holds her own. She takes after her dad when it comes to her size.
They both got chicken pox booster shots. I literally had to pull Shae out from under the table so the dr could give her the shot. She made it through it and I told her that her arm probably wouldn't fall off. Yes,I know I'm mean :) I have to keep an eye on Shae's tonsils because the dr said that they looked a little on the large side. Another tonsilectomy is just what I want to deal with again. Hopefully they won't get any bigger.
All in all it was a good visit to the dr...
Monday, September 10, 2007
Are You Ready For Some Football!!!

Thank God football season has started! I am a die hard Cowboys fan. Always have been and always will be. My uncle Todd got me into football when I was a little kid and of course he is a Cowboys fan. His basement is like a shrine to the team. He has some of the coolest Cowboys gear I have ever seen. I love to go over and watch games down there with him when I can.
Football season is a crazy time in my house. My husband is a Giants fan (poor thing) and with me being a Cowboys fan well,you can see the problem. We are always tormenting each other so it's a good thing that we love each other otherwise we would probably come to blows. We both scream and yell at the tv during our games and I think our kids think we're nuts.
Last nite was no exception. I was screaming and yelling and clapping. The kids were in bed and kept coming out to tell me to be quiet. Like that was going to happen :) Pat had to work but he was home in time to watch the second half. He wasn't too happy with the results of the game. The Cowboys beat the Giants at home 45-35. And not only did we beat them but we sent 4 guys to the locker room including their QB Eli Manning. What a game!!! Awesome opening to the season. I do believe I see a Superbowl in our future.
Not only did Pat have to deal with his loss he also had to deal with Hadlei saying "Go Cowboys" and giving me high 5's all nite. She tried to give him one but he wouldn't do it. Big meanie! And yes,I am grooming my youngest to be like her mom - a die hard Cowboys fan.
Las but not least I just want to say to all my friends and family that are Giants fans...Pat,Dad,Bob,Dale,Kelly,Sal and Meow - How does it feel? Does it hurt? I know the agony of defeat must be killing you. *devilish grin* Told you we'd win! Ha ha ha ha ha *roflmao*
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Tough Guys Wear Pink

I do believe I have witnessed a miracle. Jordan's father actually bought him school clothes!!! He called me last nite to tell me he was bringing Jordan home and said that Jordan told him that I didn't get him anything for school. I told him that he had all of his school supplies but no new clothes because I didn't have the money right now. A few minutes later his wife calls back and says that Jordan will be late because they were going to JC Penney's to buy Jordan and their other son new school clothes and new sneakers. I thought I was going to faint. Lo and behold he walks in an hour later with new sneakers,4 new pairs of pants and 6 new shirts. I thanked them and thought to myself "well I guess you think that you're dad of the year now".

Anyway,Jordan picked out this one shirt that I thought was great. It's pink! I told him that he had more guts than daddy (Pat) because I tried to buy him a pink shirt one time and he told me he wouldn't wear it. Wuss. My boy has guts! You have to read what the shirt says - it's hilarious.Labels: kids
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Happy Birthday Kotah Bear!
Today my oldest daughter is 8 years old. I don't know where the time went. She is growing up so fast. She is such a smart,sweet,considerate,caring,helpful little girl. I am so proud of her.

I remember when she was born. She was so tiny. Only 6 lbs and 1 oz. She had it kinda rough as a baby as far as eating went. She was always spitting up and had an awful rash under her neck. Her dad and uncle gave her the nickname "Pukerat the Unclean" because she spit up so much. Thankfully her tummy settled down and she was able to keep things down. When she was around 2 or 3 she had to wear a brace on her leg because she had Blount's Disease which is a curvature of the bone. That didn't stop her from getting where she wanted to go. She mastered the stairs the first day she had it. The brace worked and it corrected her leg.

Well,she's definitely not my 6 lb little baby girl anymore. But that's ok. She will always be my little girl no matter how big she gets. She overcomes any obstacles put in her way she usually does it with a smile. I am so thankful that she is mine.

Happy Birthday baby girl. Mommy loves you......

Labels: kids
Please Don't Take Her
I can honestly say that yesterday was pure hell. I had planned on going up to see my gram and was waiting for my aunt and uncle to come get me. I got a call from them when they were on their way over telling me that my other uncle,who was already at the hospital,had called them and said that my gram wanted everyone at the hospital because she was afraid that she wasn't going to make it. I had to call my mom at work and tell her to get up there asap. When we got there she was totally out of it. She knew everyone was there but she still kept asking for people. She went through everybody's name including her own mother who has been dead for about 15 years. I'm not sure if she said certain things to other people but she said to my brother and cousin that they were her big boys and that they were all grown up. She told them to behave and to stay in touch. She told me to take care of my family. I just couldn't take it. It felt like she was trying to say goodbye and I didn't want to hear it.
We were there for a few hours and decided to leave when she finally went to sleep. One of my aunts stayed with her. I went out to lunch with my aunt and uncle and just as we sat down Todd got a phone call. It was my uncle Dale saying that my gram had stopped breathing and they had to throw my aunt out of the room and give gram some other medicine to reverse the effects of the morphine because she had overdosed on it. Why shouldn't things go from bad to worse?! How she overdosed on the morphine is still a mystery to me because according to the nurses it wasn't possible (she had a button to self medicate). My uncle said that after he dropped me off and dropped my aunt back at home that he was going back up there.
I don't think I have ever cried so much in my life. My whole body ached and I was so worn out. I was so scared that that was the last time that I was going to see my gram. So many things went through my head. My main thoughts were for my kids. How was I going to explain where grama was? Would Hadlei even remember her? How would they react? How would I react to their reactions? Could I handle it or would I fall apart? Then I thought "what am I going to do without her?" I just can't imagine what life would be like without her. She is the one I go to every time I have a problem. We talk every day sometimes a few times a day. I tell her everything. She's my rock. I am so afraid of what will happen to me when she's gone. I had the worst time getting to sleep last nite. I think pure exhaustion finally won out.
My aunt and I went up to see her this morning. Things were looking much better. She was awake and was talking to us. She said she wasn't in any pain. We tried to talk to her as much as we could just to make sure that she was ok - that she wasn't hallucinating anymore. And she wasn't. We did let her get a few naps in because we could tell that she was getting tired. She didn't want to go to sleep at first because she was scared. The morphine was giving her terrible dreams and they scared her. She started to cry and I told her that it was going to be ok and that she could go to sleep. They gave her two units of blood which helped tremendously. She actually got color back in her cheeks. Not once did she complain about the pain. We thought that it was weird because she hadn't had pain medicine since the nite before. But the dr explained that she could have some left in her fatty tissue and that as why she wasn't in pain. They are going to give her dilaudil (excellent call Sara) when she needs more medicine. We stayed for about 9 hours today. When we left I felt much better about things. I am not going to get my hopes up just yet because I know that things can turn for the worse in a heartbeat. But for now think I'm ok.....Labels: family
Sunday, September 2, 2007
It Just Keeps On Coming
This morning my gram was rushed by ambulance back to the emergency room at St.Joe's Hospital because she was throwing up blood and feces. As I am posting this she is being prepped for emergency surgery. The dr said that he thinks she has a perforated bowel and that she is severely impacted. She may have to have her colon removed or she may have to have a series of other things done. Bottom line is that he won't know until he gets in there. She is going to have a bag and if she does and if it can be removed then that means another surgery.
They had to put a tube into her stomach to empty it out and all that is coming out is brown fluid. My uncle told me that they had 3 huge buckets full of it. They have to give her a bunch of plasma before surgery because she is on coumedin. According to my uncle,they gave her two bags of antibiotics as well. She is scared to death and so are we.
I am beyond scared. Passed that a long time ago. I talk with my good friend,Sara,who is a nurse,and she explained quite a bit to me. I'm glad to have her to help me out in this area. We talked for almost two hours and she actually got my mind off things for a little while. Thanx so much,hon. *big hugs* Now if I could just get her to fly in 2 weeks early and be my gram's personal nurse... :) I know that she would be in good hands and extremely well taken care of.
Now I'm just waiting to hear from my uncle. They took her into surgery around 4:45 pm and he said it may be a few hours - barring they don't have any problems. Then she's off to recovery where she'll probably be for another few hours. I know I don't have to ask but...please pray for her. She really needs it. I'll keep you posted.Labels: family