Monday, July 30, 2007
Fun! Fun! Fun!

Grandma and Grandpa Wood came over to swim with the kids this afternoon. Kotah has been at them all summer to come over and go swimming. I didn't feel like going in the pool so I took the pictures. They all had a great time. The girls showed off all of their jumping capabilities. They are doing quite well in the water. Grandma and Grandpa had fun splashing around with the kids. I did get some great pics.

I think I even captured a pic of the Loch Ness Monster!!! Take a look! :)

Labels: family
They've Got Wheels!
The people next door had a yard sale over the weekend and I was able to get each of the girls a bike. I got them while they were at summer camp so it was a surprise when they got home. Boy,were they excited!

I had to go out and buy training wheels for Shaelyn because she has never ridden a bike before. I thought that Dakotah had learned how to ride a bike while she was in Oregon last summer with her dad but she said that she forgot how. Isn't there some saying about never forgetting how to ride a bike? If so,no one ever told Kotah that! I didn't have to go out and buy her training wheels because some friends of ours down the street had some from their kids.

Hadlei propels herself with her feet. I guess she doesn't like the pedals. Kotah and Shae have gone around the block a few times already. They think they are such big girls because they can do that. Shae fell off her bike the first day and told me that she was never getting on it again. That lasted all of 15 minutes. She is so dramatic.

Unfortunately I couldn't get a bike for Jordan. The only bikes they had at the sale were for girls. He does have one at his dad's (surprise surprise) so now I have to find one for him. One thing I can say for the kid - he isn't embarrassed to ride a girls bike. Hey,whatever works for you! :)

Labels: kids
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Gram's Surgery
It's official - gram is going to have her hysterectomy. We have a tentative date of August 16. So from now until then I have to run her all over creation to get tests done and get releases from her different drs.
They are going to do the traditional surgery which is cutting her right down the middle (or wherever they cut you) versus how my mom had it done which was through her belly button. The dr's reasoning for that was that he wanted to be able to see if there was something going on that maybe they had missed. He couldn't give me an answer as to why this is happeneing to her. He said that they would have to examine the uterus once it's out and run tests on it. He also said they may never know what caused the bleeding. That's reassuring let me tell you. He also said that most times when you have bleeding at this age it's from cancer but they did at least two biopsies and said that they were both benign. Their tests could be wrong and that really scares me.
I am waiting to hear from her heart dr and she has to hear from her regular dr so we can set up two more appointments. We have already got a couple set. Her surgery is scheduled for very early in the morning so we have to be at the hospital at 6 am. Thankfully the surgery fell on the week my mom has vacation so that she can be with my kids. I know my gram is scared and so am I. I tried to lighten her mood about the whole thing and tell her that she was ruining our plans for our yard sale for next month. I did get her to laugh if only for a few minutes.
I'll keep you all posted about things. Thanx for the prayers. :)Labels: family, personal
Monday, July 23, 2007
Please...Not Again
I thought that things were going well with my gram. She was away from home and going through hell for almost 6 weeks. When she finally came home she started feeling better. The last 2 weeks she has been complaining that her back has been bothering her but had been attributing that to the weather. She has awful arthritis. A little over a week ago she told me that she was having some bleeding again. The fourth D&C and hormone pills were supposed to have stopped that. I talked to her this morning and she tells me that for the last two days she has been bleeding heavily. She made an appt. with the dr for Wednesday. I am so frustrated right now because I don't understand why they can't stop this. What is the problem?! Why is she still bleeding at her age?! Why aren't they fixing this?! I am so afraid that we are going to have a repeat of her last ordeal. I know that there is no way that she can handle something like that again and quite frankly,neither can I. I hope for the dr.'s sake that he has some answers for us on Wednesday. I am teetering on being extremely angry that this is happening again. Something needs to be done to fix this right now - and fix it the right way. Please keep my gram in your prayers again. I will keep you posted.Labels: family, personal
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
The Gang's All Here!
Yesterday we had a great day. My SIL and her family came to our house for a bbq. The kids had a ball playing together. It had been too long since they have been able to do that. My kids wanted their cousins to come in the pool *wink wink* so Kaelan tried it out. He wasn't too comfortable with it but given time I think he'll end up like Shaelyn - swimming like a fish. I tried to get Ian to go in but I think it was too cold for him. So I sat on the edge with him and we dangled our feet in the water. He seemed to like that.
The food was great. My hubby did the bbqing and Kirstin and I did the rest. And I would have to agree with her observation - best darn cut up eggs ever! :) We were all so full that we couldn't move.

We took a bunch of pics of the kids. My SIL takes tons of pics like me. We got all of the kids together. My sister was there as well. They are quite the motley crew. Between our two families there are 7 kids. They range in age from 1 1/2 to 10 years. They are great kids. Couldn't ask for anything more.
All in all everybody had a wonderful time. And there are definitely more times like that to come!Labels: family
Monday, July 16, 2007
For Her
I picked this song from a cd that was made for me a few years ago by a very special person. The cd was titled "Friends Always".
Looks like your feelin’ like
The rain won’t ever stop
Life’s left you standing there
One against the odds
Fro now on you need to know
You don’t have to stand alone
When the world turns you in circles
And the wind is at your face
When you need somewhere to run to
I know a place
If you want someone who’s willing
To lay down their heart
Someone to dry your tears
I’m here
I volunteer
A shoulder, a caring voice
To tell you it’s ok
Arms meant for holding you
Whenever your afraid
I’ve got that and more to spare
Just say the word and I’ll be there
When the world turns you in circles
And the wind is at your face
When you need somewhere to run to
I know a place
If you want someone who’s willing
To lay down their heart
Someone to dry your tears
I’m here
I volunteer
~Collin Raye~Labels: personal
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Beating the Heat
The heat that we have had in the past few days has been ridiculous. Good thing we have a pool to cool off in. I am happy to report that Shaelyn is no longer afraid of the water. She is swimming around like a little fish. She will even run and jump in off the trampoline. Her dad and I are so proud of her.

Dakotah has been doing that for quite some time now. She has graduated to doing tricks with her dad. She will stand on his shoulders and do front and back flips into the water. He picks her up and throws her into the water. She loves it. She has such a good time when she's in the pool.

Hadlei is just as brave. She really surprises me. She runs and jumps into the pool just like the big kids do. She swims on her own and doesn't want anyone's help. She even climbs out using the ladder all by herself. Guess she can't let the other kids upstage her.

I was going to have the kids take swimming lessons but I have decided not to. They are doing great. I can teach them in our own pool. There won't be much teaching going on because they have picked up quite a bit on their own. I am so proud!Labels: kids
Summer Camp
The kids started summer camp this week. They were so excited to go again this year. It's a great program. It runs for 6 weeks and it doesn't cost much at all. It gives them a chance to be with their friends over the summer and they get to do quite an array of different activities.
Shaelyn had a crush on one of the counselors last year.(yes,it has started already!) She thought that he wasn't going to be there this year. Well,he is. When we were in line Monday morning to check in she spotted him. She said,"Mommy look! There's Patty!" She had the biggest smile I had ever seen on her face. I couldn't have wiped it off if I tried.
Her wonderful day turned on her very quickly. I got a phone call about 2 hours later saying that Shaelyn was sick. She had thrown up. I went to get her. She didn't eat breakfast and she was out in the heat so when she tried to eat her snack it made her sick. She was so embarrassed because she had gotten sick under the table and when she did she didn't want to come out. They sent Patty over to try to get her out. Wrong move! The poor kid must have been so embarrassed. She ended up staying because she was feeling better.
I went back at 2:00 to pick them up and I am informed by Dakotah that she has a crush on a counselor,too. His name is Mitch. My girls are too much. Boy crazy already. I'm sure when thier dads find out they will be thrilled :) It may be their first crushes but it won't be their last.Labels: kids
It's Good to be Back!
I'm back everyone! Had a little lapse of no internet service but it's up and running again. I was without it for 6 days! My husband asked me if I was going to be ok without it or if I was going to have a nervous breakdown. He thinks he's funny. I think I did just fine.
I switched back to Time Warner. I was very dissatisfied with Verizon. I never received a bill (not that I'm complaining about that) and when I would call to have one sent to me I would be transferred from dept to dept. I was eventually told that it would be on my next bill. It never was. I even emailed them and that didn't help so I said forget it. I called Time Warner and got my Road Runner back. A few people that I've talked to told me that I never should have gotten Verizon in the first place. They were nothing but trouble. They were right.
Live and learn. I am just happy to have my internet back. I was starting to go through withdrawal. :)Labels: personal
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Toothless Wonder x 2

Dakotah is a strange little girl. Her other front tooth has been loose for some time now. Yesterday she decided that she was going to pull it out. That's exactly what she did! I know that boys wouldn't hesitate to do that but I would think that girls might think twice about it. Not Dakotah. I guess that's the tomboy in her. She is something. She can turn from princess into tomboy at the flick of a switch. Not that that's a bad thing. I think it's actually kind of funny. Gotta love her!Labels: kids