Saturday, November 15, 2008
Proud Mama
The kids got their report cards today and I am so proud of them! They are doing so well. Not that that surprises me. I have a bunch of little geniuses :)
I must brag about my mini me first. Dakotah floored me with her report card. The school's grading system gives them number grades from 1 which is not so good to 4 which is outstanding. At the end of last year Dakotah had received four 4's. When I looked at her report card this afternoon there were thirty one 4's staring back at me. Over half of her report card was perfection. The comments from her teacher were just as wonderful. She said that Dakotah is on or above level in all subjects/areas. Her critical thinking skills in reading and her problem solving skills in math are fantastic. And she strives to go above and beyond what is expected of her. Seeing and reading all of that literally brought tears to my eyes. I can't tell you how proud I am of her - even though I'm trying :) She reminds me so much of me.
Shaelyn did very well also. Her report card was mostly 3.5's. She had some 3's mixed in there,too. Her teacher said that Shae is a role model for her peers. The one thing that Shae has to work on is that she needs to expect that she will make mistakes and to not be so hard on herself when she doesn't do as well as she expects to. Can't imagine where she gets that from :)
Skylar is doing better than we thought. She has had some trouble adjusting to the curicculum as well as with her attitude. The parent teacher conference I went to a few weeks ago was very enlightening. We sat down and had a chat with her about a few things and told her that there were some things needed to be straightened out. Needless to say we weren't expecting to see a good report card. So we were pleasantly surprised to see a mixture of 2's and 3's. Her teacher said that he has noticed a change since the conference so the talk we had with her must have sunk in. She is having a bit of trouble with reading so she has been put into a reading group. Hopefully that will help and we will see some improvement next time around.
With Jordan being in the big leagues now his report card is different. He gets actual number grades. He did pretty well for his first quarter. Math is his downfall so I talked with his teacher and had him put in an extra math lab to help with that. I'm thinking that by next marking period that extra help will pay off and his grades will show it. He must take after his father in that area because I never had a problem with math.
Kudos to my babies for a job well done!Labels: kids
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Happy Halloween!
Do my feet hurt! We walked the entire neighborhood last nite! But it was so worth it. My little goblins made out like bandits. I have taught them well :)

Jordan went out to his dad's for the weekend so he wasn't with us. Dakotah wanted to go with her bff so she wasn't with us either. My mom brought my sister out so that she could go with us. I made my mom walk with us even though she was whining about her back and feet. Must suck to be old ;)

We have a pretty good-sized neighborhood. Our first leg of the nite was the few streets surrounding ours. My mom was whooped after that so we brought her home. That gave the kids a chance to go to the bathroom and grab a drink. Had to reenergize! I took them back out and we covered the other half of the neighborhood. We were out for 2 1/2 hours.

The husband had to work last nite. We thought he might make it home so that he could go with us for part of the time but he didn't. They were extremely busy. Halloween is the busiest nite of the year for the shop. Needless to say he didn't get home until 10 pm. He was a little upset that he didn't get to go out with the kids because he has every year. There's always next year.

As I said in the beginning the kids made out like bandits. I wish that I had a scale so that I could weigh their bags. Each of their bags was full to the top. I'm guessing that among the 4 of them there has to be over 10 lbs of candy of not more. And that's not including Jordan's bag. I love candy! Did I mention that I love Halloween? :)

After a crazy nite of trick or treating I was able to send a few of the kids off. Kotah stayed at her bff's house and Shae went to my mom's. It was pretty quiet with just Hadlei and Skylar home. I watched a little tv until my hubby came home and after he ate dinner we went through the candy to check it all over and taste test some of it ;)

The kids had a great time last nite. Hadlei liked it so much that when she got up this morning she asked me if we could go trick or treating when the sun goes down. She is something else!

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