Sunday, October 26, 2008
NFL Weeks 7 & 8
I didn't post about the game last week because I was a bit heartbroken. With Tony Romo out due to a broken pinky I knew there was going to be trouble. The back up QB was Brad Johnson and the guy is a senior citizen. (just a little hint Wade - use a pick in next year's draft for a back up QB that isn't eligible for Medicare!) Needless to say they lost to the Rams. My only saving grace was that the Giants lost to the Browns and they lost bad. Made me feel a little better :)
Add to Romo's injury the loss of Roy Williams from defense who will be out for the rest of the season due to a broken forearm. Then there's running back Felix Jones who is out for a few games with a hamstring injury. What the hell is happening to my team?!? Romo is said to be returning after our bye week. I am doubting that only because we have the Giants next week and I know he'll want to play - hurt or not. And if he doesn't play we're screwed.
I wish someone could explain to me how a team that is literally overrun with talent - 13 Pro Bowlers - can be in the position that we are now. Whether you like my Boys or not you do have to admit they they are Superbowl material. They have been right on the brink for the last few years but they just haven't been able to win that one game that is essential to getting them all the way. No matter what they look like I am still saying that this is their year!
On to this week's game...Victory!!! I had to watch the game online which is no fun at all. I guess Johnson must have taken his geritol because he actually helped take the team to victory. I just hope that he heads back to the senior home - I mean bench - real soon. A 13 -9 win is still a win and I'll take it.
I think I am going to go watch the Giants-Steelers game and root for the Steelers ;) It's high time the Giants started their downward spiral.Labels: sports
Monday, October 20, 2008
A Nite with Collin

What a nite! And it was over so quickly. I love going to see Collin at the Turning Stone. It's something that I look forward to every year.
I ended up going by myself and had a blast especially because I was seated 10 feet from the stage. I ran into a couple of my son's aunts that I haven't seen in a while. I chatted with them for a bit before the show started.
Collin was phenomenal as usual. He never fails to put on a thrilling show. And as always he sounded spectacular. His shows are solid proof of the exceptional talent that he possesses. He was cracking jokes left and right tonite. He's a pretty funny guy. Lucky for him I'm married or I'd bag him and take him home - regardless of the fact that he is old enough to be my father - he is one fine man ;)
The only let down to the evening was that the use of cameras was not permitted. WTF! I finally have a camera that I can take killer pictures with and I can't capture that gorgeous man on film! Figures. Such an injustice.
On my way out I bought a picture of Collin that will be framed and then hung up on my wall - whether the husband likes it or not. Once I got on the road I called gram to let her know that I was ok. She has been fretting for weeks over the fact that I was going alone. She said there were plenty of crazies out there that could kidnap me or worse. Trust me - they'd give me back :) I told her that I was a big girl and I was more than capable of handling myself. I guess to her no matter how old I am I'll always be her little girl.
Now I must somehow make it through another year before I get to set my sights on Collin again. Why must all good things come to an end?Labels: music
Friday, October 17, 2008
I had a jam-packed day of reconnecting with old friends. This morning I went to see Emily (hi Em!) and her darling little girl. We had a great time catching up. Hadlei had a fun time with Em's mom. She even got a manicure/pedicure.

Em and I got to reminiscing about our days at FHS and we were wondering about our friend Ama. So we googled her. And we found her! Em being the crazy chick that she still is thought that we should call her. So we did! When Ama got on the phone Em said,"This is going to sound really strange but do you remember Emily Oakes and Jessica Caughill from Faith Heritage School in Syracuse,NY?" Ama said she did and we both said,"Hi! It's us!" She was so shocked to hear from us. We swapped emails and phone numbers and all that good stuff. Hopefully we'll be able to keep in touch. Shelle let me know if you want Ama's email. I know she'd love to hear from you,too.

Can't wait until you come back in December. We'll have to go out to dinner!
I also got to go out for a GNO with a friend that I hadn't seen in an obscenely long time - like 14 years! We were best friends when we were in our early teens but stupid things got in the way. Thank God for maturity. We tried to go to the diner but it was overrun with teeny boppers and there were no tables available. So we headed up the road and ended up at Chili's. We spent hours talking about the past decade - man that sounds like forever. We had so much to catch up on. We probably could have talked for a few more hours but it was getting late. That's ok because that will give us an excuse to go out again.
Stacy - I am so glad that we were able to reconnect again. We were the best of friends when we were younger and it would be wonderful to get that back. You know I'm here for you whenever you need me - day or nite. Can't wait to get out and do it again!
I have learned quite a bit in the last few months about friends and friendship. Whether you guys are near or far - Stacy,Shelle,Emily,Sheri,Lisa and Nic - I am thankful to have all of you back in my life. You guys are the best :)Labels: friends
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
NFL Week 6
I'm a few days late with this post but I've been busy. Anyway I thought that I was watching a high school football game on Sunday! It sucked! What was going on with my Boys?! It was turnover after turnover for both teams in the first half. The Cardinals pulled ahead and were winning until the last two minutes when the Cowboys made up their 10 point deficit. Game went into overtime. Then what happens you ask? We blew it! Cowboys had the ball and could've taken it down for a TD or field goal but no we had to kick it away. For some unknown reason the defensive line didn't hold the Cardinals and they blocked the kick and returned it for a TD.
As if all that wasn't bad enough some of my players got hurt in overtime. First and most important Tony Romo broke his pinky on his throwing hand. That equals 2-4 weeks out! Just friggin' great! Then running back Felix Brown ended up with a partially torn hamstring. He's out for a few weeks. And our kicker Mat McBriar broke something in his foot when that kick was blocked and he's out for the season! Seriously?!? This was suppposed to be our year! I know that there is still plenty of time but come on!
My only saving grace this week was that the Giants lost to the Browns. And they lost miserably. Did I mention it was to the BROWNS?!? Knowing that they pitifully lost took the sting out of my loss. And it took the wind out of the sails of a certain Giants fan that I live with :)
The hubby and I were joking that Eli must have been hanging out with Tony and the loss rubbed off on him. Yesterday's NY Post confirmed it! They actually had a pic of the two of them together. How ironic! Here's the proof...

Priceless!Labels: sports
Sunday, October 5, 2008
NFL Week 5
Not much to report this week other than my Boys won 31-22. The game wasn't aired on tv so I had to check the score online. From what I read they almost blew it but somehow pulled off the win in the end.
Apparently T.O. is still whining about not getting the ball. Someone needs to remind him that football is a team sport and it isn't about how many times he gets the ball passed to him. I guess he doesn't watch game tapes because if he did he would see that ever since the Philly game he has had crazy coverage on him. He would also see that he is having a problem catching the ball. Watch the tapes T.O.! I hope he is done throwing his fit soon or I have a sick feeling that my team will suffer for it this season.
Next week is an away game in Arizona. Not sure how good Arizona is but I think it can be another win for us if a certain person can grow up and be a team player. Only time will tell...Labels: sports