Sunday, September 28, 2008
NFL Week 4
How pissed off am I? Very! This entire game vs Washington was unreal! From the lousy calls of the refs to the even worse non-calls and Dallas not giving their all to the final straw of taking a knee with well over a minute left in the game?!?!? Come on!!!
It seemed like Dallas didn't show up for this game. What's the deal?! Thinking this was going to be an easy win wasn't the way to go. A team should never go into a game thinking that even if it's true. Nobody expected Washington to come in and play the way that they did. That was their downfall.
There were some blatant penalties that the Redskins had against us that weren't called and the refs were right there. What the hell were they looking at?! Not the game that was going on in front of them!
Let me voice my opinion on how unfair I think it is for a team to be able to take a knee with so much time left on the clock. Under 10 seconds is one thing but over a minute thirty is ridiculous. There is so much game left to be played. It's the cowards way out - period.
Ok - breathe - I love me some football and get very passionate about it. It is only one loss and I have no doubt that my Boys will be back on top next week. They only had one loss during the season last year against New England (other than the win we handed to Washington at the end of the season)and it was later in the season. So we took it early,whatever.
I am not the only person that thinks that Dallas is the #1 team in the NFL. I have heard that many times since football season started. And whether he will admit it to anyone else my hubby has even said that to me. Must suck to have to make a concession like that :)
Next week - Cincinnati. There should be no problem there. Watch out Bengals - we're coming for you!Labels: sports
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Missing my BFF
Today marks 13 long years since I lost a very good friend. He felt the only way to solve things was to take his own life. I still wish that there was some way that I could have saved him all those years ago. I held myself responsible for quite some time. I know that even if I had stopped him he probaby would have tried again. It's a double-edged sword no matter what way I look at it. And it's been a bitter pill to swallow.
I still think of him often. No amount of time will ever change that. A song will come on the radio and I think about what life would have been like if he were still here - what might have been. It's not as bad as it used to be but it's still there and it always will be to some degree.
It still hurts like hell sometimes because I miss him so much. But I take comfort in the fact that I know that he looks in on me from time to time. No matter how much time passes,Dan,I still miss you...
I Still Miss You
by Keith Anderson
I've changed the presets in my truck
so those old songs don't sneak up
they still find me and remind me
yeah you come back that easy
try restaurants I've never been to
order new things off the menu
that I never tried cause you didn't like
two drinks in you were by my side
I've talked to friends
I've talked to myself
I've talked to God
I prayed liked hell but I still miss you
I tried sober I tried drinking
I've been strong and I've been weak
and I still miss you
I've done everything move on like I'm supposed to
I'd give anything for one more minute with you
I still miss you
I still miss you baby
I never knew til you were gone
how many pages you were on
it never ends I keep turning
and line after line and you are there again
I dont know how to let you go
you are so deep down in my soul
I feel helpless so hopeless
its a door that never closes
no I don't know how to do this
I've talked to friends
I've talked to myself
I've talked to God
I prayed liked hell but I still miss you
I tried sober I tried drinking
I've been strong and I've been weak
and I still miss you
I've done everything
move on like I'm supposed to
I'd give anything for one more minute with you
I still miss you yeah
I've talked to friends
I've talked to myself
I've talked to God
I prayed liked hell but I still miss you
I tried sober I tried drinking
I've been strong and I've been weak
and I still miss you
I've done everything
move on like I'm supposed to
I'd give anything for one more minute with you
I still miss you yeah
I still miss you
I still miss you...... yeah.... yeah.....Labels: friends
NFL Week 3
No surprise that we stuffed a win down the Packs' thoat. The game started out pretty slow. I thought my Boys played like crap in the first quarter. It was nothing like the Monday nite game vs the Eagles. I was starting to think Jessica Simpson was lurking about somewhere.
Marion Barber was his usual animal self. He rushed for 142 yards. It wasn't much of a passing game and I think that was because GB had seen the Monday nite game. TO only had like 1 catch for 5 yards. He didn't really do much during the game. He did get in a great tackle which is something he does very rarely. Miles Austin caught two amazing passes for TDs. His name doesn't usually come up but because TO was covered so well Romo had to go else where.
The end result - Dallas 27/Green Bay 16. Favre or no the Pack can't hang with the Cowboys. Try as they might they are simply just not good enough. Next week the Boys are back at home for a division game with Washington. Shouldn't have a problem getting another win.
*** I have to comment on the fact that the Pats LOST to the DOLPHINS! Who loses to the Dolphins?!? They suck!! They've won only 3 of their last 25 games! Guess it goes to show that if you don't cheat you can't win. Tough break New England ;)Labels: sports
Monday, September 15, 2008
NFL Week 2
OMG - what a freakin' awesome game! Lovin' me some Monday Nite Football! I don't think I have ever watched a more exciting and intense game of football. I almost had a stroke for crying out loud!
I was worried about this game all week because Jessica Simpson opened her big fat mouth on national television and said - and I quote - "We're going to kick your butts!" She isn't part of the team so there is no "we". Romo needs to put a muzzle on that girlfriend of his. Go ahead and give Philly more of an incentive to come into Dallas and win. Idiot!
Impressive first half for the Cowboys. TO ended up getting two touchdowns and breaking the record for second most receiving touchdowns of all time. He only needs 66 more to beat Jerry Rice. And Felix Jones returned the ball 98 yards for a TD. He was Dallas' first round draft pick and I'd say they made an excellent choice. He's going to do great things for this team.
No football game is without mistakes. Romo fumbled the ball in Philly's end zone and they recovered it for a TD. When I saw that the playoff game vs Seattle ran through my mind. He did the same thing there and lost the game. Thankfully this time that mistake didn't cost them the game.
I did my fair share of screaming and cheering. My voice is a bit hoarse. The kids came out once and asked what was going on. I told them I was watching football and sent them back to bed :) I can't help it - I get really excited about football. It's a good thing that the doors and windows were closed or the neighbors probably would've called the cops.
With their 41-37 win Dallas is 2-0! Next week our victim - Green Bay. Favre or no Favre they're going down!Labels: sports
Saturday, September 13, 2008
School = Germ Breeding Ground
The kids have been in school for less than 2 weeks and one has already come down with the stomach bug. Shae was hit with this lovely little bug yesterday. It seemed to be a bug of the 24 hour persuasion. I'm glad it only lasted that long but it's still 24 hours too many for me.
I had scheduled dentist appointments for all the kids for yesterday morning. Shae hates going to the dentist so when she said that her stomach hurt I thought she was faking it so that she could get out of going. I told her that she was probably just hungry and had her go in and get dressed. I ushered everyone out to the car and grabbed the barf bowl - just in case.
Hadlei was going to stay with gram while I took the kids to their appointment. We were almost to gram's when I heard that all too familiar sound coming from the backseat. Shae had gotten sick. Thank goodness I grabbed the bowl on my way out of the house. Looked like gram was going to have a second charge to take care of.
The other kids did well at the dentist. Jordan and Dakotah were referred to an orthodontist and I have a feeling that they will do the same for Shae when they see her. I rescheduled her appointment for Monday but she doesn't know that. I'm thinking that the three of them are going to have mouths full of shiny metal. But I'll save that for another post.
Shae got sick a few more times throughout the day. At one point she started crying and said,"I hate throwing up!" I felt so bad for her. She laid in her room and watched cartoons most of the day. I think she even took a little catnap.
When she woke up this morning I asked her how she felt. She said she was a little achy but her tummy felt better. I gave her some dry cereal for breakfast. A few hours later she was running around and playing like she had never been sick.
Now that school has started it's going to be a continuous cycle of sickness. That is the one thing I hate about school starting. Try as you might to keep them from catching things it never fails - they always get something. And what's worse is that if there's more than one they pass it on to the rest. Wonder who's next?Labels: kids
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Got to go out last nite with an old friend of mine. We were roommates back in the day when I only had one child - yup that long ago. We worked together at Hills and had some really good times. Unfortunately we didn't part on the greatest terms but there is definitely something to be said about growing up.
We went to Denny's after she got out of work and spent a good 3 hours talking. We had years to catch up on. And the really nice thing was that it felt like we had never lost touch. We could have talked a lot longer but we both had to be up early to get kids on the bus. So she is coming to my house today to hang for a while.
Lisa's like me - she doesn't get out. Last nite it was decided that we are going to go out together every week. Have to have that adult time on a regular basis now that I've had a taste of it. Finding the time to go out with a good friend is a necessity and I will make more time if I have to.
Lisa - I'm so glad that we were able to reconnect. There wasn't any awkwardness to it at all. We were laughing before we even got seated :) Definitely the signs of a lasting friendship. Our lives are so busy and full but we will carve out the time to spend together. We deserve it! It's been a long strange trip and it's going to continue on for a long time....Labels: friends
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
NFL Week1
Yes ladies and gentlemen the 2008-2009 NFL season has finally started. Woo hoo! I go through withdrawal 6 months out of the year while I'm waiting for football to start up again.
Jordan heard me screaming and came out to see what was going on. He took one look at the tv and knew right away. He said,"Oh,I should have known." I looked at him and said,"It's football season baby!" He wasn't too impressed. There go my dreams of him playing in the NFL - unless he changes his mind in the future. For some unknown reason he likes baseball. And what's even worse is that he likes the METS! Dean,what have you been telling my child? :)
On to football! Sunday's game against the Browns was awesome. It was an easy and obvious win - the Browns suck. Their defense is awful and their offense isn't much better. My Boys walked all over them. They had a few new rookies playing and I was very impressed with Felix Jones. Looks like he's going to be a good runningback. Stanback caught a few passes and he's looking pretty good,too.
Marion Barber was taken out in the 3rd quarter due to a rib injury. Hopefully his bruised ribs won't keep him from playing in Monday nite's game against Philly. Romo took a hard hit and tore up his chin pretty bad. He cut his left hand but continued to play and finished the game. Score was 28-10.
This is OUR year! We are going all the way and will play in the Superbowl for a SIXTH Superbowl win. Step aside cuz my Boys are taking back the throne!
*** In other wonderful news...Tom Brady is out for the season after sustaining a knee injury for which he will have to have surgery. Aww too bad. NOT! That's what you get for cheating last season. It caught up with you and now you're paying for it. Too bad,Tom. Too bad. ***Labels: sports
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Happy Birthday Dakotah!
9 years ago today,at 1:38 am,my beautiful little girl made her entrance into this world. She ended up coming 9 days early. And I barely made it to the hospital. I had worked all day and was in labor for most of it. I went to stay at my gram's that nite and ended up calling my mom to come get me. She drove into Liverpool from Elbridge and I told her that she had to haul ass to the hospital. I went straight to the ER and they brought me out a wheelchair and told me to sit down. At that very moment I was having a contraction and I couldn't sit down so I snapped at the nurse. I was then wheeled into a room and given a gown to change into so that the dr could check me. As soon as I got the gown on my water broke. I got up on the bed and yelled for the dr. In he came and out came Dakotah all within a minute or so.

I didn't know what I was having so I was thrilled when I found out it was a girl. She was so tiny - 6lbs 1oz and 18 inches long. She had a rough start with feeding because most formulas made her sick. It took months before I found one that worked for her. She didn't walk as early as I thought she would and after going to see a pediatric orthopedic dr I found out that she had Blount's Disease which is a curvature of the bone. She had to be fitted for a brace and wear it until her leg straightened itself out. I was worried that she would have a hard time walking with it but she was amazing. She was going up and down our stairs the first day. Thankfully the brace worked and her leg is the way it should be.

Kotah has always been my quiet,sweet girl. I never really have had any problems with her. According to my gram she is a lot like I was as a kid. She has such a big heart and is always willing to help. She is just an all around good kid.

To my sweet girl on her birthday - I love you so much and am truly blessed to have you as my daughter. I am so proud of you and all that you have accomplished in life so far. You do extremely well in school because you are so intelligent. You try your best at all you do and don't quit. You have turned into such a lovely young lady. It has been wonderful for me to watch you grow and I look forward to continuing to do so as you grow into a young woman. Happy happy birthday my angel. I love you to pieces...

Labels: kids
Monday, September 1, 2008
Swift & Flatts
The concert last nite was AMAZING! Kotah and I had so much fun. She was a little impatient as we sat in our seats waiting for the show to begin. The show was sold out so you can imagine the number of people that were there. They just kept coming in. I told her that they weren't going to start the show until mostly everybody was in the gates. Start time was set for 7:30 and I don't think that Taylor hit the stage until close to 8:00.

I wish that I had video taped her reaction to Taylor coming on stage. She put her hands up and covered her mouth like she couldn't believe that she was seeing what she was seeing. I could hear the people behind us saying,"Look how excited she is! She is so happy!" The man even pulled one of his friends over and pointed it out to him.

Turns out those people were very thoughtful. It was a man,Ray,his wife,Tina,and their son and his girlfriend. During the break while they were setting the stage for Rascal Flatts,Tina went and bought some souveniers - a shirt,sweatshirt and guitar picks. The girlfriend put on the sweatshirt and she handed the other things to her son. I heard him comment on wanting a red or white shirt but didn't make much of it. About 10 minutes later the son said something to Dakotah about liking Taylor Swift and asked her when her birthday was. She immediately buried her head in my lap. I told him when her birthday was and he gave her the shirt and wished her a happy birthday! I thanked him for his generosity and had Dakotah put the shirt on over her sweatshirt.

Just before Rascal Flatts came on I got her to warm up a bit and talk to the people behind us. I had told them how she had just gotten home from Oregon and how this was a surprise gift for her birthday. Tina asked her a few questions and told her that she had been to Oregon,too. Kotah told her a little about her trip and thanked them again for the shirt. It's nice to know that there are still some truly good people in this world.

Now onto the show....I had an awesome time. Dakotah did too once she stopped making fun of me for screaming and clapping and throwing my hands in the air :) Hey,I was there to have a good time and that's just what I did. And she did,too,once she started acting like her crazy mother.

Both acts sounded superb. It was like listening to their cds. That is one of the things that I love about Collin's shows - he sounds so good live. Swift and Flatts seemed to follow suit. I loved the way that Taylor looked genuinely shocked that her fans were so crazy about her. Guess at 19 she still has some of her innocence.

I really enjoyed going with Dakotah. It was nice to spend some alone time together. We don't get to do that very often. When Fair time rolls around next year I hope there is another concert that we can go to together. She's a country fan just like me. It would be neat to make it a tradition for the two of us - something special that only we share.Labels: music