Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Hi,I'm Charmed....
and I'm a Blogaholic ;) Is there a support group somewhere out there?
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via KirstinLabels: fun
Monday, August 27, 2007
The Next Step
Gram is set to leave the hospital this afternoon and is headed to Van Duyn Nursing Home for some rehab. It was the only place with an open bed. The only good thing about it is that that is where my mom works so she can keep an eye on her. We were hoping for Birchwood again but apparently they are full. Her other option was to go home but she admitted that she didn't think she was ready to do that.
She is having a really bad day today. First she finds out that she has to go to Van Duyn. Then she talks to the dr and tells him about a new problem she was having. The last few days she has had some of her BMs coming out of her vagina instead of where they are meant to. The dr said that can happen after having a hysterectomy. It can heal itself or if it doesn't that means surgery again. Just what she needs! Now she has to concerned about that. On top of all that she woke up this morning and remembered that today was her wedding anniversary. My grampa has been dead since my mom was little but I guess it still hits her. So roll everything that's been going on today into one and it's not a good day. She was crying when I was talking to her and of course that made me cry. I told her that I wish that I could be there with her and she said that she did,too. And that made me cry even more. I need a clone of myself! It kills me when I can't be there for her when she needs me.
I know I don't need to ask any of you for your prayers. Just keep them coming. Gram said that all she could do was pray and count on her faith to get her through this. I told her that I had an amazing bunch of friends that were keeping her in their prayers. And of course,that made her cry. (we are an emotional bunch) She wanted me to tell all of you that she really appreciates you thinking of her. And so do I.Labels: family
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Will this EVER End?!?
You would think by now that I would learn not to open my mouth about things until I am sure that everything is as it should be. Gram had a major setback yesterday and I spent all day on the edge of a nervous breakdown - literally. My uncle Todd stayed with her Sunday nite and when I talked to her yesterday she said that she had put in an awful nite. She was in so much pain. Todd didn't go into work because he wasn't going to leave her alone. I couldn't be there because Hadlei has caught some virus that gives you a fever for 2-4 days. Anyway, she had Todd call the dr because the pain was unbearable and he said that it was probably gas pockets and to take some gas-x. I end up getting a call from Todd at 2:30 saying that he was taking her to the dr because she was ghost white and crying uncontrollably from the pain and she was dizzy. Two hours after that I get another call from Todd saying that she is on her way to the hospital via an ambulance. After they did a sonogram on her she started complaining of chest pains. She had pain from her head to her toes. She was still dizzy and now she was nauseous. I lost it when I hung up with Todd. I honestly thought that I was going to have a breakdown. Usually I can control myself in front of the kids but not this time. I didn't want to scare them but I couldn't help it.
Seven hours later (around 11 pm) I called Todd to see what was going on. He said that they were still in the ER. She had just come back from a CAT scan and that they had calmed the pain down a bit but it was starting up again. Her chest pains were gone thank God. She was still very pale and dizzy. He said that theywere waiting for the dr to come in with the results from her tests. Her white blood count was not good so they think she has an infection. They were going to start her on antibiotics through her IV. I asked if they were going to keep her and Todd said that he wasn't taking her home so they were going to have to whether they wanted to or not.
I don't understand why all this stuff has happened to her in the last 4 or 5 months. She is the LAST person on this earth that deserves this kind of thing to happen to her. And to top it all off I feel beyond horrible that I wasn't there yesterday. I am always supposed to be there no matter what. So now I add guilt to everyhitng else I am feeling. I'll be lucky if I don't lose it before all this is straightened out.
I know that I sound like a broken record but please keep her in your prayers. I do believe that they help and she needs them all very badly right now. Thank you all for being such good friends - it helps me to know that you care. I will keep you posted as always.....Labels: family
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Gram's Home!
Gram came home from the hospital yesterday. It was much earlier than we expected. I went to see her on Friday and while I was there the dr came in and told her that she was naughty during surgery. She had lost 2 liters of blood during the operation. I had told her that but she didn't remember because things were still foggy for her. He said that the tests were benign and she should do well from here on out. He told her she could go home on Saturday. My gram wasn't too sure about it but when the dr came in again yesterday morning he told her that she would do better at home. So I went and picked her up and brought her home. She has been up walking around and sitting and although she is still in some pain she is doing good. My mom is staying with her for a few nites just to be on the safe side. I will be there with her during the day for the next week or so just to make sure that everything goes ok. I have to take her to get her staples out in 2 weeks. Hopefully after that there will be no more problems.
A huge thank you to all of you who put in some prayers for her. I know that they helped. Love you guys!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Surgery Day
Today was gram's hysterectomy. We had to be at the hospital at 5:15 am. That meant up at 4 am. I don't think I need to tell you how tired I am right now.
Her surgery went ok. She was in surgery longer than what we were told. That was due to the amount of blood loss that she had. Her time in recovery was equally as long due to the same factor. She didn't get into her room until 2:45 this afternoon. That meant I had to sit and worry and wait for 7 hours. Not fun. I spoke to her surgeon after he finished her surgery and he said it went reasonably well. Not really what I wanted to hear. Would have rather heard that it went great. He said that she was a bleeder. That worried me because of her almost bleeding to death after her last surgery a few months ago.
When they finally brought her to her room I was there waiting. I almost broke down because she looked like she was dead. She was so pale. I didn't breathe until I saw her move. She had tubes everywhere. She was on her second bag of blood. She couldn't talk too well because they had to put tubes down her throat. And she was in quite a bit of pain. It literally hurt to see her in so much pain and I couldn't do anything to help her. Her blood pressure worried me a bit. They took it 4 times while I was there and the top number was in the 101 - 115 range and the bottom number was in the 57 - 64 range. I'm guessing that's due to the amount of blood she lost.
I stayed with her for a little while but she could barely stay awake. I didn't want to leave but she told me to go home and get some sleep. Even in the condition that she's in she still worries about me. I went begrudgingly but told her I would be back first thing in the morning. I left my number at the desk and told the nurses to call if anything happened and for the dr to call me when he came to see her if I wasn't there.
I hope that all goes well and she has a quick recovery. Many prayers would be greatly appreciated. I will keep you posted.....Labels: family
Saturday, August 11, 2007
May the Force be with You!

I was in my office working the other day and I was attacked by Darth Vader!!! During the attack I asked if I could take a picture and "she" was gracious enough to stop for a minute and pose for me :)Labels: kids
Croup Baby

Hadlei has come down with croup. Where she got it from I couldn't tell you. She was fine all day Thursday and when she woke up from her nap she had a froggy voice and barky cough. She put in an awful nite. I thought I was going to have to take her to the hospital. I was up watching her breathe most of the nite so I didn't really sleep. I took her to the dr yeaterday and she told me what I already knew - it was croup. She gave me a steroid for her to take before bed and told me to prepare for 3 rough nites. She slept through the nite last nite so maybe it won't be as bad as the dr thinks.
The hubby snapped this pic when I brought Hadlei up to lay with me for a while. The cat hopped right on my lap and nuzzled Hadlei then laid down with us. When Pat came over to see Hadlei the cat swatted at him. She was protecting Hadlei which I thought was kind of strange. You can tell from the pic that she doesn't look like a guard cat :)Labels: kids