Monday, May 7, 2007
Like I Have Time for This?!
Why is it that when there are a million things to do something has to go wrong that puts a kink in things? Most of you know that we are moving. We are trying to get the move done this week so that we are settled when Dakotah has her surgery on Friday. I have been busting my butt to get things done. I have taken about 6 car/van loads over to the new place. I've been loading/unloading myself because the hubby has had to work.
So I woke up around 3:30 am yesterday and my knee was throbbing and I couldn't bend it. Thought maybe it was a nasty cramp and tried to go back to sleep. Woke back up at 6:30 am and it was still throbbing. You should've seen me try to get out of bed without bending my knee! Not a pretty sight let me tell you! I had to do something because I knew it wasn't right. I didn't want to go sit in an ER for hours so I called Urgent Care and luckily they accepted my insurance. I tried to get in the shower and then get dressed.(another sight to be seen) I woke my husband up with all my commotion. He walked out to the car with me and I tried to get into the car so I could drive myself there. Well...that didn't work! Again,couldn't bend my knee so that I could get into the car. I had to let my husband drive me to Urgent Care.
Didn't have to wait in the waiting room too long. When the dr came in to see me he wasn't quite sure what was going on with me. My knee was red and swollen and it felt hot. I hadn't fallen or twisted it or anything like that. He had some blood drawn and told me I would have to wait an hour for the results. I sent the hubby (and Hadlei) home. He had to work anyway and I didn't want him to be late. I ended up falling asleep on the table because I was so tired from lack of sleep the nite before. When the dr finally came back he told me that I had Erysipelas. Excuse me..what? He said it is a form of cellulitis. Doesn't know how I got it but I have it. He gave me a script for Augmentin and Ibuprofen. Told me to keep it elevated and use cold and warm compresses on it. Gave me some crutches,too.
He sent a nurse in to discharge me. She said I had to follow up in 3-4 days with my dr. She said that I should sit with it elevated a couple of times a day for a few hours each time. I laughed at her. Told her that I had 4 kids and that wasn't going to happen. So she tells me to tell the kids and I quote,"Mommy needs some time. You go and find something quiet to play with for a while." So she obviously doesn't have kids!! And on top of the kids I have packing and moving to do! I had my mom pick me up and take me to get my scripts and then take me home. I did rest for a little while but then I was up and at it again. Hey - things aren't going to pack themselves!! I did have the help of my 3 wonderful children. They didn't want me doing anything so they offered to help. Made me cry :)
Seems to be a bit better this morning but I still can't really bend it. Doesn't matter because I have things to get done and I'm going to do them. What the dr doesn't know won't hurt me! *devilish grin*Labels: health