Saturday, April 28, 2007
Game Day
Today was the first game of the softball season for both Dakotah and Shaelyn. It was a lousy day but they played anyway.
First up was Dakotah. Her team,which is all girls,played an all boys team. Kotah did an excellent job. She didn't get any outs! She did get 2 runs which helped her team get their victory! Yes,the girls beat the boys!!!! Girlpower!!! The final score of the game was Storm - 16 and Express - 15.

Next up was Shaelyn. Because her division is the youngest they don't keep score. But I did! She was awesome! She got 3 runs for her team. She was so proud of herself. And she should be considering she is the only girl on the team!

I am very proud of both my girls. It was a nasty,rainy day but neither of them complained. They stuck it out and played two great games! Congrats girls!Labels: kids, sports