Friday, April 27, 2007
Big Girl Bed
All of my children have been out of a crib and into a bed at around the age of 2. Since Hadlei recently turned 2 my husband and I decided that it was now her turn. So two nites ago I removed the front part of the crib (which turns into a toddler bed) and we let her try it out. She never once got out of her bed! I woke up around 6 am to find that she had fallen out of her bed and that she was sleeping on the floor. When I woke up a little while later to get the kids ready for school she had gotten back into her bed. What 2 year old do you know that would do that?! Most would be up getting into things.

Yesterday I decided that I didn't like the distance between Hadlei and the floor so I went and bought her a toddler bed. I had to get a Dora bed because she is her favorite! She was so excited while I was putting the bed together. She was going in and out of the bars singing "my bed,my bed". When the bed was all put together and made up she kept getting on it and laying down and saying "my bed". So I think that she is trying to tell everyone that it is HER bed!

When it was bedtime we told her to stay in her bed. She wanted mama to go to bed,too. I told her I would be in in a little while and to go to sleep. We went in to check on her about 30 minutes later and she was still awake but hadn't gotten out of bed. She was waiting for me to come to bed. Next time we checked she was fast asleep. And she still is. Now I must ask - How many 2 year olds do you know that would behave this way?! I'm guessing very few if any. I am so thankful to have such a good little girl!Labels: kids