Wednesday, May 30, 2007
My First Dip

I finally sucked it up and went into the pool today. The water warmed up a bit since we put the solar cover on so I figured that I would give it a try. I didn't jump right in but I got in none the less. I took Hadlei in with me and she had a fabulous time. She thought she was swimming. She was kicking her arms and legs like crazy. She didn't want to get out of the pool but I figured that her blue lips meant that she was a bit chilled. Dakotah has gotten a bit braver. She will now jump from the ladder but not the side yet. Shae let me carry her around the pool but that was the extent of it. I tried to lay her down like I did with Hadlei but she wasn't having it. I didn't want to force her because I knew that it would scare her. She'll get it eventually. I am so thrilled that we are able to have our own pool. Who needs the beach or a public pool when you have a pool in your own backyard?Labels: family
New Addition

Catchy title huh? Bet I had you going there for a second. :) We do have a new addition to the family,however,it is four-legged and not two. (although I wouldn't mind a new two-legged addition) Anyway,today we brought home a 9 week old baby kitten. She is a beautiful cream color and she is the sweetest cat. She took to us the minute we held her at the pet store. We knew that there was something special about her and we had to have her.
My husband and I both grew up with cats around all the time and figured that since we have a house now we could have a cat. We knew that the kids would love it,too. We didn't tell them that we were going to get a cat so it was a surprise when they got home from school today. Jordan almost broke into tears when he saw her. The girls were ecstatic.
We all decided to name her Tiki. We got the name from a monster on Scooby Doo. Hadlei runs around the house saying "wiki tiki" all the time. When she saw the kitty she said "wiki tiki". So we saw it fitting to name her Tiki. Now that I think about it,I believe my husband had an alterior motive. He is a huge Giants fan and one of his favorite players is Tiki Barber. I'm thinking that's why he pushed for that name for the kitty. He says it's not but I think he's a liar. :)
We couldn't have asked for a better kitten. She is already litter trained which is great. She had no problem finding her box. She meows like crazy if we are out of her sight. She is very playful and gentle. I think she is going to fit in quite well with us. Welcome to the family Tiki!Labels: family, pets
Happy Birthday Jordan!

Today my little boy turned 10 years old! It seems like just yesterday that I was holding him in my arms for the first time. I honestly don't know where the time goes. He is growing into quite the little man. He is smart beyond his years. He is a very emotional boy and I love that about him. He is so loving and caring and always trying to be "the man in charge". I cannot wait to see what kind of man he will become. No matter what he does in life,I will always be proud of my son. I love you,Jordan! Happy Birthday!Labels: kids
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Collin Raye...Here I Come!!!!
Tickets for Collin Raye's show at Turning Stone Casino went on sale at 10 am today! I have been watching and waiting for them to go on sale. I wasn't able to be at the computer as soon as they went on sale because Jordan had a dr appt. But as soon as I got home I bought my ticket. I got a kick ass seat and I am so excited!
I am going solo this year but that is fine with me. I am going to have an awesome time. I go to his concert every year and this year will be no exception. Last year I was able to get his autograph and touch his hand *swoon* :) I plan on doing the same thing this year. I'd bring him home with me but the hubby may have a problem with that ;)
My pics will be awesome this year,too. I have my new digital camera and I am very close to the stage so I can't wait to get some great shots. All I have to do now is survive until November...Labels: misc
Sunday, May 27, 2007
A Little Dip
It has been so hot the last few days. The kids decided to take advantage of our pool and go for a dip. They absolutely love the pool. I am so happy that we are finally in a house and that we have a yard (and a pool) where the kids can play until they drop. And believe me,that is exactly what they do.

Jordan is like a fish in the water. He loves being in the pool. I think his favorite part is running the length of the deck and jumping in. He has perfected his cannonball.

Dakotah isn't as brave as her brother yet. She can just barely touch the bottom. So she uses her floaty ring and has just as much fun as Jordan does. I have tried to get her to jump off the deck but she won't do it. She says that she will and then at the last second she sits down and pushes herself in. I think by summer's end she will have conquered her fears.

Shaelyn is still testing the waters. She will not get in the pool. She sits on the edge or on the ladder and that is it. She doesn't believe me when I tell her that she will float with her life jacket on. I think that once the water is warm enough for me to get in :) she will come in with me and she will see that I was telling her the truth.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
That Is It!!!!
Today was the day that the straw broke the camel's back. The care that my gram has been receiving has done nothing but go down hill from day one. She is being treated with such disrespect and utter disregard for human life. The nurses that work at Loretto are the most incompetent people I have ever come across in my entire life.
This morning my gram sat in the bathroom for 40 minutes waiting for someone to come in and help her. Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't the call buttons there to alert the nurses that someone needs help?!? Apparently no one told these sorry excuse for nurses that. After that fiasco,she never received her breakfast this morning. She spoke to my uncle at 10:30am and said that she still hadn't eaten. She hadn't eaten in almost 24 hrs because last nite she didn't get dinner! She asked for toast and gingerale because she wasn't feeling well. They said no problem. Want to guess what they brought her? Fried chicken!!! And then when she said that she couldn't eat that and told them what she had asked for she was told to "do what she could with it"!!!
When my uncle Todd found out about all of this he exploded. Anyone that knows Todd knows that he never gets riled up. He did today. He told the head nurse exactly what he thought of her and her nurses. She was told that she was to do whatever she had to to get my gram out of there with full Medicare coverage or he was going to get the tv,newspaper and lawyers on their asses so fast that they wouldn't know what hit them. He had the head nurse in tears. Good for you Todd! She apologized up and down but it is meaningless. He told her that my gram needs food with her pills,which she wasn't getting. He asked what would have happened if she had fallen or was choking and no one came for 40 minutes. The nurse had no answer. Todd did..she would have died. He said that they were killing her. And to prove his point,in the middle of the conversation,my gram said that she didn't want anymore meds or food and that she just wanted to be left alone so that she could curl up. That is not my gram at all. They have her so physically and mentally beat that she wants to die.
After all of this I get a phone call this afternoon that my gram was going back to the hospital via an ambulance because she was bleeding heavily and she had fainted. Her bp is very low and that is dangerous. They are going to admit her and hopefully the gynecologist will get to check her asap. We know that she will get the care that she needs there because she did before. She had real nurses at St.Joe's.
I hope that this all works itself out soon. I just don't know how much more we can all take,especially my gram. We are all trying to be so strong but behind closed doors it's a different story. I have been beside myself with so many different emotions. I am a wreck. But I have to be strong for my gram and for my kids. I hope that everyone will continue to keep us in their prayers. It looks like we are still going to need them.Labels: family
Thursday, May 24, 2007
You've Pissed Off the Wrong Person
I am officially pissed off. I cannot stand the nursing home where my gram is trying to do her rehab. They have treated her like crap since the day that she got there and I am at my breaking point. I know that most nursing homes suck but Loretto is at the very top of the list. Let's see if I can remember all of their issues...
1.She gets left for an hour or more at a time by the elevator after they bring her back up from rehab. She is usually tired and sometimes in pain and all she wants to do is get back to her room and maybe to bed.
2.The food is disgusting. I wouldn't feed it to a dog! It is never on time and it is always cold. It looks like it has been reheated several times.
3.Along the same lines as #2 - they serve meals at ridiculous times. Breakfast is around 9 or 9:30am,lunch is around 12 or 1pm and dinner is around 6 or 7pm. Who thought of that time line???
4.Following #2 and #3 would be that she is lucky if they feed her. They "forgot" her dinner 2 nites in a row!!!Are they stupid?!?!? She was told that the kitchen was closed and that maybe they could find her some pizza. Ooh yum! Sounds real healthy.
5.She never gets her pain meds on time. It was supposed to be every 4-6 hours but it's more like when they feel like it. Luckily she hasn't been in too much pain lately.
6.They usually give sponge baths until they feel you are ready for a shower (which she finally got 2 days ago). They would walk in and hand her some water and paper towels and say "let us know when you're done." What!! Excuse me?!?! Do your job you lazy piece of garbage!!!
7.She sleeps on an air mattress. It deflated at 4:30am yesterday. She spoke to 4 different people and it wasn't fixed until noon. I think it would take all of 2 minutes to inflate it with the air compressor.
8.When you push the call button someone is supposed to respond in a timely manner. I do not consider 15 or 20 minutes later timely. What if she had a real emergency?? Apparently gossiping at the nurses station is more important than taking care of the patients.
9.Going along with #7 would be the absolute unprofessional actions of a certain nurse. When we returned from her dr appt yesterday we noticed that her mattress was deflating. So we called for a nurse. 15 minutes later one walked in. My gram explained the problem and what had happened the nite before and asked to have a new one before she went to bed. This nurse stood behind her with her arms crossed and staring off into space while she was explaining the problem. Her response was "I'll have to see if I can find one" and she left. I had it at that point and said to my gram that this was ridiculous. These "people" are supposed to be here to help you. I told her that I was sick of the way that she was being treated there. I went off for quite a bit. The hag was in the next room and had heard all that I said. I knew she was there and that's why I did it. 10 minutes later another nurse came in to check my gram's sugar. I told her about the mattress and the events of the nite before and she was very attentive. She said that she would call Jeff to find one because they didn't have any on her floor. The hag asked what she needed to call Jeff for and the nurse said that she had to get my gram something. So she says,"If you're looking for the mattress it's in the closet." You couldn't have told us that in the first place?!?! We sat there talking for a while and then in walks the hag wih a new mattress. It was in a roll in a bag. She throws it over my gram's head onto her bed and said,"There's your mattress for later." She turns to walk out and I said,"Are we supposed to blow it up ourselves?" She just kept walking. OK,THAT IS IT!!!!! She just pissed off the wrong person! She will be lucky if I don't have her job for that. It was totally uncalled for. I told the nurse when she came back in what happened and she said that she would take care of it. Well,that's not good enough for me. I will see to it that she is taken care of. When I got ready to leave my gram told me to behave myself. I don't know how she can put up with this! Unfortunately I had to behave because that hag was nowhere to be found. But there's always today. She can run but she can't hide.
This list could go on forever. The point is that my gram is not getting the care that she deserves and we are all but helpless to do anything about it. She isn't quite strong enough to go home yet. So our only option is to raise hell every time we see something going on that shouldn't be. I'm sure most of these people in Loretto don't have families to do that for them. My gram does and we will continue to do what is necessary to make sure that she is comfortable while she is there. God help anyone that doesn;t see to the same thing.
Ok...I think I am done...for now...Labels: family
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Dakotah Scare
Dakotah gave me quite a scare yesterday morning. She came into my room around 6:30 am and said that her throat hurt. I told her to take a drink of my water. She had her blanket up to her mouth and she said,"I think I'm bleeding." I pulled her blanket away from her mouth and she was in fact bleeding.
I hurried her up the stairs into the kitchen and got her some cold water. I made her gargle it a bunch of times. She just kept spitting out blood. She was acting like she was gagging on it. I was starting to freak out so I called her dr and explained the situation. He told me to have her gargle with cold water (which I already was) and that if it didn't stop in a few minutes then I should take her to the ER at Crouse Hospital. He said that in 1%-2% of cases that the scabs fall off too soon and they can bleed. That is what happened to Kotah. Figures right?
We sat in the living room and she fell asleep in her dad's chair. I just sat there watching her. I was hoping that the bleeding had stopped and that she was going to be ok. I didn't want to have to go to the ER. I knew that she would be so upset if we had to go. Thankfully the cold water worked and the bleeding stopped. Crisis averted.Labels: kids
My gran was moved to Loretto on Wednesday for rehab. She didn't want to go but her dr told her that she had no choice. She couldn't go home yet. She is hoping that she isn't going to be there very long. She just needs to get her strength up so that she can walk again. This whole ordeal has really thrown her for a loop.
Ironically she is one floor below my husband's grandpa. It's nice to be able to see them both at once. I'm not too sure if I like the place though. My gram went down to rehab the other day and when they brought her back upstairs they left her in the hallway for almost an hour! The nurses just kept walking by and saying "we'll be back in a minute". I would hate to be dying and waiting for one of them to help me! When my uncle arrived he found her sitting by the elevator in tears from the pain because she needed to get back into bed. Needless to say he raised hell. Feel sorry for the ones that he got ahold of. I would've done the same thing had I found her like that.
She is feeling a little bit better. She has the nastiest bruise that I have ever seen on her groin. It is starting to heal. I am hoping that the blood clot that they discovered on her incision site has broken up. She was in a tremendous amount of pain from that. She was also given the results of some other tests she had done and she has 2 cysts - one on her kidney and the other in that area. She also has a very thick uterus which is not normal for a 77 yr old woman. The dr said that in most cases like this it could be cancer. Great!!! Just what we need to deal with now. My gram doesn't deserve any of this.
Please continue to keep her in your prayers. Looks like she is still going to need them....Labels: family
Monday, May 14, 2007
Grams Update
What a weekend from hell! My gram ended up having the surgery on Friday. They went in through her groin and placed the device to keep the blood clots from going to her heart. Unfortunately I did not even know that she was having the surgery. My brother told me about it when he called Friday afternoon. I was pretty upset that no one had called me until I found out that my gram had told them not to. She said that I had enough to worry about with Kotah having her surgery that day,too. Typical gram! Anyway,my uncle called me a short time later and said that she was doing ok. She was a little groggy from the surgery so I told him that I would call her a little later in the evening so that she could get some rest.
I had to take Shaelyn for her softball pix so I called gram when I got home sometime after 8 pm. My aunt answered the phone and I asked how she was doing. Her response to me was "not good". That was the last thing I expected or had wanted to hear. She said that she had some complications from the surgery. She couldn't talk well at all and she was in an extreme amount of pain. I made my aunt put the phone up to her ear so that I could talk to her. I was so scared that that would be the last time that I would get to talk to her.
My uncle called me a short itme later and explained what had happened. He left the hospital a little before 3 pm so that both he and my gram could get some rest. He wasn't gone 15 minutes and my gram was in intense pain. The nurse came in to check on her and she had a softball sized pool of blood at her incision site. She was bleeding internally. They had 4 nurses,3 drs and a few orderlies in there working on her. They had to push the blood from her leg. That was excrutiatingly painful. They worked on her for 45 minutes and it was touch and go for a while. They had to give her a bag of blood because she had lost so much.
I have never cried so much or so hard in my entire life. I gave myself a migraine. I honestly thought that she wasn't going to make it and I hated myself because I couldn't be there. I prayed all nite long. I didn't know what else to do. I felt useless. I am always the one that takes care of my gram and I couldn't do anything.
My uncle stayed the nite with her and I just sat waiting for the phone to ring. Thank God that it didn't. She put in an awful nite but she was doing better in the morning. My mom watched the kids for me so that I could go up to see her. When I got to her room I was surprised to see her sitting in a chair. She had done a complete turn around from the day before. I guess God was listening. I stayed with her for over 5 hours. I didn't want to leave but I could tell that she was getting tired. I waited until the nurses put her back in her bed before I left.
The drs had her up walking yesterday. It was only to the hallway but that's something. She probably won't leave the hospital until Wednesday at the earliest. And they may send her to rehab for a few days. I am so thankful that she is doing so much better.
Thank you so much to all of you who put in some prayers for her. My whole family is very grateful.
p.s. Her test results indicated that she had 2 very large blood clots in her lungs as well as a bunch of them in her leg. She is also now a diabetic. She is on blood thinners to help dissolve the clots but she could still use your prayers.Labels: family
Friday, May 11, 2007
No More Tonsils!
Today was the big day for Dakotah. Her tonsil/adenoid surgery was this morning. Everything went very smoothly. We were in and out of there in 4 hours!
She was very brave. She had the help of her new friend "Dr.Purrs" to get her through it. Dr.Purrs is her Build-A-Bear cat that she got from her family in Oregon. Her dad and brother recorded a message for her that said,"I love you Kotah - Get well soon!" It is the sweetest thing!
I hope that after having had this surgery that she is able to sleep better at nite. I don't think it will help with her apnea so that will be our next issue that we address. She is resting now so I am going to go and try to get some work done :PLabels: kids
As if the move and my knee haven't been enough to deal with this past week,my gram has ended up in the hospital. I spoke with her Wednesday nite around 9 pm and she could barely breathe. She said that a few hours before she felt like she had an elephant sitting on her chest. She had been dizzy and sweating profusely. Her left leg was rock hard. I didn't like what I was hearing and I wanted her to go to the hospital. She didn't want to go because of Edward (he is her mentally retarded son). She was worried about him and how he would act. I told her that I would take care of him and that she was at least going to go to Urgent Care - no arguments.
Once at Urgent Care she saw her previous dr who is a wonderful guy. He had an EKG done and the results of that coupled with her story of what had been going on with her was enough for him to tell her that she was going to the hospital. She didn't want to go but neither of us were taking no for an answer. He called an ambulance to take her to St.Joe's Hospital. I then had the task of calling my mom and uncles to let them know what was going on. They were all going to meet her at the hospital. I wanted to be there but I knew that Edward had to be taken care of so I went to pick him up and brought him home with me. That put my gram's mind at ease a bit.
When I got out to the car I broke down. I was crying uncontrollably. My gram is everything to me and I can't imagine my life without her. She raised me for the most part and I love her more than anything. I was so scared that I was going to lose her.
Needless to say I barely slept that nite. My uncle called me about 2:30 am and said that she had blood clots in her leg and that one/some broke loose and got to her heart/lungs. They were waiting to get her into a room. He called back at 7 am to say that they were admitting her for at least 5 days. She was going to have to go through a battery of tests to find out if there was any damage done to her heart and lungs. They were also going to see whether or not she needed to have surgery - possibly an angioplasty.
I am a wreck. I am so scared for her. I just want my gram back home safe and sound. I hate that I can't be at the hospital with her everyday. It's just not possible with the kids and Dakotah's surgery. I just pray that she is in good hands and that things will be alright.
I know my gram is upset about the whole thing. She was going to have her other 2 sons,Brian and Frank,home for Mother's Day.(they are also mentally retarded) She won't be able to do that now and she is upset about it. I know her so well and I can just see her sitting there in her hospital bed worrying about everyone else but herself. She is an extraordinary woman to say the least. There is no one like her.
I would just like to ask everyone to keep her in their prayers. I want her to be here for as long as possible. I am not ready to let her go.........Labels: family
Giving Props
This whole moving thing hasn't been easy for me with this issue with my knee. I normally get things done lightening quick but not this time. Being laid up for almost 2 days really set me back. I am not the type of person that will ask for help even if I need it. That being said my husband and I have some extremely wonderful friends who have helped us tremendously with the move and I wanted to thank them.
Gotta give props to my girl Kelly! We went to school together and hadn't seen each other for nearly 12 years. We had made some time to get together but my son got hurt and then I did. So being the sweetheart that she is she offered to come over and help me pack. I was so thrilled to see her and to have the help. And what a help she was!! I can't thank you enough Kel. You were more help than you know. Love you girl!
Next up are Mitch Rowe,Jimmy G and Jim Reed. They were our muscle! :) They helped us load and unload the truck this past Tuesday. There would have been no way that my hubby and I could've done that by ourselves - especially because of my knee. They spent their day off helping us and we SO appreciate it. You guys are great! Pool is open for the summer so stop by whenever you want! You guys deserve it!! :)
Have to thank my mom and gram as well. Gram let me take the van so that we could get a jump on the move. My mom watched the kids for me and helped me move some of the stuff. Thanx for your help! Love you both :)
My husband and I have quite a bunch of awesome friends. We love you guys!!!!!Labels: friends
Monday, May 7, 2007
Like I Have Time for This?!
Why is it that when there are a million things to do something has to go wrong that puts a kink in things? Most of you know that we are moving. We are trying to get the move done this week so that we are settled when Dakotah has her surgery on Friday. I have been busting my butt to get things done. I have taken about 6 car/van loads over to the new place. I've been loading/unloading myself because the hubby has had to work.
So I woke up around 3:30 am yesterday and my knee was throbbing and I couldn't bend it. Thought maybe it was a nasty cramp and tried to go back to sleep. Woke back up at 6:30 am and it was still throbbing. You should've seen me try to get out of bed without bending my knee! Not a pretty sight let me tell you! I had to do something because I knew it wasn't right. I didn't want to go sit in an ER for hours so I called Urgent Care and luckily they accepted my insurance. I tried to get in the shower and then get dressed.(another sight to be seen) I woke my husband up with all my commotion. He walked out to the car with me and I tried to get into the car so I could drive myself there. Well...that didn't work! Again,couldn't bend my knee so that I could get into the car. I had to let my husband drive me to Urgent Care.
Didn't have to wait in the waiting room too long. When the dr came in to see me he wasn't quite sure what was going on with me. My knee was red and swollen and it felt hot. I hadn't fallen or twisted it or anything like that. He had some blood drawn and told me I would have to wait an hour for the results. I sent the hubby (and Hadlei) home. He had to work anyway and I didn't want him to be late. I ended up falling asleep on the table because I was so tired from lack of sleep the nite before. When the dr finally came back he told me that I had Erysipelas. Excuse me..what? He said it is a form of cellulitis. Doesn't know how I got it but I have it. He gave me a script for Augmentin and Ibuprofen. Told me to keep it elevated and use cold and warm compresses on it. Gave me some crutches,too.
He sent a nurse in to discharge me. She said I had to follow up in 3-4 days with my dr. She said that I should sit with it elevated a couple of times a day for a few hours each time. I laughed at her. Told her that I had 4 kids and that wasn't going to happen. So she tells me to tell the kids and I quote,"Mommy needs some time. You go and find something quiet to play with for a while." So she obviously doesn't have kids!! And on top of the kids I have packing and moving to do! I had my mom pick me up and take me to get my scripts and then take me home. I did rest for a little while but then I was up and at it again. Hey - things aren't going to pack themselves!! I did have the help of my 3 wonderful children. They didn't want me doing anything so they offered to help. Made me cry :)
Seems to be a bit better this morning but I still can't really bend it. Doesn't matter because I have things to get done and I'm going to do them. What the dr doesn't know won't hurt me! *devilish grin*Labels: health
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Concussion Anyone?
Jordan has had a string of bad luck lately with his head. Sounds weird doesn't it? Once you hear the story you'll understand. About 2 months ago he was outside during recess playing on this snow hill that you could slide down. Apparently he wasn't going fast enough for the kid behind him because he pushed Jordan down the hill. He fell and hit his head on a large piece of ice. He was unconcious for about 10 seconds. I took him to the dr and he was diagnosed with a pretty bad concussion. He had awful headaches for almost 10 days. The dr pulled him from gym class and outdoor recess. It took him about 2 weeks to get back to normal.
Fast forward one month. He was out at his dad's for the weekend and his grandma called me and asked if I knew about the huge bruise on the side of his face. Uh no! She went on to tell me that Jordan said that the Thursday before when he got off the bus a boy named Corey had punched him in the face.(This kid is the neighborhood bully - about 12 yrs old) I was speechless. He never said a word about it when he came home that day. I drove out to his dad's and took a look at him. It was a nasty bruise. I asked him why he didn't tell me what happened and he said that he didn't want me to get upset and go after the kid. I called the police and they came to talk to Jordan. When they went to talk to Corey he denied the whole thing of course. Nothing could be done because it was Jordan's word against his. Figures right? This kid better pray that I don't ever get ahold of him.

After that fiasco I told Jordan that he is to defend himself and fight back if necessary. That being said,rewind to this past Thursday. I get a call from the school nurse at 3:10 pm saying that Jordan was in her office because he hit his head on the pavement at recess. She told what little of the story that she knew and I had Jordan fill me in when he got home. Jordan and two of his friends were playing kickball at recess. They kicked the ball too far and a 5th grader named Ben picked it up and started playing with it. He wouldn't give it back to the boys. He started to harass then and then the name calling began. That escalated to pushing and then to Jordan being picked up by Ben and being thrown on the ground where he hit his head on the pavement. When I spoke to the principal he said that Ben was going to lose 6 days of recess and Jordan and his two friends would lose 1 day. He didn't think that fighting was the answer and that they should've gotten a teacher. Sure,like there was time to!
I know that fighting isn't the answer but Jordan was only doing what I told him to do and that was to defend himself. I would rather he miss a day of recess for defending himself than to have kids think that he is an easy target because he won't fight back.
I took him to the dr yesterday and guess what?! Yup,a second concussion! He has a nasty bump and bruise where he hit his head. The dr was concerned that he has had 2 concussions in such a short period of time. He pulled him from gym and outdoor recess until further notice. He is also setting up an appt with the Concussion Clinic at University Hospital. On the way home Jordan said to me,"Mom,why am I so fragile?" I felt so bad for him. I told him that it wasn't him and that anyone can get a concussion from hitting their head. I also told him that the only thing that I was getting him for his birthday was a helmet. He didn't find that too amusing. I thought it was pretty funny :) I'll let you know what we find out at the clinic.Labels: kids
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Got Mud?
Dakotah will die of embarrassment if she finds out that I did this but I can't resist. She came home from school yesterday crying. I asked her what was wrong and she told me that she had to change her shorts. When asked why she said that she fell in the mud and got some mud on her shorts. I told her that she didn't have to cry over it and that I could wash them. Now mind you,I said that before I saw them. Here are the shorts....

There is no washing these shorts! At one time they were white but never again. Needless to say,they found a new home in my garbage can! When my daughter does something she goes all the way - no holding back!
p.s. sorry Kotah Bear - Mommy loves you :)Labels: kids