Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Batter Up!

My middle daughter,Shaelyn,had her first softball practice tonite. She is the only girl on her team! She was a little apprehensive about it at first until I told her that she was going to show those boys how to play the game! That was all it took and she was ready to go. She had a blast even though it was cold and windy.
The kids were taught the basics tonite - catching,throwing and hitting. She did great! When it was her turn to bat her coach asked her if she was right-handed and she said yes. She's not,she's left-handed. She took a swing and took out the teeball stand and almost took out her coach. I had to go over and tell her coach that she was left-handed. He said,"That explains alot!" She really had a good time and she can't wait until her first game on April 28th. We have to get in a little practice with her before then so she doesn't hurt anyone when she's up to bat :) Go Shae!!!!Labels: kids