Saturday, April 28, 2007
Game Day
Today was the first game of the softball season for both Dakotah and Shaelyn. It was a lousy day but they played anyway.
First up was Dakotah. Her team,which is all girls,played an all boys team. Kotah did an excellent job. She didn't get any outs! She did get 2 runs which helped her team get their victory! Yes,the girls beat the boys!!!! Girlpower!!! The final score of the game was Storm - 16 and Express - 15.

Next up was Shaelyn. Because her division is the youngest they don't keep score. But I did! She was awesome! She got 3 runs for her team. She was so proud of herself. And she should be considering she is the only girl on the team!

I am very proud of both my girls. It was a nasty,rainy day but neither of them complained. They stuck it out and played two great games! Congrats girls!Labels: kids, sports
Friday, April 27, 2007
Big Girl Bed
All of my children have been out of a crib and into a bed at around the age of 2. Since Hadlei recently turned 2 my husband and I decided that it was now her turn. So two nites ago I removed the front part of the crib (which turns into a toddler bed) and we let her try it out. She never once got out of her bed! I woke up around 6 am to find that she had fallen out of her bed and that she was sleeping on the floor. When I woke up a little while later to get the kids ready for school she had gotten back into her bed. What 2 year old do you know that would do that?! Most would be up getting into things.

Yesterday I decided that I didn't like the distance between Hadlei and the floor so I went and bought her a toddler bed. I had to get a Dora bed because she is her favorite! She was so excited while I was putting the bed together. She was going in and out of the bars singing "my bed,my bed". When the bed was all put together and made up she kept getting on it and laying down and saying "my bed". So I think that she is trying to tell everyone that it is HER bed!

When it was bedtime we told her to stay in her bed. She wanted mama to go to bed,too. I told her I would be in in a little while and to go to sleep. We went in to check on her about 30 minutes later and she was still awake but hadn't gotten out of bed. She was waiting for me to come to bed. Next time we checked she was fast asleep. And she still is. Now I must ask - How many 2 year olds do you know that would behave this way?! I'm guessing very few if any. I am so thankful to have such a good little girl!Labels: kids
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Surgery Scheduled
Dakotah has been having a hard time getting a good nite sleep lately. She snores very loudly and will sometimes stop breathing for a few seconds. Because of that she tosses and turns a lot and therefore doesn't sleep well. I talked to her pediatrician about it and they gave me a referral to an ENT.
Today was Dakotah's appointment. We saw Dr.Wanamaker. Wonderful doctor! Anyway,I explained to him the situation with Dakotah and he took a look at her. Within 5 minutes he told me that both her tonsils and her adnoids were too big. They were restricting her breathing and they had to come out. That was all Dakotah needed to hear...
She immediately started crying and said that she didn't want to do it. She thought that the dr was going to do it right then. I told her that there was no need to worry and that he wasn't going to do it today. The nurse came in and we scheduled her surgery for Friday,May 11th.
She must have cried for a good half hour after we left. Nothing I said was going to make her feel better. When she finally calmed down,she had a few questions...
1.Will they put me to sleep?
2.What happens if I toss and turn and fall off the table?
3.Are they going to replace my tonsils and adnoids with smaller ones?
I tried not to laugh when I answered her but her questions were so funny. Poor kid.
She is going to miss a week of school (which was fine with her) and she can't play softball for 2 weeks. She didn't like that part. She said,"What if my team needs me?"
I told her that I was sure that they could handle it until she returned :)She really likes softball and I know it's going to be hard for her to not play for 2 weeks.
She has her pre-op appointment next Thursday and then surgery the following Friday. I will keep everyone posted on how she is doing.Labels: kids
Friday, April 20, 2007
Report Card Day!
The kids brought their report cards home yesterday. As usual,I was very pleased with what I saw. All three of them are doing great!
Jordan,who is in 4th grade,did well this semester. He raised his grade in Math,Reading,Science and Social Studies. He kept right on track with everything else. I am very proud of the hard work that he is putting in. His teacher is also proud of the work that he has been doing. He was having some trouble with Math but he has caught right up. I told him that hard work pays off and it has!
Dakotah,who is in 2nd grade,did well also. She is doing especially well in Reading. She is reading at a 4th grade level! She helps some of the kids in her class who can't read as well. The rest of her grades remain the same - which is a good thing - because they were good in the first place. Her teacher is as proud of her progress in writing. She can't say enough good things about Dakotah. She is a good little helper especially when it comes to a little boy in her class named Connor. He is a special needs child and Dakotah keeps him right by her side and helps him with everything. That's my girl!
Shaelyn,who is in 1st grade,did well too! She is also a great reader. She is reading at a mid 2nd grade level. She also raised a bunch of her effort marks to Excellent! Her teacher said that she is a shining star! She is always there to help out her teacher. She's a teacher's pet - just like her mom was! :) She is making wonderful progress and I am very proud of her.
I have 3 of the smartest kids around :) Then again,I am a little bit prejudiced! In all seriousness they are very intelligent and I am so proud of all of them. I do have to give credit to the school and the teachers. Reynolds is an excellent school and the teachers are wonderful. Kudos to the Bville school district!!! And to my kids :)Labels: kids, school
Cheesy Pup Pup Monster

Hadlei's favorite snack is Cheetos. She calls them "cheesy pup pups". When she eats them they usually end up all over her face. I took this pic of her the other day when we were at her sister's softball practice. It was too cute and I just had to share it!Labels: kids
Monday, April 16, 2007
April Snow Showers

This one is for you,Sheri! Just in case you were feeling homesick,I thought I would show you just what you're missing....6" -18" of snow in the middle of April!!!! Not sure exactly how much Bville has gotten but it's coming down pretty good. And it isn't going to stop anytime soon. The kids were supposed to go back to school today but that's not happening. They're excited - me not so much :) I think that their "spring break" is over. Let the teaching commence!!!
p.s. wish you were here to enjoy this beautiful weather!!!!

Labels: friends, weather
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Batter Up! Part Two

Dakotah had her first softball practice this afternoon. Unlike her sister,she is on an all girls team. It was a little chilly today but that didn't stop her from having a great time.
Dakotah's practice went much like Shaelyn's did. They were taught the basics and then they practiced them a bit. It was almost comical to watch her try to hit the ball. She,too,took out the teeball stand! Her coach was safe :) I wonder if its in the genes? She did well for her first time.
They practiced for almost 1 1/2 hours. When she got in the car she said,"My legs ache. My arms ache. My hands and my feet ache." The poor kid was exhausted. You could just tell by the look on her face. She really did enjoy herself and she can't wait until her next practice.
I'll have to take both girls out and get in some more practice time with them. Kotah actually asked me if I would because she said that she can't throw the ball right and she wants to be ready for her game. She's dedicated already! Yeah Kotah Bear!!!Labels: kids, sports
Finally....It is Done!!!!

After months and months of trying,I finally talked Shae into getting her ears pierced. I thought that she would want to get hers done when she saw that her big sister had gotten it done. Nope! I was wrong! She wanted nothing to do with it. Every time we walked by a place that pierced ears I would ask her and she would say no. I'd ask her why and she said that she was afraid of "the pinch". I tried to explain to her that it would only pinch for a second or two but she didn't care. She wasn't going to do it.
I guess she got tired of me asking her if she wanted to do it because she finally said yes to me a few days ago!! She picked out a pair of gold hearts with a diamond in the center. She sat there like a little trooper and got her ears pierced. She did cry a little after they were done but I think that was because they were still throbbing a bit.
She was so proud of herself. She can't wait until she goes back to school so she can show her friends. She did show them off to her Daddy,Grandma Carla,Big Grandma, Grandma Kathy and Grandma Lynn. And now she wants to show them to you!!!Labels: kids
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Batter Up!

My middle daughter,Shaelyn,had her first softball practice tonite. She is the only girl on her team! She was a little apprehensive about it at first until I told her that she was going to show those boys how to play the game! That was all it took and she was ready to go. She had a blast even though it was cold and windy.
The kids were taught the basics tonite - catching,throwing and hitting. She did great! When it was her turn to bat her coach asked her if she was right-handed and she said yes. She's not,she's left-handed. She took a swing and took out the teeball stand and almost took out her coach. I had to go over and tell her coach that she was left-handed. He said,"That explains alot!" She really had a good time and she can't wait until her first game on April 28th. We have to get in a little practice with her before then so she doesn't hurt anyone when she's up to bat :) Go Shae!!!!Labels: kids
Monday, April 9, 2007
Happy Easter!

I hope that everyone had a very happy Easter! It was a great day for my family and I - although we could have done without the cold,wind and occasional snow flurries! But hey,we live in Central New York so I guess weather like this is in April is no surprise.
The kids got up around 6 a.m. to look for their baskets but I wasn't rolling out of bed that early! I made them wait until I got up around 8 a.m. They had to wait a little longer until their dad got up and their brother returned home from his father's house. So the hunt didn't begin until almost 9 a.m. Poor things - it was pure torture!
It didn't take them long to find their baskets. It's kind of hard to hide them well when you live in an apartment. There are only so many hiding places. Their baskets were chucked full of toys and candy. The Easter Bunny was very good to them :)
We went to my Uncle Todd's house for Easter dinner with the family. Dinner was delicious. And so was the company. I really do have a wonderful family. We always have a good time when we are together. Laughing and joking around are a big part of our time together. They are a great bunch of people and I wouldn't trade them for the world.
It was a nice time had by all. It was definitely a Happy Easter.....Labels: holiday
Friday, April 6, 2007
Trip to the Dentist
I took Dakotah to the dentist this morning to have 2 fillings done. I wasn't quite sure how she would handle it. Thought she might freak out if she saw the needle coming at her. I must say that she handled it like a trooper. She let out a few little squeals when they first gave her the novocaine but then she was fine. I was fully expecting her to cry her eyes out because she is such an emotional kid. She fooled me. She sat there and did everything that she was supposed to do. I was so proud of her. She got to pick a prize when she was done,too.
Now normally when you have novocaine you feel like your mouth is 10 times the size it should be. From my experience,I try not to talk for a while until it starts wearing off because it feels so weird. Not Dakotah!! She ran her mouth non-stop. It was kind of amusing to sit and listen to her because she kept saying that her mouth felt weird but she would keep talking. The child needs a mute button!
All in all the trip to the dentist was a success for her and I am glad that she did such a great job! That's my girl........Labels: kids
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Who Me?

Labels: quiz