Monday, July 30, 2007
They've Got Wheels!
The people next door had a yard sale over the weekend and I was able to get each of the girls a bike. I got them while they were at summer camp so it was a surprise when they got home. Boy,were they excited!

I had to go out and buy training wheels for Shaelyn because she has never ridden a bike before. I thought that Dakotah had learned how to ride a bike while she was in Oregon last summer with her dad but she said that she forgot how. Isn't there some saying about never forgetting how to ride a bike? If so,no one ever told Kotah that! I didn't have to go out and buy her training wheels because some friends of ours down the street had some from their kids.

Hadlei propels herself with her feet. I guess she doesn't like the pedals. Kotah and Shae have gone around the block a few times already. They think they are such big girls because they can do that. Shae fell off her bike the first day and told me that she was never getting on it again. That lasted all of 15 minutes. She is so dramatic.

Unfortunately I couldn't get a bike for Jordan. The only bikes they had at the sale were for girls. He does have one at his dad's (surprise surprise) so now I have to find one for him. One thing I can say for the kid - he isn't embarrassed to ride a girls bike. Hey,whatever works for you! :)

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