Sunday, June 17, 2007
Happy Birthday Gram!

Today we had a birthday/welcome home party for my gram. Technically her birthday was yesterday but we wanted her to have a day where she could rest before we took her out partying :) It was a beautiful day. She was so happy to be with the family. You could just tell by the look on her face. She loved watching the kids play in the pool. We had Frank and Brian home for the day and that made her happy,too.

I love to watch her open cards. She usually tears up at least once. When she opened up mine and Todd's she started to read them and then closed them and said in a choked up voice,"I'll read this when I get home." I can't help but get mushy in my cards to her. I always make her cry.

We are all so happy that she is home where she belongs. She is walking with a walker now and doing well with it. My aunt has been staying with her at nite until she feels comfortable enough to get up on her own. Thank God she was able to be home for her birthday. I got some good pics of everyone today so I'm going to post a few.

People in the pics are as follows: 1st pic is gram(left)and Aunt Gert(right)
2nd pic is my Uncle Brian 3rd pic is my cousin Ryan and Hadlei
4th pic is my Aunt Cynthia and HadleiLabels: family