Sunday, June 10, 2007
Toad-ally Unexpected

I was out in the front yard this afternoon trying to do some yard work when my little helpers came out to see what I was doing. They figured that I needed their help so I put them to work :) The front yard is very dull looking so I bought some mulch and some flowers and am working on one section at a time. I had to pull these huge logs that formed a hexagon shape out of my way so that I could lay the mulch. When I moved them the girls found two toads. They went in and got our empty fish tank and put them in there. Dakotah decided to let Shaelyn's go and just keep hers.(how thoughtful) As I was finishing up my project I look over and see Dakotah carrying the toad! I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I never figured her as one that would like that kind of stuff. Guess I was wrong. She carried that thing around for almost a 1/2 hour. She tried bringing it into the house but I wasn't about to allow that. I told her she had to let it go. She was sad but I told her I would take her picture so that she could remember him. So here are Dakotah and Diego!Labels: kids